Tfw am centrist and just want everyone to chill the fuck out

>tfw am centrist and just want everyone to chill the fuck out

music for this feel

Other urls found in this thread:

>not being a far-left, self-loathing progressive
Fuck off, Nazi scum.

How to destroy angels "a drowning"

>tfw people unironically believe if you aren't with us you're against us

there's just no winning if you're a normal person

you chill the fuck out

try sufjan stevens Michigan.

at 25 seconds in the guy next to hitler is actually black

People are desperate to feel like they belong to something.

Chill the fuck out yourself. The real Libertarian, non-interventionist position is just to let everyone else fight and just do your own shit desu.

then belong to like a gym or something, get some friends. no reason to try and drag everyone into your autismo tier conflict for no reason.

i'd love to but shit starting near my house, if people wanna fuck each other up go ahead but away from my property please

Hey, I agree with you man. Just giving an explaination for people seemingly losing their minds recently.

You got a link to that? I find the political compass to be very inaccurate

every political test is very inaccurate and only retards take them seriously

What's some explicitly Centrist music, lads?

We are in the middle of a culture war, there is no centrist option

I enjoy jazz because even if the musicians had some strong political opinions jazz was about the music, and just the music.

>Letting a stupid website made in 45 minutes label your political beliefs

There is, there's just no nonparticipatory position

Call me crazy but I consider condemning white supremacists invading a community where they're not welcome and throwing a bitch fit over a war they lost 150 years ago and then murdering a nonviolent local citizen counter-protester a centrist position.

>implying im not using a stupid website to support my previous beliefs

>We are in the middle of a culture war, there is no centrist option

>implying the guy who ran onto a softball field and shot up some senators was any better

both sides are retarded its just neither side sees that

>We are in the middle of a culture war

Please explain in detail the ways that you are engaging in this "war"

>with us or against us

no one likes this option leave normal people out of your autism

Who are you quoting? Who implied that?

He makes ultra spicy MAGA memes on Sup Forums and the_donald to BTFO dumb SJWs

t. antifanon

Try pic related

Its literally centrist: the album

>not channeling your energy to make meme magic real

im just so tired

welcome to the fucking club, really I think we should just have a thunder dome where the larpers can kill each other off