Do I have any Dad's here on Sup Forums

Do I have any Dad's here on Sup Forums

>Have 2 month old baby girl
>She has sleep problems, thanks to my genetics
>Basically when she falls asleep she jerks herself awake like she's fighting sleep
>After a few nights of this decide to try Benadryl
>Mom always said she used it on all six of her babies
>Give her the tiniest amount of children's Benadryl
>Works like a charm she's been sleeping and snoring for the last two hours
>Worried the Benadryl might cause something bad to happen
>Worried she may stop breathing

So basically using the Benadryl on her for sleep has made me actually stay up to keep an eye on her...

Any of you dads have any experience with this??

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i think the best thing to do is go see a professional in order to diagnose what she has, not only for her, but for everyone who does and will carry it later on.

you're drugging your infant

good job dad

Not fully dad, but aggreisvely taking care of a baby fresh born baby
Check inmediate with Doctors about the benadryl first since more so often the baby will require aggresive needs that makes her wake up, and if your genetics are also added on top of that, check with the doctor about small solutions before you damage her too hardly.

>ike a charm she's been sleeping and snoring for the last two hours
>>Worried the Benadryl might cause something bad to happen
Bro Im gonna be honest with you. I've done 3 boxes of benadryl in the last 24 hours. Dont worry about it. That shit does absolutely nothing. If you take too much you just fall asleep. it's a as simple as that.

>She has sleep problems, thanks to my genetics

like what? are you narcoleptic? apnea? pissing yourself? cumming all over the sheets?

this internet savvy infant has experience

No just never been a good sleeper, stlesr once a night I wake up in a small panic wondering were I am, then after a few minutes o calm down and go back to sleep.

Other times it just plain ole' takes me a few hours to fall asleep.



i think you're confusing your past sleep experiences with just being a baby

My daughter had the same problem and we would just keep her in the room for comfort but the best thing u can do is try to let her go back to sleep on her own. It's really hard but it will get better and easier. They gotta learn to get back to sleep kn their own



my dad told me once, he gave me a few milliliters of gin with honey to help me sleep when i experienced restlessness. no harms done i guess. its an old grandma trick, if benadryl contains alcohol its probably the same effect but in 2017 i believe that most adults would be against that sort of "remedy" .. just my opinion.

yA MY STEP uncle used to give me vodka and orange juice when i was a baby. Now i have a 166 IQ its not a big deal.
Get this my kid did the same shit. Never had another problem.

2 month old infants should not be given downers, whether it be benadryl, nyquil, or liquor

or uppers for that matter, wait til they're about 7 to start partying with them

Go buy some baby lotion with, fuck it's purple and has something that helps baby's sleep. Lavender I think. Rub that all over gently, sing a soft song. Then wrap her in a shirt or blanket that smells like her mom's natural smell. Have her wear a shirt for a day or two, no heavy sweating. The baby will be comforted by the smell and fall asleep.


Babies go from being tightly cushioned in a womb to floating in open space.

When you wrap her in her blanket, wrap it like tight burrito (arms inside). She'll sleep like a charm.

Don't give your baby drugs. It's stupid.

i would have tried one if it was around when mine were babies, they make similar jackets for dogs and cats

Medfag dad here. Stop using that as a crutch for sleepless nights. You're not helping her as her brain and organs are still developing. Using too much benadryl WILL cause respiratory failure in an infant. Knock that shit out and consult a pediatrician


will fuck up your brain if you take too much / too often. probably not good for the developing brain.

>thanks to my genetics
>still reproducing
you are everything wrong with this world. fucking faggot OP

Thirding to take her to a doc.

But it sounds like she might just be a fussy sleeper, with no medical disorders requiring treatment. Unconscious =/= Good sleep. It's better than no sleep, but a healthy night of sleep has several different stages you potentially alter or miss out on entirely when you rely on a medicine to get to sleep. Many stages of sleep that you cycle in and out of can appear to be wakefulness or restlessness, but as you are asleep when you personally go through them you likely have no memory or awareness of those 'active' periods in your own sleeping cycle.

At that age proper sleep is extremely important and poor sleep can lead to hindered development in both brain and body, so it's good you're taking it seriously. I would save up to take her to a doc and potentially get a sleeping study done if it genuinely seems that serious. In the meantime:

-Keep a detailed record of how many times your baby wakes you with their crying at night, and at what times
-GET THEM ON A SCHEDULE. This is so fucking important. All major meals should be at the exact same time of day, make sure she gets some sun exposure during daylight hours and remove as much light/ stimulation as possible as the day goes on. Put her into bed at the same times and get her out at same times, same for naps.
-Record the falling asleep and jerking you're talking about on your phone to show your doctor. The more evidence you have of this the easier it will be for your doctor to advise you.

It's dangerous but realistically speaking I'd only ever shrug off use of benadryl like that if it was a one time thing to help baby adjust to new time zone, or sleep through a plane trip or something. Your mom might have exacerbated your current sleep problems by using the benadryl when you were a baby, dont do that to your daughter.

Take her to a doc.

fucking this.

>Your mom might have exacerbated your current sleep problems by using the benadryl when you were a baby, dont do that to your daughter.
My mom got me hooked on benadryl like 10+ years ago, and now I need it every night to sleep. 1/10 would not recommend (although it does make jerking off feel better)

>when she falls asleep she jerks herself awake like she's fighting sleep

if she is getting zero sleep, then something is going on, if she just "fights" sleep before eventually sleeping, then it's probably just normal baby shit and you're going to spend the next year constantly in and out of her room just to check if she's I did