What is the point for circumcision? I know things like cleanliness, STD's all that kind of stuff but WHY?

What is the point for circumcision? I know things like cleanliness, STD's all that kind of stuff but WHY?

no. Did u cut off your earlobes?
to stop u from masturbating, cuz god doesnt like it

I masturbate all the time though.

If you ask most people they'll give bullshit reasons like "hygiene" (not any more of an issue than teeth), "aesthetics" (tell that to a European), and "it's healthier" (no major medical organization recommends routinely doing it to infants, and its benefits are marginal at most in first world countries).
Religiously, it's done as a marker of affiliation and a way to control people's sexuality. That's also sort of why it arose in secular society.

stopping the "tradition" would require to acknowledge that it has been done in vain, without reason and to no avail.
Won't happen, not in a country with 100mil rifles and handguns.

>control people's sexuality.
Go on, I don't feel controlled...

uh-huh. Not have a foreskin back and compare the sensations


19 yo circumcised here and I feel like I am not enjoying sex the way it was intended

It was originally thought it would stop masturbation
Doctors recommend having it done to the second son because they say the older son will masturbate less than the younger son

It doesn't really succeed in that sense.
Early and medieval Jewish scholars mention that it supposedly removes "excess" pleasure, makes the man more faithful and less lustful, and promotes attention to matters other than sex. The first point is the only one with definitive evidence backing it.

because people are retarded? I wish my parents didn't cut my dick out.

So if it is a religious thing what are you if you don't have it done?

Are you bisexual or bicurious?
There's chemicals in the food and water supply that are proven to cause mental health problems
There is gay propaganda in every tv show and movie now
Men are being circumcised and wow who would have guessed it a lot of them are gay
There is a war going on against white people
This isn't happening in non white nations
Africa does not teach abstinence
India does not recommend abortions
China doesnt tell people to use condoms
There is no white nation left on earth
Hitler was trying to warn us
The Jews are behind this

JEWS it's always the JEWS, come on people..

>frikking frogs gay

You're not
80% of the pleasure comes from the glans wich is removed during Im honestly surprised there has been no shootings at hospitals over circumcision
It is ancient torture and nothing else

What do you mean? The vast majority of males in the world (probably 3/4) are uncircumcised. Even in most religions where the practice is recommended, it's not always mandatory. In Judaism it isn't a sacrament, and it's mostly done because it's a social custom at this point.

>social custom
US thing then?

The glans usually isn't removed, though parts of it can be accidentally amputated in accidents during the surgery. You might be thinking of the frenulum, which is sometimes partially or almost totally removed.

In the US, most cases aren't done for any religious reason whatsoever. It's definitely just a custom that people seem reluctant to give up because no man wants to admit he's been wronged in such an intimate way.

It is the Jews
Read a fucking history book
So do you really believe every single society in human history is anti-semetic
Or perhaps the Jews have some strange beliefs and traditions that made all humanity hate them?
I was raised to be tolerant of everybody and not to be racist but jewish is not a race it's a religion
What you need to realise is all religion is cult worship
They're all wrong and they're all evil

As much of a joke Alex Jones is a nut
This is true shit
Google it

A lot of the historical animosity towards Jews came from things like blood libel and the myth that Jews killed Christ.

I get it, Jews are bad Muslims are bad Hitler was bad but why is faith in God a bad thing? In all Christan faiths you must have it done to enter heaven.

The Romans killed Christ controlled by the Jews.

its not

Circumcised men NEVER get dick cheese, last longer during sex, and are better than uncircumcised men at sex. These are only a few of the many pros of being circumcised.

Faith is a bad thing
People had faith in Hitler and look how that turned out
People had faith in Hillary Clinton and it turned out she was the devil
Faith and prayer are what's wrong with humanity not foreskin
GOD is what is holding us back
God is why we have war
God is why we do not live on other planets
RELIGION is to blame for all man's greatest problems

This all sounds great what is a pro of being uncut then?

>last longer during sex
Source? IIRC the nerves in the foreskin help you know when you're going to come.
>better than uncircumcised men at sex
Nice meme. The foreskin helps the penis move in and out of the vagina smoothly and naturally.

More pleasure, more things to do in the bedroom (playing with foreskin is REALLY fun), no scarring or dry glans

I believe in Christ. I may not be the best Christan but I do believe in him and someday if it all was for nothing I lost nothing.

There are none. Uncircumcised penis are inferior.

The jews control people to do their evil doings
They would never do something directly themselves or it would be obvious to all who is to blame
US, Canada, and EU where invaded by Muslims
Who is to blame?
Muslim extremists?
No sir that's liberal propaganda.
Its the Israeli secret intelligence service

Second to who? Yourself? Dont confuse your opinion with a fact. There's only one normal and natural way and that's with foreskin/intact. There's nothing to discuss once you admit the FACT that circumcision is not natural and it is not the way sex was intended.

nice job not mentiong my first point and instead skipping to my 2nd and 3rd point. You are also a retard because you asked for a source to my argument instead of researching it yourself and discovering the truth and then reply to my post calling me out on the false points I made and out playing me. But oh wait. I am right which is why you DID NOT ATTEMPT to disprove me.

What about when Jews shaved down the coins that's pretty evil.. The reason why all current currency has some form of defined edge.

Everyone can get smegma pal, it happens if you don't wash yourself.

Christ is the devils son and the bible is a redone book of Satanism
Devil worship was likely one of the oldest faiths along with paganism and cock worship
Christianity was created to control
It caused many wars and millions of innocent deaths slavery and everything else
Did you know Satanists read from the bible too?
They simply acknowledge that Christ was the devils son and that god is the devil
If god created all things then gos created death, plague, suffering, etc
Religion is so stupid you all look like little kids believing in Santa clause

OP here I didn't ask that question or say anything about your reply.

Damn man, does it ever keep you awake at night knowing you are going to burn in hell?

ppl, who take baths never get dick cheese either. Have u pulled your teeth and cut your earlobes off, so u dont have to wash that too?
>last longer during sex
>cant feel a thing
>start going limp
>get frustrated u dont get to cum
>u do the work an get nothing

>r better at sex
thats just straight out of your ass

u get to not be mutilated, dry, in pain and undergo recover both mental and physical
sort of like whats the benefit of not cutting your ring finger off

"everyone can get smegma" Uncircumcised men develope smegma in 1 to 2 days. Circumcised men do NOT get smegma.

>its your job to prove me right

OP here what is smegma?

As an uncut man...nah, more like after a week of no showering.

A pileup of dead cells under the foreskin. Literally impossible to have it happen if you shower like a regular human being.

>What is the point for circumcision? I know things like cleanliness, STD's all that kind of stuff but WHY?

No, that's total bullshit. There is *****NO***** reason for barbaric mutilation, absolutely ZERO.

I don't care OP. I outplayed that guy so I live the rest of my life with vindication.

Reread what I typed.

I shower every other day, if I show every day my skin gets dry and cracks and my face gets sore.

Then you're using either the wrong type of body wash for your body/skin or you're taking way too long of a shower. Shower every day, although every other day is ok too I guess.

Hell is a last-ditch effort to threaten people with eternal torture and pain for something so small and insignificant
Do you really believe a god would need to test people
If god didn't know who was good and who was bad it would not be a god
Christians god always reveals it is not god but in fact the devil when you threaten with hell
Your heart is full of hatred and your mind is full of fuck

I miss read what you said, I'm just a new faggot OP.

Awful analogies.

I work in IT I spend many many hours sitting and not moving.

oh, im sorry
>its your job to convince yourself im right

i dont see rebutting me, so i take it u r actually wrong anyway

amputate your nipples, then

You are an idiot.

Then that's fine. Smegma takes way longer to form than people think...it's a mix of sweat and urine softening the dead cells that are being replaced by new cells under the foreskin. The more you work out and urinate the worse it gets, that's why it gets easily removed because normal people shower after exercising

I myself am circumcised, but from what I can tell, if you have a foreskin and access to a shower, you would not have dick cheese. As for the sexual reasons, that is subjective, and still, that is why people should choose if they want to be circumcised or not, not their parents.

Yo how do I google things I'm literally retarded.

Jesus is the way to Heaven that's why there is a new thing called the New Testament. God did in fact kill people and turned away from us.

>and the myth that Jews killed Christ.

The Jews compelled the Romans to crucify Christ.

Removing teeth - no benefits
Removing nipples - no benefits
Removing ear lobes - no benefits
Removing foreskin - many benefits and no negatives.

Nigger detected.

You fail to see what you are doing wrong.

https ://www.google. com/amp/www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4302488/amp/Men-say-key-enjoyable-sex-circumcision.html read the article throughly.

>I know things like cleanliness, STD's all that kind of stuff but WHY?
Wash your dick and you'll be fine. The main difference is that without circumsision you pull back the skin every now and then. Never killed anyone.

But to be honest: I don't think any of the jew-dicks here would have had their foreskin taken away just for the sake of it at a semi-adult age. Think about this: if it wasn't allowed to be performed on kids, a circumsision would be the same as a dick piercing or those sick fucks splitting their dickheads - body modification for perverts.

>reputable news source

pick one

>read the article and get outplayed
>don't read the article and get outplayed

pick one

What do guns have to do with circumcision?

It's a notion to how most circs are done in the south, where it's gun galore.

I was wondering the same fucking thing.

u r retaded. U must be related. Thats what u get with inbreeding
they dont get dirty and rotting
its not an erogenous area at all. Useless for sex
dont have to clean them
mutilation, pain, stress, healing, reduced pleasure, no benefits
source not linked
>men after circumcision
u mean those, who had phimosis now enjoy sex more? Amazing.
>feel less
>last longer

Your argument is invalid; the swiss own guns, but most if not all of them have foreskins

Hahahhaah you spent all that time typing just for me to not read it

Still not seeing the correlation. Most people collect and shoot guns because it's fun, not because of tradition.

I bet some of them swiss girls would be mesmerized by a circumcised dick.

It's a misconception more than anything, but most people get it anyways.

why do you care so muck about another dude's dick?

OP is a fag

u spent all that time typing your arguments and they r all wrong

HURR DERRR I don't know what to say so I call OP a faggot, Fuck off Troll.

OP here thanks for all the replies here is a gift for participating.