When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross

He's nailed it again folks, Kagan has nailed it again


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pastebin shill

Oh please. Wanting a leader with a backbone and valuing that doesn't make you fascist. The left said Bush was a fascist too, they're just crying wolf, as always.

They probably don't even know what fascism is
As said they call everyone they don't like a fascist.

>implying that isn't what we want and need

We need to rise up and take this country over, and once we have a fascist utopia, we need to free our cucked brethren in Europe via thorough kebab removal.

Fascism doesn't work in reality.


Bush fucked up dude.

Bolsheviks please leave


It came wrapped in dank memes.

Im ok with that as long as its the Stars and Stripes.

literally who gives a shit


Christcucks are dead and gone as a unique movement. Today they are zionists.

If you are white and worship a dead jew on a stick, you are committing treason against your intellect and your nation.

>1.Fascism is bad
>2.wanting better trade deals is fascism

can they just stop being so stupid for one fucking day

Oh look its another Trump is literally hitler thread

>son of a lithuanian jew

Not going to deny that, but it doesn't make him a fascist.


Bait thread. Wtf you sliding jew?

How would this even happen if Trump is such a colossal supporter of the second amendment? I hope the author honestly doesn't think that nobody would have the wits to rise up if the government became fascist.

>russian/jewish surname

I'm beginning to believe.

Why is fascism bad again?

And this is bad because?

And what's wrong with that?

Do I even have to ask?

>People on Sup Forumsare unironically posting articles written by Robert Kagan.
My has this site fallen

He and the rest of his buddy's in the PNAC cabal should all be hanged for treason.


Literally never wrong about anything

New fags


So apparently if you want borders - it's supremacy?

What a joke.

You mean just like how some people refer to anything they don't like as communism?

So, Falangism?

Sounds good to me

>Christcucks are dead and gone as a unique movement. Today they are zionists.
>If you are white and worship a dead jew on a stick, you are committing treason against your intellect and your nation.
Why are there so many pagancucks on this board now?

Jews literally crucified the messiah. We don't support them, we want them to ask for forgiveness of sins.

China stole our national broadband network documents.

>Fascism doesn't work in reality.
No form of socialism ever does

Everybody has their own definition of fascism. These claims are all baseless and pure speculation.


Whats wrong with Zionism?

Works better then communism and democracy

>wrapped in the flag
You had me there.
>carrying a cross
And now you lost me.


Trumps the only Republican that's not "MUH JESUS" like the fucking rest of them. That's the whole point. That's one of the reason's he's getting so much support or at least it's one of my main reasons.

These people are just making shit up and projecting it.

Fucking exactly. Where was the big evil dictatorship we were supposed to get out of Bush? Oh wait he retired like every other president and now just wants to chill out, work on his ranch and paint pictures.

No one's denying that but he didn't become some kind of dictator leading a new Nazi regime like the left loves to hysterically project all over anyone who's a Republican at all.

>all those jagged edges
Alpha as fuck

We'll never see the end of the argument "Trump=Hitler" will we?


It needs to happen now.

Because this shit just got deeper and the lies are being dug up.

Literally everything that guy did was right.

Which guy are you talking about? The Author, Hitler, or Trump?

Trump needs to go Hitler.

Burn the white house or something like he did, create a state of emergency.

It's a last resort but - this is getting desperate.



One day, liberals will understand that the title of fascist is an honor, and very few are worthy of it these days.

>liberals will understand that the title of fascist is an honor, and very few are worthy of it these days.
All I want is return to normality.

Why the fuck is this place going full reich all of a sudden. Yeah we know the enemy - rid them. Then make america great again.

Don't make it the tyrannical meme empire. Only apathetic pussies do that. Fix your people, don't abuse them.

I hope so.

If we only have two options - fascism on the right, and communism on the left, then I will pick fascism every time.

Fascism surfaces and will continue to resurface as long as the interests and well-being of a nation's most capable and civic-minded are callously exploited at the expense of their own detriment.

Whites built this nation. Shitskins and other foreign hordes were only along for the ride, getting in the way, scavenging and parasitizing, never contributing anything meaningful or revolutionary to the advancement of the nation. You spit on and denigrate us while wallowing in our wonders and innovations, and you wonder why the gracious host becomes indignant.

Fascism is direct a response to communism. One cannot exist without the other, its an autistic ying yang.

>all of a sudden
how long you been here?

Well, we wouldn't need fascism if we had let Hitler finish his job in WW2. Instead we stopped him and strengthened Communism to be the worlds biggest problem for the next century.

It's time to just embrace fascism and purge all communists for real this time, then perhaps we can move past it.

why do those soldiers have swastika bands wrapped around their huge erect penises.

>actually homosexual

>If we only have two options - fascism on the right, and communism on the left, then I will pick fascism every time.

I've never really understood the distinction. In both systems the state runs everything. I could google it but I'd rather be spoonfed by a Sup Forumsack.

No I mean like FULL Reich.

Like beyond hate, to pure fucking reeeeeeee

We were always close, we've been tipped latly.

In the REAL world, communism and fascism are pretty identical and both are on the same end of a political spectrum with the right being total anarchy - or as small of a government as possible.

In application, Jews put Fascism and Communism on left-right scale and this is the way our world works now.

If we had an actual political spectrum in place that was realistic then I think most people would associate with the right.