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Truthfully, I never understood why people liked him. All he did was being annoying in his videos.

>playing vidya
Jesus Christ can you believe this fucked generation and how it wastes time, I can't imagine a bigger bunch of useless brain-in-jar pseudo-alive meaningless eat--
>watching others playing vidya
Well I'll be fucked

Why does anyone care about this? Do we need like 5 threads about this shit at all times?

This...I just never understood his appeal, racist or not.

When someone says "nigger" online without consent from the entire black populace.


People defending pewdiepie with ‘it’s just a word chill’…It’s almost as if…Words have meaning??
Mum told me she loved me today, it’s just a word i gotta chill apparently, I mean nothing to her.

when did "sticks and stones" stop being a thing. Was it after I left kindergarten?

His commentary on video games he played was banal as fuck.

You are right half right. You do mean nothing to your mother you fucking faggot

Nobody but emotionally fragile people actually care. If you're offended by a word and you can't help but be triggered to violence by a fucking word, you're a subhuman manchild piece of actual shit and nobody need tske a subhumans opinion into consideration.
>fuck white people!
No, fuck niggers.
Freedom of speech is legal. Assault is not legal. Niggers can't comprehend this which is why they fill the prisons, and why it's rare for them to be at the heads of civilization. Niggers suck at being civil. They can't even handle a single word for fucks sake

Pewdiepie is fucking trash and fuck you if you defend him.

I told a girl I loved her when I was just in it for the sex. It is just words faggot.

Aww poor little offended nigger wants the big bad word speakers to go away! Too bad. This is America, nigger. We can say nigger all we like because it is our constitutional right. Grow the fuck up and learn to deal with it with civility you fucking nigger


Pewdiepie saying the n word wasn’t a mistake or accident lmfao for a slur like that to slip out and for him to LAUGH ABOUT IT? you know he uses it even when he’s not ‘mad’. There’s no excuse. Quit acting like it’s “human nature to make mistakes”. He’s a racist asshole and it’s time for him to go down for it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Shut the fuck up you weak minded nigger. You're a bigger piece of shit for trying to censor somebody's freedom of expression. Fact.


Well that "racist idiot" made enough money to literally buy a small island somewhere in the southern sea and just live in paradise for the rest of his days, so why should he care

When did Sup Forums become a bunch of thin-skinned, wannabe offended faggots?

When did the world become a bunch of thin-skinned faggots offended by every shit someone says?

We Regret to Inform You That The Person Being Racist Ironically Is In Fact Just Racist

Like literally people even write "N word" instead of the actual word. How dumb do you have to be to censor yourself so bad?

Where the the fuck do you think you are?
This is Sup Forums.
We point at niggers dying of ebola-aids and call it a good time!

ITT; white folk upset about a white man saying nigger, meanwhile niggers are out their saving sneakers lives!

I live under a rock.


he is not racist because he said "nigger", he is just reckless idiot who can't control himself, but not a racist.

this is why we shouldn't let white people have freedom of expression

No he was just stating the obvious; it was a nigger move to shoot Brad like that. Even black people agree

Who cares? Live life, goddamn it!

pewdiepie is racist garbage and anyone who supports him is a racist apologist

nigger nigger nigger nigger fucking nigger nigger nigger

Bet you watch sports without seeing your own hipocrisy.

He’s literally Hitler reborn

so what, we don't care being called racists anymore..

Good times, finally we can use all the words we want, don't care about pussies like you

No, when your watching sports your watching freaks of nature pergorming at the highest level possible.
Im a fan of MMA and boxing, you don't see me trying to fight with people in a cage do you?

LISTEN, if you’re not part of black community, you got now fucking right to debate this if it’s offensive or not, you don’t have the right to decide if it’s okay or not to say that, stop trying to defend racist celebrities, it’s not okay, it’s 2017, wake the fuck up

>wake up
I will whenever most those snowflakes admit niggers commit most the crime in the US.

tumblr is taking down Sup Forums

If you don't beilieve me then go to any ghetto at night.
Have fun

Can't blame America this time, Europe.

Remind me how many black people live in Sweden again?

Wait, pewdiepie said the n-word now???

What’s the excuse for him not being racist now


for one the word niger is black in greek look at a map of africa it is written multiple times across it.
also negro in spanish means black look at a can of paint in any country you will see the word negro written on it.
its not racist black people are black in any language from thousands of years back


>fucks a white Italian model
>hates niggers

My kinda lad.

so what someone say nigger, it is just a word.
and fuck all niggers who gets so offended like you've just murdered a family member of theirs because of the words ''meaning''- shut the fuck up the word has no meaning what so ever too you.
i can understand if your ancestors from centuries ago was offended by the word nigger, but if it werent for us white americans bringing those ancestors of yours here in the first place then you all would be starving to death in some disease ridden shithole someplace in africa today, and america would be a much better and happier place for us civilized, white people.

Also you ever wondered why people use the word nigger as a word of abuse all the time? it's because how all of you fucking apes act

how can PDP be racist if he identifies as a black woman?



wtf i love pewdiepie now

FYI he's not an American. Only in America the word nigger is slur.

not surprised that literally every 3 out of 4 are ppl defending him lmfao go rot in hell all y'all racists

I think the people defending pewdiepie right now are people who are surrounded by folks who casually drop the n-word at such a rate that they are desensitized to it.

And that really gives you a peek into his fan base.

pewdiepie said and did anti-semitic shit, and people defended him
pewdiepie said the n word and people are still fucking defending him
i swear to fucking god, rich white men continue to get away with everything

Getting away with saying a word? Is this actually nazi Germany?

this is an actual post on Sup Forums in the year of our lord 2k17

He's not racist. Niggers are not a race.

>rich white men continue to get away with everything
That's just one of the perks for creating modern civilization.


All this controversy is proving, is that Pewdiepie is and always has been shit. He was shit when I was a teen, and he's shit now.

Can we stop defending Pewdiepie? Shit’s getting real old.

Whatever you say, nigger

Oh look, loads of people rushing to defend a famous white youtuber for saying the n word.

That son of a bitch could kill a man on camera and y'all would still travel further up his ass to protect your “precious baby uwu”

Do they even nigger?

I thought Sup Forums loved being unironically racist. Why are some of you against him?

Go back the your tumblr/reddit/roblo safespace you SJW cucks

The racism here is both ironic and unironic, If I had to guess its probably like 90% unironic racism and 10% ironic racism. Probably still less than pol though.

Fuck off btw nig nog


We should start #sayNwordforPEWDS
And see how the hell unleashes.

pewdiepie is a nigger


u a redditor? xD

i can tell m8

Who would be that stupid to fall for that? Why are you so stupid for thinking that? Stupid, stop being so stupidly stupid. Stupid.

Can we just all agree he's a talentless sack of crap and stop paying attention to him?

Pewds is conflicted about his secret love for black cock, that's why in his moment of sexual frustration he said the n word

Shit you are taking things too seriously



>Why does anyone care about this?

We don't. It's one autistic reddit fag posting these 5 times a minute and bots from the democrats who are still mad about the election

>Do we need like 5 threads about this shit at all times?

apparently we do because mods will never ban these shills

The word nigger is only racist in america, in europe its normal

It's almost like racist assholes can't deal with being called racist assholes, how about that.

Yeah, because saying a word makes you racist. Jesus fucking christ, how can people be this god damn stupid? The fucking mental incompetence of humans is baffling.

Just because Pewdiepie is racist doesn't mean he has no flaws.

to be fair sandniggers are fucking up his home country really bad

If you don't understand how the word nigger makes black people feel you don't have empathy.

Then why do they call each other it?

Idubbztv says nigger all the time. Who cares?

shut up,nigger.

Nice tumblr image, retard

niggers have no feelings.

Because they don't use it to dehumanize each other.

yeah. theyre a bunch of people who dont over react when someone calls them an outdated word. unlike special snowflakes that would literally break apart with a word nigger


ooohh edge lord here. showing what he like or dislikes is important oooh super alpha move oooh

No, he only become racist after he browsed Sup Forums and got red-pilled.

as old as Uncle Remus

>>dont like being called nigger
Dont be one then

Pewdiepie looks like he would try some cock if nobody would know about it

Shut up nigger if you really cared if words hurt you, you wouldnt be on Sup Forums faggot

hes swedish of course hes hates Niggers he see's what they are doing to his country