Delivering full frontal bc¯ _(ツ)_/¯

delivering full frontal bc¯ \_(ツ)_/¯\
b mad about it

do the names, they got dubs

and i got dubs again.
Raul on boobs.

Gooo ooonnn.....

you have thicc legs.
i kinda like but meh nothing else is special

Time stamp

Fuck off spic no you didn't
Only the Connor one did

Is your name really Raul?

gonna deliver the rest of the wins faggot? you're meant to post face



we want face

Tell first name.
Write "Nippleninja" on your inner thigh.
Picture of spread pussy.

If you do Connor and post email or something, I'll email you his reaction to the surprise

sorry to break your heart.

Interesting coincidence. I say Raul instead of roll sometimes.

But where's my face I got dubs 33 on the last thread. Come on op

a friend calls me Rol, so that makes it even more interesting

Fuck off spic


i love you too user

Is Raul a spic name? I thought it was Spanish or some shit


yeah im from spain, its probable they use it on any and all spanish speaking countries.

I see

bamping with this set then im gone


the end

I'll stick around to see the set and see if op delivers for my bro, and if not it's no big deal. I can buy him a gift

bumping for op to deliver whatever



das one hot bitch

captcha is getting hard

Write "John Z." on your boobs, peace sign and smile


i dont think op is coming back guys

last one cause half of them are too high res to post


Good pics though

OP is a fag




well, im done gona let this thread die now.


i got no more, sorry.
have this in exchange


This is a chick with a dick.

The penis is tucked behind the thighs.

It's been half an hour, I think that's reasonable. Night bro

same, take it easy.
from personal collection

Pls dont don't encourage underages never do signs
