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same question. if you squeeze them white stuff comes out like a black head.

Maybe our dicks are oily?

an injured penor

your dildo was used with silicon lube. It eats it away. byby dildo.

I thought they were hair follicles

idk dude. try squeezing it like a pimple or a black head and see. dont have to hard btw

Ulcers: ulcers appear as craters on the skin and represent a full-thickness loss of skin (epidermis). There is frequently a crust, clear liquid (serum) or pus in the crater.

worms burrrowing into your penis


oil under the skin. no biggy

Vienna sausage?

That's your dick dumbass

What's that damn crease? Looks liked you wrapped your dick in pimento loaf with the pimentos pucked out.

It's a female to male "neopenis"
A slab of meat from the thigh turned into a piss tube.

principle of trypophobia

Looks like a deep fried battered sausage, but not a good one.

its obviously aids

nerve gas

Sponge dick

That's so gross

Pitted kyralolysis in the dick

their pores in your skin, I have a few smaller ones on my D as well sadly. but they arnt as nasty as yours, and not as money. the weird line line im not really sure about, skin is just weird in some places of human body. youre fine, no infection or anything. you just got an ugly dick. sorry bro