What is my computer actually telling me...

What is my computer actually telling me? I'm able to get to desktop after a few reboots telling me is attempting automatic repair, but it's moving unbelievably slow once I log on.

Drive on sata 2 has been preemptively marked bad. How can you not see that?

Drive is beginning to show signs of failure. You should back up your data and replace the drive before it fails outright

I wasn't sure if it was telling me it's the primary drive or one of the others. I know I have one in there that's failing but I removed everything on it and left it alone, would that be an issue?

Try disconnecting and reconnecting your hard drive after completely powering down your computer (including switch in back.)

Having it connected while broken will cause issues, yes.

Remove your Hitachi drive, it's fucked.

Okay, I'm going to determine which drive this is to finally remove it, if the damn properties load ever...

It's the only Hitachi in your system. Shouldn't be hard to figure out.

The picture says it's the Memorex drive that's bad, you sure it's the Hitachi?

CD roms don't have a SMART fail, It also says SATA 2.

If you read it correctly, the status line is under the drive info line. You're reading it the other way around. The CD drive is sata 4, and cd drives don't get smart failures.

Well now I'm getting a BOOTMGR is missing. I'm guessing that's the primary drive.


It's telling you to go outside.

this is their gaming laptop?

Desktop. This was given to me a few years back.

So you didn't move everything off of it like you said in If the drive still works at all you might be able to do a drive clone, but you would be better off reinstalling.

wack. get on the gaming laptop level fam

i have an MSI laptop. smashed the screen, jizzed on the keyboard. it is now an msi desktop

This should have been obvious The new gaming laptops don't have bios. .

It's more likely that the drive I moved everything off isn't the drive that's causing my current issue, I just assumed it was the same one, but they're both failing it seems.

Only one of them would have been bootable. Just because you can't boot to the other doesn't mean it is failed, it just doesn't have a boot loader.

Are you retarded.. says your hard drive is failing.. back that shit up on a new drive.

Yeah, I'm saying that in addition to a hard drive I previously knew was failing, it looks like my primary which is the Hitachi is also going bad.

I have the majority of it backed up luckily but I don't know when I'll be able to buy a new computer unfortunately.

I wouldn't say you need a new computer. Also it was your Hitachi that was originally showing bad.