B/tards do you realize that smoking weed is a nigger thing?

b/tards do you realize that smoking weed is a nigger thing?




its a wigger thing as well.

no it isn't, niggers just culturally appropriated it
t. PewDiePie

initially was a hippie thing before it became a nigger thing.

get jobs, both of you

Hipies arent dead.

Well most niggers are cooler than people like you, and weed is Fucking delicious.

I`m too high to argue against that, but in first place it`s a fun thing.

Im just wondering what the fuck that roach is supposed to be made of

Are you 12? Weed is for kids. You'll grow up eventually

Actually I'm 30, a Father, I work two jobs one full one part time, I have my degree, and I make six figures a year. Fuck you champ. :D

Niggers live. should all white people stop living?

Meh. In Cali all kinds of people smoke. It's not that bad, but it's also not great for motivation. I'm a better person when I don't smoke it. I think it is kind of selfish and more of a short term pleasure rather than a long term quality of life.

weed is really not that great at all

How about, your mom is a nigger thing?!

No but wasting good weed with that shit-tier drug tobacco is most certainly a nigger thing.

how do i become a nuggat?

do you realize no one cares what you think?