How hard is it to learn German?

I want to move there when my parents die and I inherit their money.

Why would you willingly move to a third world country?


You won't learn German, and your pipe dream will never come true.
Dedicate your time to building a life yourself instead of leeching off others.

theres plenty of krauts still proud about being the master race.

What you are doing is called Projecting. Neck yourself.

Have a good long think about your life friend.

Easy for an english speaker to learn. Its probably more difficult for latin subhumans though.

>How hard is it to learn German
pronunciation and spelling is easy, grammar is awkward at first but easy to master; remembering articles and case is a big pain in the ass and requires a lot of drill, there are 6 gorillion words for "the" with no rhyme or reason

Learning a dead language is a waste of time. You should learn Arabic instead.

You should just learn Arabic.

Very hard, and don't expect germans to be very helpful with it if you'd ever move here. Germans, as a rule, don't particularly enjoy other people learning or speaking our language. You might find exceptions, but its not the usual.

you guys sound like bigtime dicks, from your english usage. like, you sound like robots. mean and rude robots.

>go to the store
>buy a knife
>slice wrist horizontally not vertically

last thing Germany needs is another brownie.

why would you bother learning another language when you already speak english?

>you guys sound like bigtime dicks
We are.

> from your english usage. like, you sound like robots. mean and rude robots.
English doesn't have the forms of politeness that german has, so most germans just don't know 'how' to be polite in english, it requires a lot of superflous phrases germans just aren't used to.

being monolingual is embarassing.

Are you white? If not, we are full.

horizontally for attention, down for results. everyone knows that

>he said, in my native language
me 1 you 0

and you sound like you have a chip on your shoulder about germany

I suggest you revamp your language to require much less verbage.

fuck sht word choice.

It doesn't require any verbiage, thats why we sound rude to you, because english does.

I always assumed it was because you're salty about losing two world wars in a row

German is probably going to be easy for you, and as a plus it sets you up for learning Ancient Greek(I've heard sentence structure is similar)

Meh, we got better.

We hardly have a reason to complain, Bulgaria and Austria lost two world wars too, and you don't see them being depressed about it.

bulgarians are too busy being poor and austrians are germans in denial

delete those posts pls