You also lose if you don't laugh
This is a lose thread















did he drink diarrhea?


Is the implication that he just swallowed dog semen?
Was Garfield always this edgy?



Dog semen. As if he didn't know all along

alpha as fuck

Jim Davis was a deeply disturbed human being

fake, that's not a male cow

Thats a good one


while most of his comics were innocent, several alluded to his deeply repressed mental problems such as abandonment issues, sexual abuse, and cannibalism to name a few

Fuck you









I grew up reading garfield
this might explain why i ended up here





I fucking love africans

I'm in love with this picture. It's so perfect. Dayum.


I get that it's a candy pipe but it looks like horse cock



This isnt a cringe thread nigger.


Looks more like a dog dick shaped crack pipe.

every mlp fanfic ever


Ain't nobody's time wasted with a dick like that.


it is a dog dick bowl for smoking marijuana and possibly hash

yep. fuckin furries

Wonka, my nigga.

I think it would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions that the black community has made to American society. Their peaceful and generous nature,make them ideal neighbors,lending testimony to their family values and exceptional parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their quiet and calm behavior in restaurants as to not disturb other diners and their generous gratuities that they leave after dining are an example that all diners should strive to achieve. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans in a neighborhood due to their caring and respectful nature for their own property and the community


This is one weak ylyl thread





His lordship always a welcome sight






.twitch. tv discount_luna





Lost on text. Good job op.




How dare anyone make this a thing




W h e w boye


That looks absolutely fucking delicious

white cat is whiiiiiiiiiite

dog cum




Kek'd and check'd






whats that?

