Remember: if you show any love and affection to another human being, you're a controlling stalker

Remember: if you show any love and affection to another human being, you're a controlling stalker.

Other urls found in this thread:

but he DIDNT show enough love and affection otherwise she probably wouldnt have left him if he was oh so great.

He only realised his supposed love and affection after he got dumped because he was a piece of shit, trying public stunts to coerce his ex back to him if she doesnt want to look like a dick after demonstrated just how loving he is playing a PIANO oh my god ONLY true people play pianos amirite?

Spotted the cuck.

its losertypes like op who get dumped and then cry on their pianos fapping to interracial not me

>Remember: if you show any love and affection to another human being, you're a controlling stalker.

Well you are you creepy fuck. You should have never stolen all those underwear and locks of her hair.

and the odds on that man hate filled roastie being in a relationship? Zero.

How do you know all of this?

>but he DIDNT show enough love and affection otherwise she probably wouldnt have left him if he was oh so great.
Have you ever dated? At all?
They literally bitch at you for doing too much.

high tier bait

Yup yup yup.

She left him 4 months ago.

Dude needs to let go and find another chick to fuck.

She's probably speaking from experience.

>Dude needs to let go
some people aren't capable of letting go and moving on
t. one of them

>if you show any love and affection to another human being, you're a controlling stalker.
and if you dont, you are considered a narcisistic selfish asshole.

And yet, which gender is it that makes so popular romantic comedy movies and their over-the-top romantic gestures?

It ain't men, you neurotic cunt.

iktf D:

Spoken like a true Nice Guy™.

>if you show any love and affection to another human being, you're a controlling stalker.
unless you are a woman
then it is cute and romantic
and the object of your romance is obliged to give in to your demands


let's do it together

Essentially, women are permitted anything, men nothing. Women may have standards, while men are not; they *must* reciprocate attraction to any woman who is attracted to him. However, if the woman is not interested, any attention from the man is LITERALLY RAPE.

Once you realise that feminists have the emotional sophistication of an autistic three-year-old.

You guys are putting the opinion of one woman as the opinion of all women.

>Once you realise that feminists have the emotional sophistication of an autistic three-year-old.
ok i realise that, now what?

How do you know he was dumped? maybe his girlfriend went to take a massive shit and he was bored waiting for her. Stop being such a cuck yo.

...their actions become predictable, if not defensible.

Stupid iPad crap.

The hilarious shit about this was that the dude was actually doing it to promote his music and social media accounts. He had boards advertising his links all around him, and even in the interview was talking about getting follows and shit. HE literally said his ex could "take it or leave it" - it was clear he didnät really give a fuck about the 4 month "relationship".

Then some dappy old spinster kicks down the wall and goes "REEEEEEEEE! This guy is oppressing ALL WOMEN with his actions! Stand back, girls! I will protect yo from this literal seven octaves of RAPE!"

Full disclosure: I am male, and a feminist. But this shit just makes me laugh. Women who do this kind of "activism" are female cucks. They stand, alone, on the sidelines and tell other girls why they shouldn't have boyfriends.

Disagree. By doing this he pretty much puts gf in an awkward situation. "Take me back or the public will think you are heartless bitch."

I took this from r9k.
Why is everyone suddenly pretending like the guy is literally going to play until he gets her back?
Do you people really believe he'll sit there all day everyday playing until his ex will come to him asking to get back together? Can't you see this is just hyperbole used by the news site or whatever the hell that is?
He's not actually "harrassing" her. I'm pretty sure that if you could ask the guy, he would say something like "Well, I was sad about it, so I sat and played the piano thinking about her for a while" and not something like "Yeah, I'll sit there waiting for her to come and tell me that she wants to get back together, and I will keep playing until that happens. Every day, every single day I'll be here until she finally says the words, and everytime she gets to college, she'll see me, because the piano is located in the entrance, right where she passes everyday, obviously, so she'll definetely hear me everytime. Also, at least 20 people listen to it everyday and just sit in a circle looking at my ex, preassuring her to ask me out again. Yes, it'll work."
How much can we get to judge based on assumptions.

Women 15-35 can get 80% of the guys they want. It's a buyers market for them. They are 5-deep in potential mates, even the ugly ones (though their 5-deep is a bit more homely)

Once a woman gets to her mid-30s she feels her sense of control leaving. This is really the first time they go long periods considering the feelings of the guys they're dating and trying to be equitable (because they're scared of being treated unfairly)

By the time a woman is in her 40s, she has zero leverage with her looks. She fights for attention. Most of the time, they're chubby at this age, wrinkles are showing and they're running out of energy. This is not to say they're gross, or stupid, or not worth your time. Their self-awareness makes them more realistic. Treat them with respect, they'll treat you with respect.

And no woman in her 40s is going to complain about a guy playing the piano to save a relationship. The only girls who complain are the young ones with their 5-deep roster who feel threatened that an "ex" won't leave and let himself be replaced. The idea of a guy cramping the woman's style is offensive to them.

>seven octaves of rape
My sides have left for mars

>Women 15-35 can get 80% of the guys they want.

What the fuck. 18-23 is female power time. THAT might be 80%. By 25 y/o, it's probably 60% at best. By 26 and over, it's a man's market because we typically earn more, have less bological imperative to "settle" within the next 3-4 years, and everything that is still on offer is increasingly lowering its standards to avoid being left on the shelf.

Women lose the sense of control leaving by about 25 because they have all invariably by that point gone through the experience of a break-up, followed by their ex finding a younger woman. That's the moment it hits home for them.

>feminist male
Be careful out there, bro. You never know when they might turn around and decide you're no longer an "ally" anymore.

And yes, he actually did say this in the show, and, yes, feminists did REEEEEEE about it.

95% of online "feminists" are just socially retarded virg-girls from the Harry Potter generation. They are female neckbeards. I like to laugh at them.

But any true alpha chad wants to have a hardcore GF who will roll with him and take no shit. This generally leaves you searching among genuine feminists, as conservative women see themselves as a Disney Princess waiting for her Prince and birthday pony.

I have tried to apply this principle in real life, so when a "woman says no, it's no" for me. But I have seen what an utter failure it is. Once a woman says no to me I just stop trying but then I see guys all the time that actually don't accept a "no" and keep trying and they eventually get it. So from now on fuck the "when a woman says no, it's no" BS, I'm not accepting no's anymore.


Kinda true.
But thats not stalking at all.
It is is the girl ask to stop, while he keeps going.
Its the loss of controll, which makes them think they get stalked.
Also cause of story. Ohh hes a stalker i never told him to stop, nor anything else. I still love the attention and the story.
If you come to understand human behaviour you come to judge differently and shortly realise pol are just stupid as fuck lying to everyone mostly themselfs...

>seven octaves of rape
Fucking actually laughed out loud at that.
Someone buy this man a cookie.

oh well. Im fine with that. Take all u want and give nothing back

Feminism ist wrong, thats for sure, but you have to be smart and have knowlege and control over your emotions.
On top you neednt to see the issue in one perspective, which most ppl do.
So if you have 1000 feminists only 10 are probably true...

In fairness to piano guy, he sounds normie and outgoing enough that he will get another gf eventually. Even if the piano stunt itself is beta and ineffective.

Ehh. I go more egalitarian, personally, albeit a very cynical one.
I think most people (at least the average) are... Willfully ignorant, which I'd call stupid.
I sure as shit don't have all the answers, but the lack of curiosity with the world even before highschool just... Disappoints me.

>control over your emotions.
You don't have control over your emotions. That's what makes them emotions. The actions you do out of said emotions, sure. But you don't have any real control over the emotions themselves.

Yeah Ignorance over false ego... most ppl have to struggel.

Thats ture, but you can figure out what drives this emotion, which mostly is a negative part.
For instance all ppl want what others got. You see a couple and you feel like you like the person involved.
As you know your emotions you get slowly rid of them. You have to stay calm and take your actions despire your emotions, which makes you lose the bound to emotions.
Of cause you can not get rid of them, they also are Motivating. If you dont have emotions you would be deppressive as fuck, no drive.

The key is to go above this level. Lots of ppl try achieving this by meditating. For me as a phsychopath its easy to jump over my ego, for most its not, noone wants to realise they do thinks cause they are fu cking stupid predictable fucks.

The adage is true, it is bliss. Be lying if I wasn't jealous, but I came out curious, and such is my lot in life.

Oh fuck.

Naw. I used to think this in my 20s too.

That is a common delusion and drives men to pursue girls in their late 20s, which inflates their sense of desirability and keeps things status quo.

A 30 year old woman is not ugly or old looking. Their skin is still tight and they have the same hobbies.

They may start to feel the need to settle down, but it's still a buyers market.

At 40, they've given up on the idea of sexual leverage. Very few men chase after a 40 year old woman they see. The initial sexual attraction is not there.

It's extremely easy to fuck a 45 year old chick, like, if you've been chasing after younger girls your whole life, take a weekend and chase after an older woman.

I did. I'm 42. I got dumped by a girl 11 years younger than me, so I'm like, OK, I'll go after a woman my age. So I was walking though my neighborhood and this older woman (40s) was walking with her mom (60s?). She smiled. I said, "Hello you too. Nice morning out"

They stopped and talked. Nothing special about the conversation. I've had more interesting ones with coworkers in the break room. She asks her mom to go on ahead. Her mom leaves. Suddenly she starts obviously flirting. You know how sometimes you have to guess? There was no guessing and she wasn't ugly by any stretch. Not even chubby and she had a pretty face.

I'd say an hour later, she was in my house. And 30 minutes after that, we were watching porn on my TV. Not the softcore kind. It was some group sex shit.

And she was giving me a handjob, then oral while I watched. Her kink level was at desperation level and she wasn't ugly at all.

I've found over the past couple years that single women in their 40s are basically into whatever you are as long as you do the bare minimum. It's awesome

everything you described is true of women in their 30s.

for the 'hottest girl at school' types, the ones who peak at about 17, they are like this by their mid 20s.

Bullshit. I had this bitch at work who was all over me with inappropriate remarks, actions, etc. I was uncomfortable as fuck. Eventually everyone got sick of her because she wouldn't let up, she ended up being pushed out. I didn't go to HR because I am not a snitch, the situation actually took care of itself. I have never and will never treat ANY female the same way she acted towards me. She was a weirdo.

>seven octaves of RAPE


>wrinkles are showing

women are already old and wrinkled slightly before 30 (sometimes at 25 if they used to wear make up since teen years).

clearly you're describing the usual females riding the cock carousel, not the rare ones who value their virginity and their dignity more than the urge to follow the always increasing slutty trends.

martian quads checked

>retarded virg-girls from the Harry Potter generation. They are female neckbeards.

my sides abruptly expanding

>How do you know he was dumped?
because all the articles fucking say it you massive moron

sounds like you found one of those retarded high-cock-mileage women who obsess with "gee golly goo, it's been 43 months and 11 days I don't have sex".

yea, in less than two months I won a $10k prize and a $500 one on the same lotto - it may happen, it usually doesn't happen.

I've been literally friendzoned by a 42yo giant lady (6'4") who claimed she hadn't sex in 10 years (I don't believe it anyway). I don't care, and as soon as I had an excuse to stop texting her, I forgot her. I don't expect her to try to hook me up.

Most of our failures, anyway, depend on our unclear targets. Do I want a single night stand? Am I willing to invest more money into it? What to do if she wants to date? How to react if she's found to be divorced, or pregnant, or mentally ill, or involved in some shit? What if she's the kind of woman like the one in OP's pic? Is your real target having sex and nothing more, or will you feel something is missing even after having the best sex time?

Ambiguities and late decisions may destroy every chance.

It tastes like that because you've neglected the bluing on a living piece of Soviet history. It tastes like shame, doesn't it? Good.

So don't be overbearing retard. Act like a normal considerate person, not a leech stuck to m'lady's leg

yes it is. Or do you live in an alternate universe where all the writers, directors, and producers are women?

That's irrelevant, it's not about the length of time just the action of putting on a massive public boohoo to pressure his ex into getting back with him instead of living her life. If some nasty ho I didn't want anything to do with staged that shit for me I'd feel embarassed at the unwanted attention and hope she wrapped it up ASAP

>literal seven octaves of RAPE
i kinda laffed