So my mother just told me that I hold her back in her life...

So my mother just told me that I hold her back in her life. I'm not one for sensitive things but why did this really hurt me...I feel like seriously killing myself to make her life easier. I have nowhere to go and can't exactly live on the streets...What do /bros?

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How did that happen?
Explain the events/situation that led her to say that to you.

That would hurt anyone. She's a horrible mother who can't manage her life so you're getting the blame. Now you know you need to do what's right for you...she can't be fully trusted anymore. Don't move out until it suits your needs.

Nothing happened, she just sort of said it while we were talking and it turned into an argument. I'm a college student, I cook, I clean, I'm not lazy and some how it's just not enough.

Its because it is true but you have to realise that all kids hold there parents back. your mother is to selfish to accept this fact

Also she is a cunt

From what aspirations or goals are you supposedly holding her back?

You're a leach.
You do fucking nothing.
Get a job, pay rent.
You're posting on Sup Forums for advice instead of talking to friends about it. WHAT'S THAT? YOU DON'T HAVE FRIENDS? What a fucking shocker.
Sup Forums is the little corner of internet for little degenerate human rats like you to congregate in and squeak to other rats about memes and "jews" keeping you down.
Neck yourself.

Shes feels shitty about not making her life good and adventerous. Not your fault she has no drive to make her life better
/feel better

Whatever dude, she's just a resource basically. Don't let it get to you. She seems abusive.

Man you sound like a bitch lol. Don't listen to retards like this OP...

This. She had a reproductive urge or you were an accident and she did not deal with it. Either way you can only prove her wrong by becoming independent yourself.

Once you are a parent your life is about helping that child that's it


I don't know exactly, as you can imagine I left the room after she told me. I know she's always to work as a volunteer in Africa and hopefully make a job out of it - so I guess that.

Spoken like someone who is projecting.

Thanks /bros

Finish school as quick as you can and get out. Guess whose life will suddenly improve? Hint: not hers.

How old are you?

Keep working through college, but spend less & less time actually at home. It's a toxic environment. Study/work on campus, get a job..even if just a shitty part time job, just get it to take you away from home when you're not in class. Maybe work on your social circle a bit to also give you reasons to not be home. But _do not_ slump on your grades. This is key.
Graduate, and go into a career with your education, then move out.
Once you move out...she can go booze on some fucking cruise or get railed by a train of niggers or whatever the fuck she wishes she were doing besides being a supportive mother to her child.
Cutting her off once you move out will feel great.

good luck
and perhaps it was said in the heat of the moment and not really meant
all parents feel this somewhat
"what would my life had been like without kids?"

but most don't blurt it out like that.
is she a little loopy?

>So nice. I found glitch in this website.

Sorry to say OP, but your mum is a bitch.
Don't really grade parents, but if you're telling your children that they hold you back. Then they pretty much are shit tier.

Only thing to do is decide what to do now. Will you move out or tolerate that bs so you can carry on living there as long as you need to