Depressed as fuck right now... Please post stuff to cheer me uo

Depressed as fuck right now... Please post stuff to cheer me uo

Have a free (you)

Anything in particular bothering you ?

I'll be your friend

Look at these fuckin mario cacti
Aren't they wild??



Breakup... Debt... F grades in college because of stopped attending... Disqualified from dream job application... Etc. It all just hit me right now






oops, let me start from beginning.



What's your dream job?



and then go back to first piic.



MGTOW, look it up.


getting close to joinin the bros guys. shit getting dark





I'm even alone here...later ig.

don't worry about what other people want you to want

you do you booboo

no one is the perfect daughter/son, not everyone is a doctor, a community leader, a whatever. Fuck that noise, just be happy. Fuck everyone else. Literally, fuck them, put your penis in them. Consensually for the most part. Stick your penis in everything. Never stop sticking your penis in things.

You know for years it's just been you and me spiderman. thnx



Commit suicide already you piece of shit. There are two kind of people, those who are a failure and should have been a miscarriage (you in case you are not smart enough to realize), and us who go around eating loads of fresh cunny. You are prob also white, so you are a let down for all women


this image is really fucking with me. Is that a dolphin or is it a fish in a bottle?

Fuck you

I already told you. If you want to restore your manhood and strength, search MGTOW on Google or YouTube. It'll lead you to success.

You are a clear non blazer

Fish in Condom



Are you sleep deprived right now? Sometimes you just need to rest your mind bro. I'm generally not the happiest person ever so I feel you. Take the steps you need to take to pay off your debt and go back to school to get your dream job, I'm sure you're still young and have time. Don't just accept defeat and be unhappy for the rest of your life, get back in school and focus on you. You'll meet girls with similar interests as you when you're back at it. Its okay to be in a rut though, watch something sad and make yourself cry, it's a relief sometimes. Don't turn to drugs or alcohol either. Hope it turns out well for you.

lul you didn't mention the 3rd try hard type who get hard preying on the downtrodden because of their own drowning insecurities and need to prove to themselves they are tougher than someone, anyone, even if it's a pathetic beaten dog.


Girls were sucking energy out of him in the first place, you retard. Western women will leave you if you are down. That's their nature. I agree with the rest of your comments. If you want a gf, be prepared to waste a lot of time, energy, and money.


So op should be gay? Not all women are garbage, you just have to know how to treat them. Most guys make the mistake of being too nice which comes off as creepy and desperate 9/10 times, you'll get taken advantage of until something better in her eyes comes along. Being a dick doesn't work either, it's just toxic and everything will be based on both of your negative characteristics. You just need to be yourself and see what happens, don't latch on and just be cool about it. Look at it from their perspective, do you want a girl who's happiness is based on you? Its fucking annoying. Clingy girls suck and so do bitchy ones, it's not that complicated.