Cool tattoo ideas, preferably somthing to do with WW1 or WW2

Cool tattoo ideas, preferably somthing to do with WW1 or WW2
Gon get one soon

Why, did you fight in WW1 & WW2?

Thats not cool. Its edgy as fuck

Print a cool ww1 or ww2 picture on a t shirt instead. There's nothing good about tattoos.


Ye it is you fucking cunt

You're a fucking retard

I would but then I would probably be fired from my job

Get a WW3 Kim Jong-Un one of you wanna be ultra hipster

Maybe if you are 14

I dont think they fire people at McDonalds for an tattoo

you're probably allergic to ink you malnurished autist

What's the point? Did you fight in any of those wars? No you didn't, so that's meaningless.

Fucking children these days.

Shut up fucking hipster faggot. You guys look like homeless.

you should get a full back photorealistic tattoo of adolf hitler. trust me on this.

why do people make war films. Did they fight in any of these wars? No they didn't.
Americans are so fucking high on stolen valour bullshit they cry about anyone who mentions them
fucking cunt

go to church conservative pussy

>implying only Americans make war films
Hypocrite buck toothed faggot

Its a difference if you look a movie or draw something under your skin for your whole life. Are you fucking retarded? Why dont you tattoo yourself an snickers on the forehead, you watch advertisment right?

they make the overtop shits one yeah cunt
btw im not English you fucking ameritard

inb4 serial number

I would but I'd never get a job

> confirmed autism

off by one you fucken faggot

>tattoo of a helicopter
uh... no.

love 2 fetishize violent conflicts


part of the tattoo is in the Falkslands war

embed a raspberry pi + screen into your stomach like a teletubby with this on loop

discount 3 for 2

These fags are on their high horses and all mad because the chads with tattoos in high school and college got laid.

Just get a tattoo of something that means something to you and not a WW tattoo.
