Post your favourite pot noodle flavors

post your favourite pot noodle flavors

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>tfw your threads never get replies

Pls respond

The badboy of course, the jerk chicken one was also good.

maybe he should make a super cool porn thread so we can all collectively get less than nothing accomplished

You've already posted it

chicken and mushroom

American here, Bombay bad boy is good on brisk and overcast day.


Did you like Final Fantasy XV, OP?


>he doesn't get the joke

Jamaican jerk will always have a place in my heart.

But you already did.

salt with extra salt broome rd

What is this???

Sticky ribbb

Reminds me of better times

Britbong ramens. They're not bad actually. Compare to American Cup of Noodles.

the japs aren't too fond of them


That's because Japs have all the good shit.

the slag of all snacks

Wtf does that even taste like?

tastes like sad times

I'd eat it, I take it they only release that seasonally?
(Asking because Amerifag)

Never had pot noodles before since they arn't sold where I live are they good enough to be imported? and if so what flavors should I get?

not even good enough to import from the grocery store next to my apartment, best flavor is different food


I don't know your country but places in America sell British imports and will carry those. Amazing? No, they're mildly likeable swill. Fine if you're the type who doesn't knowingly eating garbage but they suck if you're picky.

pot noodles wouldn't be pot noodles if they weren't a bit shite

*doesn't mind knowingly eating garbage

I mean yeah

OP here i went off Sup Forums and this thread is still here kek

I like it for garbage food.