So this bitch's bio on tinder says

So this bitch's bio on tinder says
>lets go demolish late stage capitalism
>probably a Bernie fag
>takes photo of herself with $400 smartphone
>wears makeup from sephora
Hypocrite 'm I right?


lets not forget the designer leather jacket. she is one of those people who tries to be edgy and hipster and just ends up cringy and pseudo intellectual.

It's fucking hypocritical. It's like these antifa fags who shout and complain about capitalism. Meanwhile they go home to their moms basement and complain there on their smartphones and macbooks

Late stage capitalism is not capitalism in its totality but a subset of it.

yeah haha totally haha where do you live so i can match with her and tell her that thing you said haha

Get over yourself, every person tries that quirky profile garbage because that's what all the "tinder specialists" used to say. Would you prefer she just be blunt and say "I think I'm smarter than I am, please validate me"?

>be flaming faggot
>bitch about girls because I'm in the closet
>moan about hypocritical anti capitalists using expensive make up I can ID just by looking at them
And she's the hypocrite

Not OP but yes. I sincerely would rather that. Sounds like a woman who knows what she wants and needs to me. No passive aggressive shit from a woman like that. Just cards on the table sincerity. I would probably propose on the first date.


People are calling it late stage but what they mean is unregulated. The constitution calls for regulations multiple times. Letting the rich do whatever they want leads to cucked feudalism.

Most of us understand the problem. You sir are just retarded and uneducated like most with your opinion.

So you equate stupid, ironic, self-deprecating "humor" with sincerity? That's basic hipster bitch 101 level stuff but I'm guessing from that bit about proposing you're a desperate enough beta for that to be appealing to you.

It's just what her friends are into. Women parrot their surroundings. She doesn't actually give a shit about any of this or have an actual understanding of it, it's just "in" right now on campus.

what are you even trying to say here my dude

Jesus christ shut the fuck up. You're not impressing anyone but yourself.


I would fuck that. Jesus I would tear that Up I've never fucked a guy but he's sexy.

Self depricating ironic humor isn't sincerity. Which is what I'm talking about, you insecure little closet queer.
And no, I'm not desperate. I'm experienced. I've grown old enough to have a couple of live in girlfriends, and here's a dirty little secret for you, there is no happily ever after. Long term co-habitational mating arrangments are matters of practicality for all but an hour or so per week day and 3-5 hours on weekends. You may think being forward is just "hyper ironic hipsterism sneer sneer smug smug" but out here in reality it's an extremely useful tool for keeping a relationship stable and healthy.

What is this, some retarded meme? At least it's more clear than your other ramblings

Use this instead then OP


Here face looks like she had a slight brush with some down syndrome genetics while in the womb but got out mostly okay

Tell the Mexican bitch you work for ICE.

That's not leather bro.