When Donald Trump wins the election in November and becomes president, make sure you thank Bernie Sanders for it

When Donald Trump wins the election in November and becomes president, make sure you thank Bernie Sanders for it.

The old fucker is literally crashing the Democratic party and is causing a major divide. You saw what happened in Nevada - expect it to get a lot worse from here on, his supporters aren't going to be voting for Hillary and the number of people doing that is growing by the day.

This is it Sup Forums.

It's really happening.

We should start memeing for Sanders and helping out the redditors with this. Redditors are for Sanders and can't meme for shit, plus Bernie can't win at this point anyway

Good luck, Berns



Meme magic only works if you truly want something, deep in your heart of hearts. Anything less then genuine desire fails to rouse the power of memes

Greatest ally.

He's crashing it with no survivors

Post your feel when bernie was nat-socialist all along

Remember what Ralph Nader did in 2000.

In the 2000 presidential election in Florida, George W. Bush defeated Al Gore by 537 votes. Nader received 97,421 votes, which led to claims that he was responsible for Gore's defeat. Nader, both in his book Crashing the Party and on his website, states: "In the year 2000, exit polls reported that 25% of my voters would have voted for Bush, 38% would have voted for Gore and the rest would not have voted at all." (which would net a 13%, 12,665 votes, advantage for Gore over Bush.)

Wait till after Clinton has the nomination locked in. We don't want her to lose it last moment and have to face bernie

way ahead of you bro

>Good Luck, Bernmeister

Sanders could have never won, he was not the candidate pre-approved by the party.

Hillary already paid for that position.

As much as I hate gore, W literally broke the world.

Which is why you need to remind all libertarian friends that Gary j isnt a real libertarian.

Tell them to hold off for an Austin peterson run in a few years

And it was all Ralph Nader's fault. Or I should say it was his ego's fault.

I'm very glad he's dragging this out. The gop started too early and wasted months trying to undermine his highness

So anyone is going to believe CTR?

Silly canuck, there is two sets of meme magic, The magic we use is derived from kek himself, There is the jew magic which Jews use in mass to try to stop our happenings.

> relevant

you may pick one and only one

In about three weeks, you're going to be saying "Bernie who?" and it won't be ironically or as a joke. You really won't remember him anymore.

He's marching what's left of his Sandernista parade around in the deep wilderness while his cult followers are dropping by the dozens every minute.

By the beginning of July we'll be into some brass knuckles general election and watching trump have a mental meltdown live while Hillary beats the fuck out of him like a moth-eaten old rug.

Even money bet that trump ends up in a psychiatric ward, possibly even before the election.

The important thing is figuring out how to drive the divide between Hillary and Sanders so deep that it cannot be repaired before the general election.

It was his fathers egos fault.

What world do you live in? gtfo CTR

Nah. 2bh I more worried about Sanders being elected

One of Trumps major messages is that the system is corrupt and that's why people have lost their manufacturing jobs to China. Look at what happened in Colorado. That's the day that Trump starting winning big. And that's because Trump outed the Republican party as a bunch of corrupt politicians. That's where the "Let me ask America a question" op-ed came from

That message then becomes a whole lot ineffective if two outside candidates won. And let's face it. Sanders is a lot like that uncle that you loved to visit that didn't touch you. Although Trump can just push home the "Europe has became a hell because of socialism" influx.

So you expect him to just let her win?
imo, if she wants to be in that bad. She needs to earn it.

Ralph was actually on the ballot. Slight difference.

Also, about 85,000 voters purged from registration in Florida by ¡Yeb!, resulting in a minimum of 20,000 voters who wanted to and tried to vote but were denied.

Also his Secretary of State halting the recount after Republicans flew 100 flunkies in from DC who then staged a riot in a recount center.

Also, 4,000 votes for Buchanon that "just showed up" on the totals in a Jewish community.

There's a reason why ¡Yeb! is loathed and ignored in politics today. He is directly 1000 times more responsible for the Florida election fraud than Ralph ever was.

It's happening against Bernie's will. Bern victims are to the left of Bernie, who refuses to really fight Hillary.

This is from Hillary's email leak , I don't think Bernie lost her the election

She did it to Obama.

Sanders will lose even if he is is elected candidate, Trump would just call him a communist, and no one over 30 yo would vote for a communist in the US

Socialist's fighting amongst each other. classic, one control freak vs another, top kek Who's form of Socialism is better Shill-bitch, or Comrade bolshevik Bernie, let's bicker and fight, all the while calling everyone else violent racist bigot's.....Fucking Commie scum kek

Bernie would have a better chance in the debate against Trump but he'd still look very physically weak & unmasculine.

Hilary isn't a socialist, she's just a totalitarian.


It won't truly happen until there are riots at the convention.

All that is needed are some anarchists, Black Lives Matter activists, and other left-wing trash among a massive crowd of Bernouts to start breaking windows and burning trash cans.

Word will spread quickly to the hoods of South Philadelphia, which are only 1-2 miles away from the Wells Fargo center. When that happens, Philadelphia will burn.

Bernie can't have as strong of an effect as Nader (unless he runs as a Green; fingers crossed for that), but because of the factiousness of the primaries and Bernie's constant attacks on Hillary's corruption, he may have pulled some new voters away from Hillary who otherwise would have voted for her.

In general, it's the same as the Nader effect, someone else on the same side of the aisle as you bleeds your voters away. It's called the spoiler effect.

I have spent a lot of my time on Twitter pretending to be either a Hillary supporter or Bernie supporter and trying to make the other side mad at me.

It wasnt really him.

he's just the manifestation of the sjw's and what they want.

Jew God vs Egyptian God..

Pretty sure the jew god won last time too.

>make sure you thank Bernie Sanders for it.

Or better yet. Thank his fans. To their faces.

>The Democratic party is finally reaping what it has sowed
They created a generation of entitled hipster faggots, now those same hipster faggots think their candidate "deserves" to be the nominee. Top lel. If the Democratic party had to be true to Hernie's ideals then they would quickly become as relevant as the Green party. There is no way they can ever win without their constant corporate backing and those retards thinking they can tax people like Trump for their free college have a whole other thing coming.

i'm glad i got to see a full 6 months of bernout tears. maybe in 4 years bernie will run again from the grave

Implying Egyptians and kek aren't shapeshifting overlords.

Scientology is not a meme.

Absolutely this.

Sanders(and Jim Webb) is what the Democrats were before the 90s.

The Clintons, Obama, and others took the party to the right right and went more authoritarian.

I thought the democrats were a combination of Kennedys in the north and Carters in the south?

Let's not forget how Clinton got elected. Ross Perot, another spoiler.

Remember when Democrats were laughing at the Republican Party? Now the exact same thing is happening to them, if not worse.

Sweet irony.

Herbert was so mad he got his son and Nader to get Abraham gore to BTFO.

Perot would have been better than Bush, Clinton, or Dole.

People just didn't get on board with the crazy.

Perot hired mercenaries to rescue his captured employees, FFS.

The democratic party is corrupt and rigged as fuck. Let it burn. Let it Bern.

>captcha is click on street sign
>sign says braeburn rd

Sometimes I wonder if you actually believe meme magic is a thing.

Democrats had complete control for two years after the crash.

Bill Clinton is responsible for a lot of factors contributing to the crash.

They made the rich richer and everyone else poorer.

Nothing new. Perot did it to Bush Sr. and Dole.

Nader wanted to run in 2008. They were quick to put an end to that.

Nice try reddit. We won't help you, you backstabbing kikes.

That election was dirty as fuck.

Don't forget how Bush won the Republican Primaries in the first place - He stumped McCain with a dirty campaign of phone polls asking people if they knew about "McCain's illegitimate black child"? (Actually her adopted Pajeet daughter)

Before that McCain had real chances to get the 2000 Republican nomination.

Don't question his faith, mon.

It was Shillary that caused the major divide. It has been fucking obvious for years that Shillary's brand of enabling rapists, taking bribes, doing backroom deals and being a warhawk wasn't going to fly in 2016. She should not have run.

Bernie would've won the nomination if not for the blacks.

Trump is the biggest Illuminati puppy in the race!

He will:
-swastikianize healthcare
-swastikianize taxes
-let Janet Yemen rule the country by herself
The Rothschilds hold the swastika not Obama or Hitler. They will give it to trump.

Don't vote for trump he will kill everyone.

it was worth it I got may funs back in america

>tfw kek is Nyarlathotep