Are dating or falling in love with someone based on their skin color or political views considered retarded?

Are dating or falling in love with someone based on their skin color or political views considered retarded?

Ideally, your partner satisfies enough of your preferences and vice versa for them that being together outweighs finding someone else. If those factors are important to you, I can't fault you, even if there are a lot of other factors I find more important.

white guy who supposedly has """yellow fever""" here

I've been thinking about that kinda stuff aswell, what I came up with is this:
you can't help what you're attracted to
some people apparently even like guys who dress up as girls

but it's also not as simple as that, that's not ALL there is about them that would be attractive to you right
for example, I wouldn't just take any asian girl just because she's asian, the chemistry has to work and there's a lot more to it than just "being asian", vice versa for her it's a lot more than just me "being white"

when white girls only date black guys, nobody bats an eye except closeted cucks

so you shouldn't beat yourself up over it too much
it's hard enough to find a partner you'd be willing to live the rest of your life with, no need to also criticise yourself for discriminating for what you actually like

Good point, thanks friend. I'm white and I have a thing for black woman, but that shit doesn't really matter, as long as she makes me happy, I have no complaints. You can't live forever.


As a 1,90m white guy with a tiny Chinese girlfriend that picture makes me self conscious. Pic related.

However your children will become part nigger and suffer all the social stigma because of it. This has the potential to decrease the overall viability of your bloodline.

For example because they look like niggers they get treated worse in school, pay less attention, don't do so well, don't get a good degree, get a less then optimal job, earn less money. Now it's time for them to procreate but because of lower social standing they get a suboptimal mate. This is how you degenerate your bloodline.

internalised yellow fever everyone

Yeah, think about it. If you get a son, it'll be an Asian kid mostly due to dominant gene traits being Asian. There are some cool stuff like no body odor and sweat doesn't smell but downside is that you guys both dislike Asian boys. Your girl doesnt clearly. And you don't either because youre white.

What do you mean with your last second to last sentence? You think she's attracted to me because I'm white and therefor she wouldn't like our hafu baby?

Kek'd, it's like seeing OP's picture in 3d. Enjoy your future suicidal offspring. Your kid will be a fucking freak, perhaps the next Elliot Rodger

Yeah that's why I feel a bit uncomfortable about it. She even has the same hairstyle as the drawing. I don't like the idea of living a Sup Forums parody.

Basically your idea of love is suffering together, but not enough suffering to make you want to suffer alone. That's post-modernism for you folks

supposedly? If you jerk to yellow poon you got it fag

I bet 1000$ that she look better with her makeup on. If yes, you fell for the fucking trap you retarded faggot

People have gotten together for worse reasons...

bitch look better on right


Actually I prefer my asian girls without makeup. It makes them look more pure. Plus you can lick their face whenever you want without getting disgusting makeup flavour in your mouth. Only weebs who want the big eyed anime look are attracted to your left picture. Give me right any day.

Normal people don't give a shit about any of that. Everyone else lives outside of the bubble that is Sup Forums. Hopefully you never end up having a kid.

You're fucking over your progeny if they are male.

Listen, if left is already attractive without makeup then you know she's breeding stock.

No one outside Sup Forums cares about the wellbeing of their children and the propagation of their genes?

Lol niggers are actually dumber off of Sup Forums too. I took a black girl to prom but the idea of making stupid children is hard to swallow. Kind of like how all the yid cock in your lefty mouth must be hard to swallow.

I'm mixed race. I've known a lot of mixed race people.

Trust me when I say most of them have something extremely wrong with them.



most mixed race kids realize that whites are smarter so they end up hating them, especially mixed Asian women.
ironically everything they ever liked has to do with white people

Oh I also only date white girls and I'm literally cursed because they all have some kind of mental problems.
A sane white woman would never mix race

My children will be even more fucked up than me or I won't even have children

>white guy
We all know you're Jewish seth

lalalalalala I can't hear you over the dirty sounds coming from my tiny chinese gf's pussy as I plunge it

That sucks dude, how many suicide attempts you've committed?

What's your mix and what race is your mother? Do you hate her for mixing?

If you don't jerk it to all colors of girls, depending on your mood, then you've internalized some racially twisted sexuality.

Can you seriously say you find no Asian women attractive? No Latina women attractive? No Arab women attractive?

All races have hot women. If that guy only jacks it to Asians, then perhaps he has yellow fever.

do whatever you want. just know that if you ever want children they will be outcast mongoloids who will probably come out autistic.

oh and i forgot to mention that it's also social suicide. neither sides of my parents families like us.
People just have to remember that whites have been race mixing for thousands of years, but do you see a master race of mixed asians and whites in the middle east? Do you see a master race of mixed spaniards and native Americans in mexico? no. it just makes your children inferior and probably end up not reproducing.

Japanese and Mexican

Mother is Mexican

I hate my father for mixing. I would have had a much better life if he had found a Japanese woman.

You wouldn't exist. Do you mean you would be better off dead?

Or do you mean that a theoretical Japanese child who is your father's child would have a better life than you, the real person?

no retard, its called personal preference. we're all attracted to specific things about others. whatever youre into doesnt make you any less or more stupid than the rest of the world.

unless youre into ponies and dragon dildos, then youre fucked

I call bs on that one.. maried to sea and im dutch, my son came out blond.. no weird eyes either, is bigger than the rest of kids his age, only dif with me is he has brown eyes.. n beside that im happy with my wife, no princes bs like euro bitches.. u need to be able to take a step back n be able to say yes racism is bad and yes there is a problem with mass imigration, 2 verry dif things.. idk, im happy, my fam is happy n at the end of the day thats all that counts

the latter

It's really obvious that Mexicans are inferior to Japanese in every way.

But being around asians a lot, they have something missing in their brains that whites and Mexicans have

Full white male here. Feels good


God give me an Asian ginger girl

is this real?


THAT pic should make you self conscious, geez man take care of yourself.



Don't like floppy bellies? My gf likes it lt. says it's soft and nice for hugs. Because she's about that tall so she can rub her face in my soft belly

asian freckled redhead?

to be fair it does appear that this chick has shaved off half her eyebrows

Like if those are the Only reasons you fell in love with someone I'd say yeah, retarded, shallow, boring, probably not gonna last unless you both are that basic
But those are not retarded reasons to include in why you love someone

Whats and example of a "deep" reason to fall in love?

>20 years later
>uses a mac

Apple product are already down the shithole, they won't be there in 20 years...

Posted from my X

falling in love LMFAO

what are you, a fucking fag?

which is especially shitty...

And then he kills 6 people on the streets of Isla Vista

Just because one fucking reject with a white girls fetish couldn't get laid suddenly the entire WMAF demographic is poisoned? Fuck off

Hate to break it to you, but your genetic perpetuation is halved in every child with your mate. If you are satisfied in choosing a mate that mirrors your own appearance traits as close as possible, and the variance of humanity disgusts you, that's fine. Just don't try and order every other man around on who they should be seeding.

>However your children will become part nigger and suffer all the social stigma because of it.

lol who gives a FUCK about social stigma??? Do YOU know where you are?

Because of people like you true speciation cannot take place. If humanity had been divided for a couple of eons more whites would have become genetically different enough that breeding with niggers would have been impossible. But because of people like you their genes will now forever form a part of humanity. Even as we stretch across the stars a part of us will remain that primitive slave race. Fuck you.

Easy there Hitler

Don't like the bezel?

It still matters in the outside world

Stay lonely


Fuck, this is a 10/10 for me. How the fuck can I meet a girl like this in America away from the coasts?