Last night Andy enjoyed a hearty meal of two extra large burritos...

Last night Andy enjoyed a hearty meal of two extra large burritos, a Mexican pizza with extra hot sauce and a 12 pack of Cinnabon delights from Taco Bell, then he washed it all down with some rc cola. Is your throat fucking prepared?

Double Sixx's logged
Throat clogged

some one stops this lunatic single poster

The cream

The steam...


The dream


Fucking amazing

Throat clogged


Dub SIXXES logged. All throats clogged.

You're a big log...








Poo is nice too.



Not drinking Baja Blast.


Grow up.


Not drinking black coffee.


Did you see the wixsite? They're taking a break. There will be more log posting though, fresh logs incoming




Logged n clogged

imagine if you put 1 percent of the effort into doing something productive as you do with these threads. you would be surprised by how much success you would have.