Hey guy Pewds here why is everyone so mad at me for saying nigger?

Hey guy Pewds here why is everyone so mad at me for saying nigger?

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Nice fuckin time stamp bro

He didnt say the n word he said "nibber"

Only niggers who have never call another nigger a nigger are mad. Those are the few niggers that are mute from birth...

The rest is just media hype from butthurt niggers....

>not mad at all

because you have to be one to say it, other wise it is racist.


Dude stop!!! You just did it again!!!!

Couldn't give two shits to him saying anything

>you have to be one to say it, other wise it is racist
lmao, that's fucking retarded
but then again, that's america, a country full of retards

Hopefully not completely full of retards. I'm white, will fuck anyone dumb enough to fuck me regardless of race, and also realize that saying nigger doesn't cause the world to end. Maybe this dumbass fuckin country still has a chance?

im not mad bro

You can't call me a heeb but we call each other heebs. There are things which you can only say with jokingly or with great familiarity. If you call your friend a nigger he better know you mean it affectionately. It's like calling someone a cuck only you're implying it across an entire race. Of course they're going to get mad.
There is a reason why Quentin Tarantino is a white man who can use the word nigger without being attacked. Great familiarity and context.

>tell people on social media to grow up and get over words
>"Hurr don't tell people what words cannot hurt them! Let me tell you what you're suppose to do!"
Fuck off with yourselves. You're not being holy by arguing with me, it's a fucking word that no longer has any meaning, the only power it has is what you give it. Grow the fuck up.

That is the best counter argument.

Them: "It's such a bad word, no one should say it."
Me: "Okay, I'll be sure to quote this to every black person I see saying it."
Them: "Now hold on...."

It's all about context. Of course you as a white person can use the word nigger, but you can only do so under very specific circumstances. youtu.be/gfNhiRGQ-js

Because millions of kids watch you, you fucking unfunny manboi

That's the other thing I have a problem with. People who think the word is offensive/hateful should be upset anytime it's used, regardless of context. If it's okay to say it as a joke, then there shouldn't be any problem saying it in anger at a damn video game.

Nope, as it turns out, as a white person I am able to say nigger whenever the fuck I want. There is literally nothing preventing me from doing so. I just now said nigger. And I just said nigger again. I just walked into the kitchen and said nigger again. Now I'm in the hall, saying nigger. I'm on the balcony now... I said nigger and it echoed against the other building. Yeah, sure enough, I can say nigger regardless of the circumstances.

Mr noodle guy here. Time Stamp checks out.

Cuz you blond white eyes

cause its racist and spreading ideas that goes against the concept of equality is what degenerates do

There will never be true equality because I refuse to ever acknowledge that someone as fucking stupid as you is my equal.

because you should've said nigger faggot instead.

only a kid could find his shit funny

You can't say the nigger word.

That's a protected species!

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger times infinity who gives a fuck it's just a word you dumb niggers get the fuck over it jesus christ

Dumb nigger


hey noodle : DDD

>I can say nigger regardless of circumstances.

While not untrue, a more accurate statement would be to say that under the circumstances of being face to face with a nigger you would never say nigger because you're a pussy.

Also I am not a nigger, just another whitey who thinks all of this shit is beyond ignorant and never makes any forward progress. As if it even matters...

I oppressed 6 families today by saying the word nigger today. now they can't put food on the table because they can't stop snorting cocaine off of each other's dicks.

>would never say nigger to a nigger

Have actually called a black person acting like a nigger a nigger. Have also called a Hispanic a wetback for acting like one. Have also called whities cracker/trash/honky/etc when they acted like it. I am not afraid to tell the fuckin garbage that they are acting like garbage, and I will say it to their face.

I'd wager that they can't put food on the table because there was no easy food available for them to steal...

As far as the oppression goes I wonder what's more triggering,

Pewdienigger saying "nigger" to a stream of a million niggers?


A million police adopting "pewdienigger" as the standard operating procedure for a routine traffic stop involving a nigger?

I guess you must find yourself talking to mirrors alot then.

I see someone could use some chicken!!!!

another day, another code pewdienigger

I'm proud of you

Fuck me sideways... my 11 year old autistic nephew comes up with better jabs than that. That was seriously some 3rd grade content you just spewed. Is that really all the better you can come up with? I promise you this... Your parents have regretted not aborting you more often than they've been proud of you.

We've got a report of a quadruple pewdienigger at the intersection of 49th st. and Martin Luther King ave.

Alleged suspects repeatedly reached for the officers firearm while mumbling what sounded like "gibs me dat".

Open and shut case, promote the officers involved and throw a nice party down at the station with a decorative vanilla sheet cake from Kroger.

Seems like you could use a beer good sir.


Cuz ur a normiefag that no none-normie on the internet likes. Also clickbait, Fake screaming, stealing kids money by pretending to be their god or some shit (abusing the power of beeing an idol), unresponsible behaviour to kids (teaching major insults etc.) etc. oh and in general responsible for one of the most shitty "communities" out there. That's basicly why cuz when ur sayin stuff like that, you basicly ask for beeing made fun of, so you deserve it.

Niggers are so touchy


Ahhh so you were on the internet and you called them that you are the litteral embodyment of Sup Forums and I love/hate you

I dare you to say it at work in front of black employees.


he says Nibba regularly.
He said "That fucking nigger" in frustration during his stream some 4-5 days ago.

i'd rather not touch one tho