Why were people so happy during the 90's?

Why were people so happy during the 90's?

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no wars to speak of
no real threats to america
star trek was still good
star wars was still good
x files was still good
music was awesome
there was this overwhelming feeling that human race wasn't going to go extinct

Bc the government wasn't so overtly trying to fuck them over and everyone got along for the most part. Now white people go outside assuming they're going to be jumped by a group of black teens

Read the BEST Sup Forums based manga series ever

>music was awesome

well he just bought win95.
why don`t you show his face after he tried to install the non-proprietary driver for his graphics card?


decent years

We didn't know any better.

>90s music

we live in the last decades of the western civilisation, the downfall will come upon us.
they lived in more optimistic times

And western comics dying in the early 90s caused degeneracy to decline.

They were blissfully ignorant, they thought the world would stay that way forever.

>mfw there must be hundreds of smug bastards that an heroed when the bubble burst
>mfw seeing the ones that didn't working shitty jobs while I exploit the system

Ignorance is bliss

i've seen this exact same thread with the exact same first two posts at least 10-12 times in the last 5 years.

No keeping up with the Joneses' via social media
Less bills to pay (subscription and data)

>Kids too young to remember anything earlier than late 90s Boybands and Britney Spears

>Multicultarlism wasn't as big of a thing
>More whites/less hispanics
>Race relations were not as bad as they are now
>Political correctness existed but on a much smaller scale
>Movies didn't push gender/race bullshit
>People were hired for their qualifications over their race
>You didn't turn on a newscast and see forced diversity themes or minority newscasters just for the sake of pushing diversity
>Everybody was just happy to be alive
>You could afford a first house with a small down payment and not be in massive debt or have massive payments
>Moving out of your parents basement was easy as fuck
>People weren't in the massive debt they are now
>University education was actually useful but not required and a lot of people just went straight to the work force instead of continuing their studies and going into shit tons of debt, basically if you couldn't afford university you still could be middle class
>Getting a job was much easier, and they paid more relative to the prices
>If you wanted to be successful you knew you could be successful at something

List goes on. There was just a sense of calm, people were just more relaxed and the world was honestly a better place to live in, even for children. Now you send your kids to school and they have to deal with forced diversity training from youth, politically correct halloweens, politically correct christmas events (some schools dont even do the Christmas stuff anymore as it could offend minorities)

The world was so much better. Now kids just sit on their iphones and get socially conditioned from a young age to be cucks and they have to go through basically 17 years of school to even make near minimum wage income and be debt slaves.

Oh, you're one of those guys who likes Pearl Jam

depends on the genre tbqh , 90s music also had kurt cobain so it could be the worse thing ever. But it also had dream theatre , pantera , tool and many more

Pearl Jam is great, fucboi

This guy bought TWO windows 95... i guess he some how knew about windows 8

Damn good Ecstasy?

( Helter Skelter rave , UK , 1998)

Because the internet as we now know it wasn't a thing.


The 90s were a unique period, user. Reagan's disasterous economic policies were finally being reversed, the damage the Baby Boomers were doing wasn't yet apparent, and the internet had not yet bred the SJW.

Meanwhile, we're now left with the fallout of all 3 of those things. It'll probably be decades before we recover from the Reagan-Thatcher rape of the western economy, probably much longer before all the Baby Boomer damage is undone. SJW, however, may be here to stay.

Charles Krauthammer calls the 90's the "holiday from history."

>Notices all the white faces

There's the answer user

Don't forget the mass psychological effect of living in the last decade of a millenium. We literally won't experience that for another one thousand years.

>bad economic policies

pick one cuck

ITT: interesting perspectives

>coon tunes
yeah fuck off niggers

This is pretty much it.

People in the 90's were generally ignorant as fuck and didn't really know any better. They listened to what the TV told them and weren't as connected as they are now.

Underage kiddos wouldn't understand this. There was a lot of shit back then that was taken for granted that turned out to be completely fucking wrong, too.


The last time in my life I was happy was 1996. I can't remember why but I was so happy to be alive.

No cell phones.

>no cell phones
>no internet
If you wanted to talk to a friend you walked to their house and knocked on their door and hope they were home. I hope life becomes like that again

In 95 very few major companies were online. The Internet was still very much a novelty to most. Though there were no cops online either and porn trading was all the rage, any type of porn you wanted.

Not as many Mud-niggers (Moo-slimes) as today. The last time I was happy was September 11 2001, watching those towers burn, after that, everything went to shit rapidly.

I had my own landline in my room separate from my parents. We also had pagers, which were not nearly as annoying and intrusive as cell phones

That must be some hive mind shut because I was the second post.

Even the star trek and star wars thing? I mean it IS true

You could just call them. But that's only if you're at home. If you were out, you were disconnected and free. Now you're always on a leash.

Ignorance is bliss.

I was born in the UK in '91 and lived there until January of 2000 when I moved to the US. 2000's was still basically the nineties. The year and 9 months of living in the US before 9/11 was the happiest I've ever been in my life. I don't think human beings could be happier than I was. Remembering it gives me an almost MDMA-like high.

>Smash mouth on the radio
>Pokemon and cartoons on every morning and afternoon
>24 hour cartoon channels
>Everything dirt cheap in the US, Walmart even cheaper
>Could literally buy a couple action figures a week out of my allowance
>2 dollar packs of Pokemon cards, pretend they were limited edition English ones, flip 2 dollars into 20
>Buying N64 and PS1 games whenever I want for 20 dollars or less
>Gatorade was mind blowing
>Fast food everywhere
>Huge roads to ride a bike or skateboard down

I'd kill to be teleported back in time.

There was internet faggot, just not like it is now. It was more like deep web then, you had to know the url if you wert outside of AOL, Compuserve, etc.

Because you could put a '.com' on the end of anything and sell it the next day for $10 million.

>I was born in the UK in '91
You were 9 when the 90's were over, you don't count. You know nothing about real life in the 90s.

Uhh, kid, you had no idea what was actually going on in the 90's. I was 18 in 1995, we had way, way more freedom then.

>Political correctness existed but on a much smaller scale
>tfw cartoons always had that one chick who said more sensible thing than today's feminists and was used as comedy relief
>ftw today's feminists surpassed the 90's mockery of them and became worse than their own strawman

Nobody gave a shit about Islam or gave it a second of thought.

Well, except for the Serbs and Russians who were killing kebab in Chechnya and Bosnia.

But for the rest of us in the West - we didn't give it a thought. The 90s were an amazingly happy and upbeat decade.

Not quite. Most of the insiders tipped off the major companies to purchase theirs very early on.But if you were lucky enough to grab a domain you could make some money if you were asking a reasonable amount. Some guy tried to extort Wendy's for millions, so they just took a variation of the restaurant name (Wendysofc.com) until he agreed to sell it to them for far less.

I miss Windows 95.

Shitskins werent polluting the internet

Sorry, wendysofh.com, (old fashioned hamburgers)


You can tell who the underage fucks are who were kiddos in the 90s and don't know shit because they say retarded stuff like "muh shitskins"

Krauthymmener...is a kike neocon and is one of the reasons the 2000's and today suck ass....

The Internet back then was like the wild west, an unexplored territory you felt like a frontier back then, now it's the most chick hipster popular thing to be autistic alone.

>mfw used to frequent the www.sportschat.com chatrooms in the late 90s when I was 11
ah the good old days

No fucking social media.

So much this, sand niggers were still far-away animals, not in your house, raping your wife.

As a kid i lived in Florida for while during the mid 90s. I dont want to remember the past because it makes me wanna commit suicide on the spot.

The way thing have changed, the way whites have started to hate themselves turning a blind eye on their decline are creating such a terrible future is just pure torture

Even worse when you are starting to realize what would have to be done to revert things to the way they were and how it will never happen

It was a bit of a blip in human history. A decade of relative peace. The fall of the Soviet Union meant the west had no real enemy to speak of.

There was also a false sense of prosperity due to credit boom etc, combined with the above reason led to a false sense of security.

Then 9/11 happened and woke everyone up.

no 9/11
no sjw's
feminism wasnt about constantly crying about things
there was no persistent attempt by the media to bad mouth the police for doing their jobs
unemployment was lower
gdp growth was higher

>be late 30's
>Western society in the 90's was awesome but forever alone, no money, depressed for all of it
>Now 2016 and for the past 6 years no longer depressed, have money, and having more sex than I'd ever dreamed of but society, as a whole, has turned to utter shit

It's annoying, I want a time machine, so I can go back as the person I am now and make the most of it, unlike before.

The 90s were decent, but the 80s were better. There was more self-pitying music and dark undercurrents creeping into the media in the 90s that I noticed at the time.

>no sjw's

They existed (though they were just called leftists or "politically correct"), but their influence beyond universities was limited.

>feminism wasnt about constantly crying about things

Feminism has always been totally about whining.

It is outstanding how quickly the bubble burst. Like we went from the happiness and optimism to the despair and hoplessness in less than a decade.

I blame connectivity and social media for the most part. All it has done is rapidly overexpose people to absolute bullshit nonstop. It has made everyone opinionated and egotistical arseholes because they are just being fed the shit that they want to believe and are gradually losing their grasp on reality.

Information is democratic now - collective wisdom has proved itself again and again (wikipedia etc...)

90's and early 00's were interesting over here
>twice as many boys being born than girls
>bad grades were a standard
>cheap drugs
>weapons everywhere
>''brick sales''
>old bmw's, mercedes', ugly riced cars driven by tryhards
>10 yr olds riding gileras or tomos lol
>gypsies running wild
>rotting commie blocks

Generally people were dissapointed with their lives. They hoped for better times in the new country

underrated post

Because the world was only getting better and better and people would live longer and longer and be richer and richer and when I grow up we'll have flying cars.

What went wrong?

Creativity was actually encouraged, and not the Deviant Art bullshit idea of creativity either.

Notice everyone doodled on paper all the time when bored. I did it all the time in school. Sometimes took blank paper just to draw anything from boats to trains to city skylines. Remember your teacher telling you to stop drawing and pay attention, but later telling you that you have a gift?

True. I first started getting worried about the future after 9/11 and seriously worried in 2008 with the financial crisis, which has never really gone away. And our governments seem to be run by evil people who openly hate us -- at least they tried to hide that hatred until the past 5-10 years.

meant to say 'literal bricks' not drugs

I hate to say it but ignorance. The rest of the planet was just as shit back then as it is today, the Western world just didn't give nearly as much of a fuck. I am Serbian and I can tell you the 90's were not a happy time for us!

Always a bit surreal most people here in Canada have no fucking clue what Yugoslavia was / have no idea the war happened.

SJWs were laughed at, though. They were the kind that would mention "You can't hug animals with nuclear arms" and "I'm a woman, hear me roar."

It was a time when humanity was at arms reach from each other, so we only shared the best we had to offer each other, looking to impress our respective cultures with what we had, and enjoy the experiences others offered us. You had to work to get those experiences too, the Internet was not nearly as ubiquitous and travel across continents was relatively expensive, but there was a much greater sense of security and self assurance; you weren't going to get blown up at the airport by some radical extremist. But then 9/11 happened and everything was ruined forever. Humanity will never have that sense of optimism and boundless expectation. At least not in our lifetimes.

>Serbian in the 90s

>people saw star trek as the future in the 90s
>present times people now view it as that the road movie

>SJWs were laughed at, though.

In most places. I was at University of Toronto in early 90s and SJWs were taken seriously on campus, though there was no open persecution of right-wing students and professors (who were a minority even then, however). The rest of society thought that left-wing radicals were a pain in the ass.

The best way to look at the situation of a nation is to look at culture.

90's were cheesy and optimistic as fuck.

Now notice that how post 2008 there was an obsession with "dark, gritty realism". It's telling that it's considered realism to be in a dark and pessimistic world, in comparison to the 90's where it was all happy.

>we beat the evil russkies
>I'm sure this is because we were so awesome with democracy, liberalism, capitalism and stuff
>let's implement even more of those things!
Look how that turned out, huh.

You guys started the destruction of Western society decades ago by exporting Marxist intellectuals from Europe to the US and funding KGB subversion of our core institutions.


Nazis pushed those intellectuals out. America took them in. And then sent them back with a vengeance. Ever since '45 America's influence on Europe has been degenerate.

>Nazis pushed those intellectuals out.

Right, because they were inspired and in some cases funded by the Communist USSR.

>Ever since '45 America's influence on Europe has been degenerate.

Don't disagree with that, but the degeneracy was not innately American. The US existed for 150 years before it started going off the rails.

Because you millennial cunts hadnt learned to speak yet

The early 90's sucked, not many jobs and paid shit. Starting around 96 when the Web became more of a thing, jobs started paying on average $5-$10 more an hour.

It was really the last time thete was a broad based inflation in salaries.

>Serbian in the 90s
I'm so sorry. I don't think I'll complain about shit anymore.

They weren't as I recall.

because tcp\ip nigga

>The '80s was better
>It's just like it now except slightly less degenerate

The pathetic thing is that millennials are trying to emulate the '80s because they're devoid of any originality. The '80s, as far as degeneracy is concerned, is right up there with the late '60s and '70s. In fact the '90s was when like a time slip, everything since 2000 has just been a continuation of the '80s, it's like they realised that during the '90s, which was massively peaceful and people were actually getting along, simply wouldn't do. I mean if we just let people live peacefully side by side, what purpose would the left have then with nothing to complain about? How could those poor innocent Jews make vast profits from war when there isn't any? Something has to change, enter 9/11. Muslims are suddenly our enemy and there's more wars than you can shake a shitty stick at.

TO be quite honest guys,

It was the best time to be a minority, race relations were in tip top shape save for the OJ case ,but as a black kid who grew up on Nirvana, Tupac, and Backstreet boyz ( fuck you /pol) racism never crossed my mind, and whites and my family got along extremely well.

now, you're just a nigger and that's all you'll ever be.

drug testing hadn't become main stream in the work place yet

I'm an attorney, and unless you work for a large corporation, there is no drug testing. I've never heard of a firm that drug tests.

Faggots/SJW's/niggers knew their places and weren't such uptight cunts about every single thing.

Because the jews mission to introduce atheism to the western world slowly started to work

Underrated post.

Better chances at making it economically, no 24/7 fear-mongering media at the level it's at today, race relations were peaceful, and people were more active and social. Attention spans weren't anywhere near as short as they are now. Look at old magazines, newspapers, or comics. The ads will have actual words, and lots of them! Today's kids would be too bored and unimaginative to read through them. People dressed a lot more conservatively than now. It's shocking to look back and then look at how degenerate people look today.

It wasn't perfect for sure, though. Looking back at how your only source of information was the jewish-controlled tv is pretty scary. The food had toxic pesticides in it, but genetically it wasn't fucked up at least. Culturally, political correctness was rising. You had the assault weapons ban, NAFTA, the dissolution of Glass-Steagal, the war in Bosnia, the Oklahoma City bombing to try to shut down militia groups, and by the end of the decade the effects of massive mergers and globalism were starting to show themselves.

I'd take some parts back and leave others. Infrastructure wasn't as great back then for example. Cell phones? I don't feel obligated to answer if I don't want to. If you need an alibi, you can say you were driving, in the shower, at dinner, whatever. The way music is consumed is a lot different. You can freely explore a lot more stuff without having to gamble on a $15 cd and it's not just whatever the top 40 stations were playing. Society is a lot more open source, but the prevailing culture is towards the lowest common denominator.

I miss the days without cellphones and social media.

>People dressed a lot more conservatively than now.

This. I wish i could wear a 3 piece suit and a nice hat casually without feeling autistic.