How do you know actually like the music you like instead of just getting used to it?

How do you know actually like the music you like instead of just getting used to it?

Does it matter? Perception is reality.

When you actively seek out listening to it

How do you know you actually like the music you like instead of just being used to it?

Not a good answer.

Yes, I don't want to waste my time.

if you enjoy it you like it


Because you need to seek it out and listen to it to see if you like itl

Liking something means you get pleasure from it. You're rewarded with happy chemicals like dopamine and serotonin when you listen to it. JUST getting used to it indicates neutrality - in other words, hearing it isn't unpleasant.

Sometimes these things go together, though. Sometimes there are barriers you have to get used to, before you can really dig into and appreciate a genre. Examples might be the abrasiveness of metal or noise music, the unusual rhythms and speaking patterns of country or hip hop, or the repetition in EDM. But liking something goes beyond just being used to it.

I think both things happen.

But have you ever heard an album or a song and liked it on the first go? Then you really like it.

yeah like I thought Pet Sounds was boring as fuck when I first heard it but it in my top 5 now.

>Hear music
>Enjoy it
>Buy album
>Want to hear it
>Play album
How is this hard?

It's the same. Music is just tension and release, everyone could get used to, and therefore enjoy any music.

Does it make you feel anything?

Mere exposure effect.

no not really but I don't think the songs are bad

Do you have depression?

And anxiety.

You better appreciate music, or else!


Why do you insist on believing feelings you've acclimated to are somehow less genuine than ones you feel instantly? Why do you insist on over-analyzing yourself into anxiety? Why do you insist on misinterpreting postmodern thought and deconstruction?

It's all serotonin, dopamine, and endorphin, and it's all the same receptors. The mechanical, automatic part of your brain that releases those neurotransmitters and responds to them is not actively changing it's response to external stimuli as your conscious brain makes tertiary reactions to your emotions. It takes either dedicated, purposeful effort and many months, or passive responses across years, to even create a new response.

In other words, you're going to feel your emotions no matter what. The reactions in your frontal lobe--the thing that is *you*--are completely distinct from those emotional reactions. You're only deciding how you are going to consciously react to those emotions, but from the sound of it you aren't even aware of any of these mechanics and are functionally emotionally unconscious. You're not much better off than an animal, emotionally speaking, simply reacting to sensation.

By the time you're an adult, ALL of your emotional responses are learned from your environment. Everything you feel is something you've "gotten used to". That's how the mechanics of the emotional part of your brain function.

Following your idea that "learned" emotional responses are disingenuous somehow, the only genuine emotional response you can have is the first time you cry as a baby.

Learn more about the mechanisms of the emotional response process before you work yourself up into some kind of pseudo-intellectual fever.

tl;dr--your fukken dumb, consider suicide

If I don't enjoy a song, I skip it nigger


Goddamn, these hot memes.

It's the same, actually. You listen what you like and if you enjoy something, you also get used to it, so similar things (or maybe something totally unexpected) are usually enjoyable to you.

So, yeah, it's the same.

>It's all serotonin, dopamine, and endorphin Morty *burps*
>I turned myself into a pickle btw


XD mAN good post!!!! You sure got him there ahahah

there's no god Morty!
Szechuan Sauce!