How are you going to celebrate President Macron's victory?

How are you going to celebrate President Macron's victory?

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le pen ou le mort

By drinking whisky while masturbating to anime

I'll go place de la république with an algeiran flag

By insulting the Poles who oppose the immigration in their country.

Macron is literally the savior of Europe.

Just a typical campaign bullshit. You'll not impose any sanctions on EU member, and even if you do they are mild and just formal.
No one will force us to accept syrians or something.

>No one will force us to accept syrians or something.
No euromonies for Poland anymore.

You personally don't decide it and we will keep getting the money anyway since it's beneficial to Germany in a long run.

macron doesn't give a fuck about your syrian. He'll stop the social dumping

no more will companies outsource towards poland because htey pay their workers half a bowl of whatever the national dish is there

If the EU becomes about mutual extortion, it no longer has any reason to exist and needs to be dismantled.

It is already this. We see you are a shitty Eastern European.

you should not refer to yourself as "we" lad, it's not good for you.

Putting "French" and "Victory" in one sentence is just an oxymoron

*does the EU walk*

this tbqh

I think it'd be hilarious if he did. but that'd be like the U.S. putting sanctions on Canada or some shit

His supporters will probably pay to Allah

He will fuck France and French with more immigration

The threat of sanctions for Hunagry and Poland is due to inadequacies in the rule of law and democracy.

you won't accept syrians you will accept subsaharian africans. Today another 3000 arrived in Sicily just for you

>Today another 3000 arrived in Sicily
And they will either stay in shitaly or move to france.

Can't wait for all the white snowflake tears swarming Europe just right after the NL election

There they come!

nothing much
it's not a surprise to anyone that macron will win and politics won't change with him
so why may we show importance to that very day?

not a mine candidate

yeah we already know he won
no surprise, honestly what we should talk about is who we take to replace marine

He looks so cool. (No gay)

>How are you going to celebrate President Macron's victory?

I'll pop this ^ in the stereo and crack open a beer can :^)


>says poland

mélenchon a large plus de réparti et de bouteille pour des débats, le problème c'est sa personne et certains points de la france insoumise
si enfin les insoumis arrivent à entrer en grand nombre au parlement, ce sera plus intéressant pendant le quinquennat macron

Nah these are ours, dint take them away from us!

Fuck Macron

>Fuck Macron
delicious brit tears

I just hope he won't win and if he win, i will drink and play for forget that

Multi-speed EU when?

you can open the bottle already m8 we've known that he won for 2 weeks already


Yes i know but i still believe at Le Pen's victory

Im not, since its the job of the french to celebrate whoever wins.

Right now. They pretty much decided on that in the Rome summit.

By hoping he won't turn out to be as terrible as I fear he will. France doesn't deserve this shit.

>Yes i know but i still believe at Le Pen's victory
Believe IN.

believe to*

excuse me but i think it's "believe of"

immigrating to france and living with welfare


>believe to*
Really now?

believe in -3*- believe in someone to feel confident that a person or organization is good or reliable

ex: Some of Le Pen's previous supporters have stopped believing in her.

believing by*

I don't care, you understood my message, so that's the main