Console peasants

Console peasants

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>playing video games in 2017


>vice city on ps4?
too bad the PC controls are unplayable.
PS2 was the shit anyway. quit badmouthing old consoles. everything that came out in the 90s was good shit. PC is always a better system but the games were fun back in the day.

why are pc elitists such entitled faggots


am glad he's overpowering his bitchass

>>vice city on ps4?
>san andreas *facepalm
fixed it my damned self

Its true




what aboot it



Just master race

we can use any controller we want on pc

Consoles and PC are good for different games.
Pardon my correctness.

I bet that keyboard still works with a bit of minor wear and tear. The same can't be said of most controllers of the same era

NOPE I aint gona buy a console just for 1 exclusive