
What does it look like as someone gets eaten by ants?

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I like these threads.
Depressed, body aches, let's look at pleasant things.


If you think about it, communism is the endpoint of capitalism.
Because in capitalism, the lower and upper classes will get further and further apart, until eventually the upper class can't sell things to the lower class because the lower class don't have any money to buy stuff with; which of course collapses the system totally, because you end up with a vicious cycle of the rich being unable to pay the poor because the poor have no money to give to the rich.

It's already starting to happen; industries are failing, and it's blamed on new industries can run far more cheaply than what they compete with (e.g. Netflix versus cinema), but really it's because fewer and fewer people can afford to go out to see movies.

Obviously, the movie industry failing due to an increasingly poor population reduces the number and quality of jobs, which results in the population being even poorer.

A total economic collapse like this could happen incredibly quickly. High quality jobs only exist because the people have high quality jobs and thus can afford expensive services; a small economic fluctuation cutting into use of those expensive services could collapse this self-sustained prosperity.


Yes and no. If you think about it our economy runs closer to that of an Oligarchy compared to a capitalistic one. A major, crucial part of capitalism is the fact that one can move freely between the classes depending on life choices. In an oligarchy, the doors are permanently closed between the classes so where you are born is where you end up.

Isn't this closer to how things are set up? Look at America back in 2008. In a capitalistic society, all of those banks would have gone under and fresh new banks (run by far more responsible people) would quickly fill the void. That isn't what happened... The government gave the rich close to a trillion dollars to cover losses caused by their irresponsibly. On the other end of the spectrum try running into the government while poor. They literally do everything they can to keep you in a perpetual state of poverty and dependent on them.

>our economy
I'm talking about the global economy, not that backwater second world country which has been screwed for years.


One could argue that backwater second world country which has been screwed for years is an excellent proverbial "Canary in the coal mine".

>A major, crucial part of capitalism is the fact that one can move freely between the classes depending on life choices.
Social mobility(or the lack of) doesn't really have anything to do with capitalism.


Does it though?

A pseudonym people always throw out for Capitalism is the "Free Market". Free market as in lack of restriction and limitations. The more burden you place on the system through overzealous and often unnecessary regulations the farther you move from true capitalism.

If you hamper social mobility by government control and regulation are you in a sense killing capitalism?

Regulations and limitations of capitalism are what ALLOWS for social mobility. If you have no/poor education and no capital, there's just very little you can do to improve your status. unless you're either very, very lucky or genuinely one in a million talent at something that'll help you get rich. But if you have a government that interferes - directly or indirectly fund and support education and small businesses, regulate and stop cartels and monopolies from forming and/or abusing their positions - that's when the poor and middle-class people have genuine chance of getting rich.

The issue with an all powerful 3rd party overseeing everything is the fact it is a sword that cuts both ways.

When the government is coopted by the powerful, the rules and regulations are made with the powerful in mind and are catered to their favor. This in turn creates the system where you must be either incredibly talented and/or lucky to get ahead.

I personally believe this issue is something that needs to be fixed before further damage is done.


Excessively powerful government is obviously bad, and certainly there's a lot of bad rules and laws out there, but getting rid of government regulation entirely would be just as bad as excessive regulation if not worse.

In a perfect world I would love to have the consumers be the ones who ultimately keep the businesses in check, but I do concede this scenario would most likely turn out very poorly in today's society.

When it is preached to the masses for decades that you can do whatever you want with no responsibility or consequences for one's actions I doubt society as a whole could handle such a task as that. It may be possible sometime in the future if we work towards it, but frankly I believe we are going in the wrong direction, and that doesn't solve any of our problems here and now.

I'm interested in your perspective! I'll go out on a limb and guess by your original comment you would advocate for a transition to communism perhaps?

>I'll go out on a limb and guess by your original comment you would advocate for a transition to communism perhaps?
In a perfect world, communism would probably be the optimal system. In practice, not so much. I'm not necessarily a big fan of capitalism, but with proper guidance and regulation it does appear to fare better than any of the obvious alternatives. It's mainly a question of where do you draw the line between "too much power for the government" and "too much power for the megacorps". Clearly too far in either direction is bad and the optimal point is in different places for different industries(as evidenced by the US compared to pretty much any other western country, healthcare should probably be primarily handled by the public sector, while the same obviously isn't true for media), but beyond that it's hard to say.

I am very much in the same boat as you. While I think this system is the best there is to offer at the moment, I'll be the first to say it isn't perfect, and will happily drop it in favor of a better system.

the ideal government is simply one controlled by advanced machines
even now we should attempt to be transferring power in certain areas such as redistricting to algorithms

Hopefully we'll be able to transition to a world managed largely by benevolent AI without the current people in power making things... unpleasant...







S/fur let's not mark the thread so people wander the catalog for 30 minutes not seeing it edition.

I don't think canary in a coal mine is a proverb.


Ideal government would be less needlessly restrictive than it is now.

Also S/Fur "Let's debate economics and not post wonderful Furry Porn" edition.

She'd be better with a few more nipples.

but how do you expect to continuously extract wealth from people if they're allowed any degree of self-determination?

Best I could do


Well, I extract wealth by working.

Looks diseased now.

Isn't this how Terminator starts?


and the folks in charge extract wealth by you working, too!

yeah it's probably a bad idea to design the AI to control weapons systems and teach it to kill people
I was thinking more along the lines of having it learn for our economic systems to design more efficient ways of distributing labor and resources
Of course, current research seems to be tending towards the former rather than the latter...

I don't remember terminator starting with a boy Fucking a fox.



Hell yeah boi


That tail looks like a turd in the thumbnail, lol

Hope I'm not late to the party!

you're just in time

Great, I'll dump some

By innovating and creating valuable goods/services? But who would be crazy enough to do that nowadays?

Director's cut maybe?



Im going to need the sauce on this one. ive been seeing it for a while now and image-search wont give results. What tumblrfuck made this?

Also i want to fap to this more o this shite.


artist is shuryashish it seems



saved! I love stuff with witches

Human male female furry is top tier

I see your a fellow after my own heart!
Any witch or halloween s/fur is top tier for me.
Can't wait for the threads in October.


Any first-person views?



I fucking love 14-bis

Can anyone sauce me on this?





Artist is oneboredpotato

bye bye penis i will miss you


Caterpillars giving birth gets, emergency so hard




Thank you



Need pooppy and sleep




Tuesday mm tummy hewtyBad cwaxk. Xocai email in method weed











I want to squish her vulva like a juicy hamburger.




