What is love user?

what is love user?

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an emotion

Baby don't hurt me.

Baby don't hurt me no more!!!

Don't hurt me

A delusion.

Eurobeat intensives.

>I never knew he was black...

Chemical reactions in the brain.

Lol did you never hear a black guy sing?
Ask your mom she did.


no more

when I was really little I thought the bee gees where black women

i believe real love is absolutely selfless... it's putting someone before yourself, willingly. serving. giving. love is only slice
of deep dish pizza yet, but ill let you have it even tho you take off the toppings. gladly, take the other half of my reese's bar :)

What is love? youtu.be/ZgyFsi77iXI


Love is a chemically induced delusion that promotes the continuation of the species. It's all about the oxytocin.

Sounds like love means getting ripped off and enjoying it.

Love is subjective.

Self improvement


I'll go with the answer my depressed, high as fuck 15 year old self had
>the drive to procreate
But what you make of that drive is what matters.

yeah braj i fucks with oxycontin

Love is a mental trap set by females trying to slow men down from leading a successful life

I had a cute girl hug me and ask why my heart was racing. Well duh.

Ideal it gets reciprocated. You give up the last slice now and get blown later.

You can kindly go fuck yourself with that attitude.

Why do you think she asked? Fucking duh.

exactly like OP's pic.

and -you may find it's not hard to believe me- sex is way too much overrated.

Faggots confuse sex with intimacy and love, and even when their penises are 10000% satisfied, they still feel they're missing the best of life - a woman sincerely into them.

Love is the selfless compulsion to do right by your fellow humans. What "doing right" means is dependent upon what the doer believes is right. Love is the intent of the action.

pics or it never happened

Love is your brains way of tricking your body into procreation.


Love is real, it is just rarer then people imagine.

Love is typically one sides, with one party doing everything they can to hold on to the relationship. The other will go along with it either out of fear of loneliness or obligation.

Loving your children is more common. After putting 18+ years into crafting a human you are going to probably never give up on it. Of course this isn't always true, just ask any mother who has sold her daughter for sex.

Occasionally two people will love each other, they will both change for each other and want to give each other the best. This doesn't mean they never fight, never let each other down, or never sleep with another person. True love can overcome all of that, with patience, time, and effort. This is the couple that still have sex after 30 years together, the couple who can't sleep apart because it is too quiet without the other snoring, the couple whose pride in their accomplishments will always outshine their disappointment in failure.

Unfortunately love also doesn't always last. Most common you will look at your partner one day and just no longer feel attracted. Especially under 30, physical attraction is a big factor. Beyond that, sometimes you will find your lives just don't gel, you are an early riser, your other a night owl. Still further maybe you won't be able to handle children. A squalling infant has killed more relationships then alcohol. And even after kids, someday you could be staring at her over the table, kids gone to their own lives, and realize just how boring your life is.