Tell Sup Forums some WOKE shit

Tell Sup Forums some WOKE shit

Pic unrelated

howbout quit presenting yourself as a nigger with their nigger jibberish

This. I like this.



wtf does that mean? speak a language....not crackpipe mubblings

not sure what that means but I'd like to learn how to balance on my head on top of the water like that.

Woke = Black people's redpill

OP's a faggot

Morality is the root of all evil:. There is no absolute right or absolute wrong

is the point that germans are more organized?


Jim Carrey is so funny and so smart. (Hi, Mr. Carrey.)

What's it like being this bitter?

That people cared enough to show up. Even if you agree or disagree with them, it is showing that the people were aware and practicing. Look at the voter turnout in the USA.

Marrying a women that won't fuck you? Neat.

trap pussy is better than regular pussy

>Marrying a women that won't fuck you? Neat.
You do realize women in Nazi Germany received gold medals for fucking and having ubermensch children, right?

I'm not even joking.

lol they wouldn't fuck german men so the government had to reward them for it. wow, what a master race...

The holocaust never happened but it should have

number of people at a dictator's rally doesn't necessarily correlate with support. Look at North Korea's annual cirque du pyongyang they put on. You think those people actually love the Kim family? Don't be so easily swayed by pictures.

Actually they were having so many babies that they created facilities specifically for raising mass amounts of babies. But since the war ended how it did, many were left to be adopted, as the programs were obviously shut down.

And I bet you the majority still want to be there. You can't just assume because of how their government is set up that the people don't actually believe in the case or the leaders.

I mean Americans clap at everything their government and military does, and they commit the biggest crimes against humanity in the 21 century.

There's no adults. The best of us get frozen in high school. The rest are somewhere between pre-school and elementary. All everyone does all day is fake like they're doing something significant while they pursue cheap thrills and quick bucks. Dominance, status, sex, grooming and food.

The first step is to achieve truly reflective thought; think about what you believe and value...can your beliefs survive the crucible of rational observation? Do your values justify not only the ends, but the path to get there? Are you ever going to do or achieve anything not already done by 99.999999% of humanity, before vanish into the vacuum of death?

Tits, obviously, at the heart of it all.

Actually, their birth rate was significantly lower than it was in the 20's and declining still due to industrialization. Hitler called for action to raise the birth rate, but only made slight gains by 1938 and were well short of their numbers in the previous decade. You have been sold some bad info, bud. I don't doubt that those facilities existed, but they weren't raising massive amounts of babies. Lol, they even kidnapped children to raise the population of possible breeders since all the men were getting killed in Russia and eventually all over Europe.

Untermensch, all of them

Damn, the only real truth on here. Sobriety is going to be the name of the game for the mid 21st century. Mark my words.


In order to be truly happy you need to progress either personally or professionally. The ONLY cause of depression other than chemical imbalance caused by diet is the feeling of stagnation. But it's a cycle. If you do nothing to improve yourself, then you will get depressed, when you're depressed you don't want to do anything. The initial desire to do nothing doesnt stem from depression, it comes from boredom of always being entertained. Now that we can have whatever we want at our finger tips we spend more time on entertainment than education. In short, stop filling your day with meaningless shit like posting on Sup Forums and go educate yourself

Nope. Also I don't hate on booze. I just think you should spend time thinking deeply about shit, then get fucked up after.

Also I usually post boobs. Giant, soft, comforting boobs.

fuck off faggot