What love advice would you give to your 14 year old self?

What love advice would you give to your 14 year old self?

Get trips
>trips get

lose weight, don't be such an annoying cunt, fuck that bitch 3 years from now, don't move for a ldr, and for fucks sake don't quit college

None of it will matter, none of it will make you happy. Don't get hung up on stupid social bullshit.

>>Never had sex or was in love
>>says love wont make you happy

Look . . . they all turn out to nut-bars in the end. just find one that isn't a complete cheating, lying whore.

Like your next 2 girlfriends are going to be.

>kill yourself before it's too late

You have some serious potential. If you waste it, you'll end up hating yourself. It's so easy to give up and so hard to try again. Put your foot down and don't slow down!

Cut ya fucking hair you greasy emo, you'd get laid fair easier

>lose weight
no need to read more

fuck as many girls in high school as you can. you only have 4 years go do it.

Dude, I know she's pretty and she actually asks you to finger her pussy, but this time don't. She's only six.

cash your mum outside and make 10k a day afterwards

eh true, i lost weight a few years later, it would have helped if I'd lost it earlier though.

2pac will be dead in a couple of months. Go and his cds autographed because they'll skyrocket in value.

>make the first move you beta

I never made the move and she moved on.

fuck all the bitches and ignore the voice in the back of your head

Buy a fucking house in your early 20's instead of pissing the money away on beer, it'll be a better life when you're older!

Stop being such a faggot.

That blonde girl in biology class... the one you trade disgusting sexual remarks back and forth with? Yeah... she'll really do those things, she wants you, you pussy. And she really will pee in your mouth. Take the opportunity. But do it now. In6 years she'll be an unfuckable hambeast.

Buy Bitcoin.

Nah, you'd get a shit house and/or a shit interest rate buying a house a 20 y/o.

Dude I still kick myself in the ass for this one. I was aware of bitcoin when it was a few dollars. I could be rich. =(

try harder to kill yourself before you end up stuck with 2 kids and a wife

don't reject that kiss

Giving advice on love to a 14 year old is like giving driving lessons to a puppy. They'll smile and nod and try to make you proud. The moment you turn your back it's a disaster.

in a few weeks you will get offered a bj from the hottest girl in school ...................she will move away the day after .................so take it or you will regret it forever .

Fuckem all right in the pussy. You're a good looking guy.

Stick your dick into anything and everything that may or may not be willing

Melanie has herpes.

Let many adult men fuck you and then extort them for tons of cash. Invest it in something called google.

femanon or faganon

Get the money before you start sucking

Go patent that timetravelmachine before that dickhead gets it. Youll be rich

This is all truth. We all long for a girl, it's in our instinct. Might not be "the ultimate happiness", but its a vital part of life and nobody can deny that.

femanon or fag user

Poor non fag user

ever see a man sad while slaying highschool pussy

Dont date the attention seeking, mentally scarred, ungrateful Venezuelan chick and lose your virginity to that retard

Switch to German, you will never use French after high school

better than half the virgins on here

good timing you picked. 14. i'd tell myself to go for a deep friendship first with my special someone. she is and will always be the one that got away. best would be to somehow manipulate my younger self to have more confidence in that area, since in retrospect there really were no reason why i should not have had more of that. Plus I'd totally have told myself about a few technologies to get into before the curve. money is nice, but if i had to choose only one i'd pick her over advance technical knowledge. I'm that much of a sap.

In 5 years when she gives you an ice cream, don't take it; you'll regret it 4 years later. Also learn how to fuck, seriously.
Oh and stop feeling guilty and take every opportunity you get, that way you won't be a complete virgin when you met her