I fell for the biggest jape in history

i fell for the biggest jape in history
i was told everything's gonna be better when i get a gf
i'm still lonely
nothing of value in my life changed

don't waste your time trying to get a gf Sup Forumsros

i got played like a damn fiddle

gf = someone to share your autism

depends on yourself i guess

she doesn't like my autism i have to behave like a normal person around her

never really takes my feelings into consideration

why'd you settle for a a shitty girlfriend instead of a good one

Then she isn't your girlfriend she's using you. Dump her.

am lonely boy, dont have anyone else

cbf to try so i settled for the next best

also depression since 13, am 24 now

fuck off with your depression bullshit im an incel
you knew she was a shit gf and dated her anyway you did it to yourself faggot stop trying to blame other people

maybe you should date a nice boy instead and he'll treat you like a real princess after he gets done hammering your boypussy into a swampy puddle and then you'll be happy

Bruh you gotta look inward and find solace in being alone. Human interaction is what keeps you grounded in reality, but happiness always comes from within. Even when others make you happy, its because you are taking part in something you enjoy.

If your gf doesn't like who you are, then being with her isn't worth the sadness it will continue to inflict. A relationship built on forced normalcy will never yield positive results.

i dont mean snowflake self proclaimed watered down depression

im talkin about medically diagnosed chemical imbalance in my brain


thats a way to look at shit that i havent considered

boner works fine

You should probs not recommend getting ass hammered as the go-to solution for people having relationship issues. Not everyone is a flaming faggot.

op here

should probably mention that she used to be (still is?) a slut of biblical scale cos she got sad after her gf (she bi) dumped her, has alot of issues being bullied by her parents shes forced to live with cos poorfag

acts like the most edgy special snowflake tumblr girl (the slutty ones that wear only black, chokers, fishnets and smoke, not the fat sjw ones)

shes also way out of my league since i'm like a 6 and shes a 10

Personality is a major component when determining actual relationship compatibility, personally. If a girl is a smoking 10 but is a raging cunt, she is going to look more like a 4 just out of the association. I would rail a 4 until the cows come home, but I wouldn't bring that cow back to meet the fam.

It is certainly possible to change your partner into someone better, but that change has to come about naturally. And given the fact that she has been forcing you into acting normal around her, she has no intention of changing for you. The relationship seems extremely one sided and unhealthy.

The choice is always yours to make, but you need to look reality in the face and never turn away. If you stay with her and things don't change, your emotional state with continue to decline.

will continue*

>and shes a 10

Pics to confirm the legitimacy of this claim?

Why don't you love yourself before you love another person. Whatever makes you happy do that, and keep doing

i still respect her user sorry

I agree with this sentiment. A selfless love that comes at the expense of ones-self is usually one born of selfish delusion. A love that comes about as an extension of the things you love about yourself is one that you won't soon tire of.

-Pointless Sophistry, by user

all u guys r telling me to let her go

but im scared like

i dont wanna be alone since exactly that is what activates my almonds and makes me wanna neck myself