Why are black people so offended by the word "nigger" Sup Forums? It's just a fuckin' word

Why are black people so offended by the word "nigger" Sup Forums? It's just a fuckin' word.

everything is words.

Everything is dragons

Every dragon is a thing made up of words

if you have an excuse to chimp out, then sue the bastard for "hate crimes" because of a simple fucking word used in the exchange, you would too.
thank your government for that.

Because the history of the word and because of the fact it's used in a hateful way. It's easy to say it's just a word (which it is to me) but sometimes those certain words just crawl under your skin

all the words is a thing made up of dragons
this is why you must never call a nigger, a nigger

Because nigger means ignorant.

Therefore only ignorant people will be offended by being called a nigger.

Becuase if you say it, and they start fighting you, you are still the one who gets to go to jail because you just committed a hate crime by defending yourself.

violent monkey niggers be violent monkey niggers looking for any reason to chimp out of their wretched existence, end of discussion

inferiority complex. They know they are inferior and were slaves at one time. Too stupid to evolve in Africa. Just being born butt hurt and offended by anything that reminds them they are niggers. Calling them niggers is the number one reminder.

fuck off felix

I think liberal white people are more offended than black people.

i'm Argentinian and i find it really weird, in my country and the countrys i've been to there isn't a keyword for triggering people or a forbidden word, i think you are the only exception, sad

We only have those liberal white people because of the crybaby ignorant niggers who can't get anything productive done by themselves.

>thank your government for that.

>Thank the happy merchants for that


IN ukraine we only call them niggers, they seem to accept it

They aren't offended by it, they just pretend to be to justify chimping out, it's like a free card to attack people and get away with it.

I'm mexican and you're a sudaca

Why do white people get so offended that that word offends people?

That's the dumbest shit that I've ever heard.

Why did you automatically assume he was white.
Also OP made this thread knowing it wasn't going to go any where. Hey Sup Forums why do people get offended? Sup Forums gives no fucks.

Black people are offended by everything.

Why are idiots so offended by the word Feminist? It's just a fucking work.

Why are morons offended by the word "bigot" ? It's just a word!

why do white people get offended when they get called nazi ? It's just a word

Why are all those losers offended when we call them Nazis? It's just a word amirit?

Yes, I'm offended because I question why a word makes them cry and whine. Makes perfect sense

because they can be. people like to make the situation about them if they can.

TIL that Sup Forums turns BYGOT into NAZI

no, you are simply a moron.

Let's rephrase your question "Why are the children of former slaves offended by the a slur used by the children of former slave owners?"

Black people are easily offended, and overreact to everything, all the time.

When someone calls you a Nazi they're saying you advocate for things Nazis do and that you're a supremacist that hates other races whereas Nigger is just a contemptuous way of referring to a black person.
Perfect comparison on your part A++

Because it's truth! Niggas doesn't like truth.

"Nigger" is the Spanish word for "black."

So black people are really offended over their raging anti-hispanic racism.

Imagine being contemptuously referred to as "White" while being forced to pick cotton all day and not being allowed to own your own land just because of your skin color. Are you gonna be offended by the fucking word or are you gonna be offended by how they make you do all their labor for free? Personally, I wouldn't give a fuck what they call me because that's very clearly the least important, least impactful shit in this situation. I would be complaining about the fact that they're being racist not because they're calling me mean names because I'm not in kindergarten.