Anyone else get the most bittersweet feelings of longing and nostalgia around fall?

Anyone else get the most bittersweet feelings of longing and nostalgia around fall?

I know it's still technically summer but every fall the smell of the air slowly gets to me, gives me fleeting visions of simpler times that only serve to lull me deeper into this dark mental state.

In all honesty though, I can't even complain. Those few seconds of happy memories are nice sometimes.

Fall smell is the best smell. Also that smell of March when there is some snow left on the ground. (I live in Canada)

I'm Canadian too, user.
Looking forward to the nice seasonal smells.

Women look a lot cuter this time of year too as fall/winter fashion hasn't completely degenerated like summer clothing. And it's too wet/cold for women to pull their phones out every two seconds. I much prefer this time of year, it's feels like a little trip back to the 90s at times, everyone just wants to get comfy and spend time with friends and family watching movies.

What province you in? I'm in BC

Fucking kek. Literally all my clothes consist of fall clothes. I don't own shorts hahaha. Girls are definitley more cute around this time. I know what you mean by a 90s movie haha

good eats in fall/winter, I tend to make heartier/comfort food that I don't do in summer

but I will miss bikinis and shorts

Same bro, don't own a single pair of shorts. All I get asked all summer is WHY ARE YOU WEARING JEANS!!?

I'm in Ontario.

Of course. The way the sun shines and reflects off the leaves. Sweaters. Halloween, and horror movie marathons. Knowing that thanksgiving is near. Football. Fuck. Yes.

Windsor area here

Fucking hate shorts.When I wear shorts I look like Hagrid got a boost of self confidence and decided to go to the pool

Sick. I use to live in Ontario. Near the Manitoba border. Loved it there

Abso-fucking-lutely. I grew up in Boston, but I'm living abroad in a warmer climate now and God do I miss those crisp fall mornings. When I walk out the door in the morning I still expect to be hit with a little breeze.

Brr, it's a bit cold user! Can we please go back to yours and watch a movie now? And don't pick one that's too scary, unless you want me clinging to you the whole way through again...

I couldn't agree more, I love Fall. Unfortunately I'm fucking stuck in hot ass Arizona for college.

how old are you?

40 next month

I get those feelings all the time, I'm not even that old but I feel like there is no time left to do all the things I want to do in my life. It's weird man

>Brr, it's a bit cold user! Can we please go back to yours and watch a movie now? And don't pick one that's too scary, unless you want me clinging to you the whole way through again...
>Loli edition

>So nice. I found glitch in this website.

I sometimes get a weird surrealistic feeling when im outside in the woods with my dog and it's getting windy and dark outside but i really enjoy it.