The best view on religion is being agnostic, who the fuck are we to say if there is or isnt god...

The best view on religion is being agnostic, who the fuck are we to say if there is or isnt god, some of the brightest minds couldnt say with certainty about the existence of god

I'm an atheist because even if you handed me proof that we were created by and/or that our lives are controlled by said being, I still wouldn't worship it.

Agnostic atheist here, feels good and scientifically just

Agnostics are basically the religious version of a political fence sitter. They also generally let that apathy leak into other areas of their lives.

So, you would knowingly and willingly go to hell? Why?

Both words are Greek,
Agnostic = a(not) and gnostic(knowing),
Theism = theos(God) and ism(event/happening surrounding the first word)

Has anyone in modern times seen or touched god?
Has god ever been recorded on any sort of medium that could be replayed?
Since the invention of smart phone the amount of settings of ufo's and big foot have gone down 85%.
There is no god

Not him, but depending on the god concept and hell concept, going to hell could be the only morally correct thing to do.

Gnostic Theist, according to the scale. However, I'm not religious.

Except morals are outlined by religion. YOUR morals dont matter, only the morals you were told to have. This is a problem with a lot of modern Christianity where the religion has "evolved" to "fit in" with modern society. Except right there in the Bible it says "This is the word of God, and His word never changes" So you end up with abortion supporting Christians, divorce supporting Christians, Christians with Tattoos and organ donors, etc

Religion doesnt exist to conform to your world view. You conform to ITS teachings

>Except morals are outlined by religion.
There are morals outlined by religion, yes.
>YOUR morals dont matter
Says who?
>only the morals you were told to have
> This is a problem with a lot of modern Christianity where the religion has "evolved" to "fit in" with modern society.
The religions that survive are the ones that can adapt to a changing environment.
>So you end up with abortion supporting Christians, divorce supporting Christians, Christians with Tattoos and organ donors, etc
And Christians supporting the abolishing of slavery, even though the Bible clearly allows it.
>You conform to ITS teachings

So you know there's a God?

Very much this. I always kind of chuckle when you hear Christians talking about how loving and accepting Jesus was. Always turn the other cheek. Accept everyone and everything...

Except that really misses the point of what Jesus taught. He and his Apostles preached more on war and Hell that the Old Testament ever taught. Same thing with homosexuality. "Jesus would have accepted it, thats all Old Testament stuff that doesnt matter after Jesus"... The fuck it is. Homosexuality is mentioned multiple times in the New Testament... but thats not convenient to the modern western world

I wonder how many church going Christians will wake up in Hell some day and wonder what they did wrong. Perhaps they shouldnt have been listening to Politicians and Sunday morning TV preachers and read the Bible themselves

I'm certain.


What caused that?

How conveniently hilarious everything can be.

>Says who?
Because he is God and its not up for debate or conversation
>The religions that survive are the ones that can adapt to a changing environment.
The problem with that is that the Bible very clearly says that is not allowed.
Because you dont have a choice. You obey or burn in Hell


Fence sitting faggot. You give the following beliefs equal weight. A) there are no gods. B) there is a god as outlined in the ancient texts of Judaism. C) there is a 900 foot tall invisible zombie golem made of dead cats and has a single all seeing eye that is actually a giant artichoke, and he lives on Mars and rules the universe telepathically.


The best view is actually ignostic (yes with an i) because denying that there is something else apart from this physical universe and somewhere where it came from is pretty dumb. For an ignostic there's something else that exists but he doesn't claim to know exactly what it is or how it works. The thing that is "out there", whatever it is, be it a God, a system, an algorithm, a simulation, whatever still lacks a proper explanation.

Assuming that's true, what makes God right?
>Because he is God and its not up for debate or conversation
Clearly it is.
>The problem with that is that the Bible very clearly says that is not allowed.
It doesn't. The Bible outlines the rules of who you can enslave and how you can treat your slaves.
>You obey or burn in Hell
That sounds like a choice, albeit a brutal one that reminds me of what an evil dictator would present. Like I said, the only morally correct choice might be to go to hell.

What the fuck are you saying, take care of yourself man

I disagree, an agnostic can pretty well be a person who doesn't care if there's a God or not because that knowledge doesn't affect his life in any way and he chooses to spend energy thinking about more worthwhile topics where there are actually some answers.

educate yourself user

Antitheist here, fuck religion, we should be smarter now

These idiots won't edit my country's words.
Fuck them

Hnnnng I'm just scared of death and try to hide my misery by saying their isn't a god but I want god.

Gay. Nut up or shut up. Atheism ftw!

I wouldn't say I'm a "gnostic atheist" (yes, we cannot REALLY know, chill out agnostics), but there is NO evidence for a god.

Acting like it's a possibility by fence-sitting is truly just about trying not to disagree with anyone or hurt anyone's feelings. It's not about your actual belief.

You (and vast majority of other normie subhuman imbeciles) forgot one thing
agnostics are just retarded wannabe realists

This or maybe it's just indoctrication of kids.

Death is literally nothing to be afraid of.

>Assuming that's true, what makes God right?
He is your Creator and owner of your eternal spirit.
>Clearly it is.
You only think that because you have yet to be judged.
>It doesn't. The Bible outlines the rules of who you can enslave and how you can treat your slaves.
I know you are being snarky but

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. - Hebrews 13:8
>That sounds like a choice, albeit a brutal one that reminds me of what an evil dictator would present. Like I said, the only morally correct choice might be to go to hell.
You have free will to make your choice. Not many people would choose an eternity of torture and pain however

You can scientifically say "negative can't be proven", right?

It is if you havent lived a proper life

Well, neither can be proven, but it's clear where the burden of proof lies.

>He is your Creator
>owner of your eternal spirit.
By what right? I don't recognize the right of anyone else to own me.
>You only think that because you have yet to be judged.
So I could not continue to think that if I had been judged?
>Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Then Jesus is fine with outlining the rules of who you can enslave and how you can treat your slaves as outlined in the Old Testament. Even the New Testament tells slaves to obey their masters.
>Not many people would choose an eternity of torture and pain however
It takes strength of character to stand up to a tyrant. I think I would be in good company.

don't even bother replying to these thread as they are filled with 100 IQ idiots who cant mentally grasp the idea of logic and reason - or apply it

Negatives can't be proven, only positives can.
Agnostic atheism seems quite just scientifically and logically in general.
What go you say?

It isn't even if you haven't.

I tell myself that but its all still scary, I'm gonna miss so much human progress man *,~,*

Do* of course

6.9/7-gnostic atheism

>By what right? I don't recognize the right of anyone else to own me.
Again, it really doesnt matter what you think, feel, or want. You dont get to make those choices, He does.
>So I could not continue to think that if I had been judged?
Once you are judged nothing else will matter. You will either ascend to Heaven or descend to Hell. That is final.
>Then Jesus is fine with outlining the rules of who you can enslave and how you can treat your slaves as outlined in the Old Testament. Even the New Testament tells slaves to obey their masters.
We are all slaves or masters whether you know it or not.
>It takes strength of character to stand up to a tyrant. I think I would be in good company.
If you actually think that, you will be in the place you belong for eternity.

>Negatives can't be proven
While a common saying, it is not actually correct. Some negatives can be proven.

Waiting example.

>The best view on religion is being agnostic
everyone is agnostic. Your gnosticism doesnt address what your beliefs are but whether or not you're a liar,

Smartly said

If that's the case would it be logical to fear death? I mean let it control every aspect of your life like a god would. I see no difference between atheists and Theists. All of you look for meaning in life and let your "intelect" or your "faith" be your main influence in making choices in everyday life.

Actually, you're a god.

>You can't prove a negative

That's just some dumb shit that people hear, think it sounds smart, and then repeat it thinking they will appear smart as well. It's like when people say "the US is not a democracy, it's a republic", as if those two things are mutually exclusive.

Who cares.
Where's the example if proving a negative?

>You dont get to make those choices, He does.
Why? Because he's more powerful than me? Might makes right?
>Once you are judged nothing else will matter. You will either ascend to Heaven or descend to Hell. That is final.
Are people in heaven or hell unable to think?
>We are all slaves or masters whether you know it or not.
I don't agree, and if I ever discover that I'm a slave, the correct action is to attempt to free myself.
>If you actually think that, you will be in the place you belong for eternity.
In a certain sense, I would agree. It is better to rot in the gulag of the evil dictator than to live the easy life of the collaborator.



>a negative
>a positive
I'm full blown atheist but wtf are you talking about?

There are no square circles.
There are no married bachelors.

You can prove a negative by showing it to be impossible.

I am Gnostic, but i'm not referring to your use of the term. I'm referring to Gnosticism

I'm not sure this is legit

It is not.

It is.
How do you figure? Proof of impossibility is legit.

You almost got me with these, but, then I thought why would you bring social constructs to the table of physics, thanks for the brain food though

Where did I mention anything about physics? I'm just talking about logic.

It's not logical to relate these things

I don't understand your meaning.

It's not logical to relate a discussion of proving a negative with common Sense on social (?)/human (?) Constructs

It is perfectly logical, as it is an example of proving a negative.

Ok, can someone prove there's no aliens in the universe? Answer this.

Human intelligence is only relative to humans therefore we are all stupid compared to the universe in which we inhabit all pray to Ze'noop destroyer of stars the immortal god emperor

Not to my knowledge. Such a proof would require complete understanding of reality, which is not feasible.

You'll remember that all I said was "some negatives can be proven" not that they all can.

You're breaking all your logical structure, brick by brick.
I can't keep up, thanks though, we're all faggots under the triforce

>You're breaking all your logical structure, brick by brick.
Do explain how.
>I can't keep up
If you're having trouble understanding how logic works, I'm willing to help.

Nahh, we're good

OP's post lacks the Z axis, which is kinda the most important thing about agnosticism.

4D axis: It is not possible to know whether or not it is possible to know vs it is possible to know whether or not it is possible to know