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Fuck no. You shouldn't be a scientist or any sort of contributor to society based solely on your gender. That's retarded. Half of the population is fucking retarded. Does that mean half of all scientists are fucking retarded? Bill Nye is a has been

Equal opportunity=/=Equal result. Maybe if the landwhales in their gender studies classes understood this, there would be more women in STEM.


For a smart guy he's a bit of a fucking twat, isn't he, that bill nye

>he's a bit of a fucking twat, isn't he, that bill nye
The part I agreed with


Even in 2017 women have a hard time fitting into the STEM fields. I see nothing wrong with encouraging them.

Why not encourage those who are capable of such fields?

this isn't about encouraging women in STEM, this is about setting arbitrary demographical distribution goals for the genders because of some ill-conceived notion that unless there is perfectly equal representation of both genders in all fields there is no equality.

but society will have to take this time of "making equal" its underclass on the chin and let itself die a little inside before we can move past this kind of shit and extract meaningful social lessons from it. eventually even the most obnoxious voices on the subject will shout themselves hoarse and the accumulation of reasonable discussion will overwhelm the zealotry. just takes some time

think about the jobs and hobbies that women traditionally prefer, should more men be doing secretary jobs and should be knitting for fun?

I would HATE to have to do those

Dawkins is just like .......

he's speaking in terms that are so absolute, that people aren't gonna understand.

he's basically saying everyone should be a scientist or dabbling in science.
right now, women just don't give 2 shits about science and nothing can force them, it's biological.
women are biologically compelled to seek out human interaction.

>Bill Nye is a has been

Not unless we are also looking for a National Women's Football league. If we're going equality, go all the way.

plenty of women in science already. its a non issue.

A National Women's Football league would only be the beginning of such equality.

That's what they want you to think.

dawkins is getting pretty damn redpilled in his old age

>Bill Nye the not a real scientist guy saying 50% of scientists should be women
I swear he has to be on a new level of trolling beyond comprehension

Do keep drinking the kool-aid just because it isn't the SJW flavored Kool-Aid.

If they're capable by all means let them go into science.

But don't start making quotas based on gender in highly skilled fields.

All of scientists should be qualified regardless of genitals.

Well put, although you're giving a lot of credit to society there

My wife is a physicist. I am a biochemist. She's fucking Spock bro... zero emotion. Just find the right chicks. You are talking About women who aren't in science. Those in science think like scientists.

>Just find the right chicks
Of course, it's so simple.

It fucking is. Stop sniffing around with your dick and hunt with your mind.

Bill Nye told us there are over 72 genders, but now he is assuming he knows the genders of half the humans?
Nye probably just says whatever he thinks is PC and will earn him brownie points in the current culture.

I hope nobody's lives hinge on your communicative abilities.

so that should work for everything right? half of garbage men should be women

Half of fathers should be women.

People are misconstruing "should be"

It's like saying things "should be" fair or that there "should be" a cure for cancer.

It's not encouraging. It's telling them to fight the patriarchy by doing jobs that are typically male dominated. You're not going to get the best and the brightest in any field if you have to convince people to do it. It's just a rush to mediocrity.

lesbian dance studies is science!

I study photosynthesis. But no, no lives hinging on my ability to speak to random dudes on the internet. Would you like me to write it again? What ever you had a problem with?

>Would you like me to write it again?
Type, not write. And no, there's nothing to be gained from what you typed, no matter how often you retype it because it's wholly asinine. "Your problem is that you haven't met the right girls." I'm sorry that you paid for your education and got this out of it. How often in your livelihood do you tell people "These are plants?"

typing = writing user. I'm not even him but you are so dense

>"Your problem is you haven't met the right girls"

You haven't met a girl worthy of your supreme intellect who shares your passion for hat-wear. *tips*

No dude, I don't work work plants.

>No dude, I don't work work plants.
Try this sentence again.

Only 2% of the US population is jewish, I think only 2% of the US scientists should be jewish.

I don't work with plants.

Heh, this is pretty good.

>I don't work with plants.
>I study photosynthesis.

>half the population is male so half of the number of midwives should be male
>people shouldn't be able to choose what they want to do if it fucks up muh ratios!

I study the anoxygenic photosynthetic apparatus of the Gram-positive Bacteria Heliobacterium modesticaldum. It's not a fucking plant.


yeah i buy it, hes got a point
smart guy

fucking kicking me in the head you bastard



>One half of the humans are female
>yet 90% of suicides and 99% of workplace casualties are male
>so we should start executing females until we reach parity

This type of reasoning looks like it would be ripped from a runaway, administrative AI from some sci-fi flick.

I found a woman with a decent intellect in Computer Science. How about you look inward to find the source of your inability to find love, instead of blaming your loneliness on the supposed lack of good women. Stupid faggot.

Yeah. I agree with Bill.

If a chick wants to be a scientist and has the aptitude, let her be a scientist. An ex gf formulated a some of the sun screen your ugly bitches put on this summer.

But yeah, let's not kid ourselves that there's a lot of chicks growing up wanting to be scientists. There are biological and cultural differences between men and women, and that's going to skew the odds away from 50/50 men/women.

Kek. Fucking nextlvl trolling bro

He isn't a smart guy. He's an actor.

It's pretty easy to understand. Science isn't manual labor, so the initial biological difference between men and women in terms of muscle density and such doesn't matter. So yeah, it should be 50/50, but it's not, because STEM is not suggested at a young age to many females.

Shill Nye the propaganda cuck

I think it also has to do with the fact that intelligent women choose fields outside of STEM. Whether this is due to women who are intelligent possessing a more emotional based intelligence, or a lack of desire for those women to go into STEM, I truly could not tell you.

One half of the population is female, so half of the infantry should be female.

One half of the population is male, so one half of divorce cases won should be male.

One half of the population is female, so half of all constructing workers should be female.

I dunno man... His logic is shit.

Checking out Bill Nye's actual educational credentials
Prepare to Kek Edition

Encourage the girls to get into the thing that was supposed to encourage them in the first place! That's genius!

And if that doesn't work we'll spend another 100 billion on trying to encourage them even more!

Insert baseless unfounded opinion here.

But seriously, this is such utterly contrived shit. If you actually believe this you truly have no understanding of what it means to back a statement with facts and evidence.

In general, women are not good at science or engineering.

Many women have other great talents however.

cuz women are dumb right hurrr
sad little man

Like acting?

They newer care about parity in underwater welders, garbage collectors, sewer maintanance, oil drilling or other hard and dangerous careers, even if they pay out of wazoo.

It's always about CEO, politicians scientists and other cosy jobs with some sort of power or social leverage.

And when you bring this up they just smirk and either completely drop the subject or ask if you are joking. It's hypocrisy.

how about its a male dominated world in which society is geared to making women second to men and lower then them ?
but you dont have that clarity or awareness do you

He's also just wrong. If you look at biological sciences graduates there are more women (18-22 age), if you look at biological science graduate students there are more women (22-27 age), now if you look at Bio post-docs there are suddenly less now, academic professors even less... It's not just STEM. It's age and the fact that chicks have to have kids. This takes a huge chunk of time, it's hard as fuck to do grad school, post doc, or simply academics witha bun in the oven, or a new child.

Because the very idea that women should make up half of all of the "good jobs" is dumb and has no consideration for reality. Women aren't dumb, they just don't want to spend 90% of their time studying topics that no human will ever have a perfect grasp of. It has more to do with the desire to spend your life in a pursuit of knowledge that may never bear fruit than anything else. More men than women are willing to risk the best years of their lives doing this.


So glad we have a dipshit who provides zero evidence AND doesn't have the clarity or awareness to distinguish between than and then. Please don't quite your victim narrative building day job.

> Hurr durr, ~~80% of all people on earth have black hair, so ~~80% of all scientists should have black hair.
His argument makes no sense. Stupid hack.

What is baseless? Do you think there is a difference between men and women in terms of thinking? Are men smarter? If you think this then please refer to your last statement and provide your facts and evidence.


> if women were interested in STEM they would just sign up for the courses and the ratio would be 1:1

Maybe women don't want to sign up for these courses because they're constantly being harassed if they sign up for them? Maybe they don't want men hitting on them and talking down to them all the time. Just a thought.

>just a thought

>citation needed

>Many women have other great talents however.
Which are...?

technically this should be true. I would be willing to bet it's actually more like 90%.

You saying society is trying to make women second class citizens. This isn't the fuckin 50s. Show me evidence of this force, because I am not seeing it. I have one example and its a personal one, of ONE WOMAN.

I think men and women have different kinds of intelligence. There is more to sexual dimorphism than just muscle mass. A woman's brain has a thicker connection between lobes, making them more adept at learning and speaking languages and interpreting emotions. Men have more aptitude for logical thinking. There are obviously outliers, i.e. women who are extremely adept at logic and men who are adept and language and emotions. The statement that the disparity between sexes in STEM is due to suggestions of jobs at a young age is unfounded.

gender is on a spectrum anyway

Kek what a faggot.. If this is really your argument please do everyone a favour and kys

Not saying they are trying to make women second class citizens, but yes STEM simply isn't pushed enough in primary education to start. It gets even less directed nearing the end of highschool. I am saying we need to tell our daughters to be fucking scientists, or to be interested in science. I don't see that happening.

>think it also has to do with the fact that intelligent women choose fields outside of STEM.

That's probably true. Even in my 80s generation, many of the smartest boys did not go into STEM, but into finance.
I went into STEM and it payed enough to have a steady job and nice house, but it's a constant work grind. It's rare to get meaningfully rich, which my finance buds did.

Are you in a STEM field? Because I am and I have never, in all my years studying, EVER seen a woman harassed for signing up for a STEM field. If it is as constant as you seem to think, I can't imagine how it is I have never seen or heard of a single instance of this ever happening.

K now what would you say to some alinskyite left-wing college bitches who believe it unironically? I'm talking about people who think GamerGate was because there's a systemic mysoginy issue in the gaming community.

Bill Nye is not even a scientist and he's busy to make sure he's failing. Saw this cringy song about gender shit?

> texas sharpshooter fallacy

Just because your classes are removed from the problem doesn't mean it's not going on across the nation.

What about someone who identifies as a woman, does that change the way they think when they make that choice, or one of these gender fluid muppets?
I really don't understand what the rules are now and how this all scientifically works if someone could explain.

My parents never "told me to be interested in science" and if you need a reason that flimsy you fucking shouldn't be a scientist. I decided on my own, through a genuine love for the pursuit of knowledge, to become a scientist. Nobody tells you what your dreams are, dipshit.

>biological sciences graduates
That's because most bio degrees don't even require one semester of calculus. The highest math they know is algebra.

>Maybe they don't want men hitting on them
But they could have this happen in any occupation or course.

Typical patriarchal white male, telling women what they should be.

Any fucking evidence at all would be much appreciated. And if you say it is CONSTANT it would not be a fallacy to expect it to be prolific and subversive.

>Are men smarter?
Science says that they are.

Pretty much. Its insane to think there would be a 50/50 ratio of the sexes in any job. Sexual dimorphism is one thing, but society affects the personalities men and women have. Not by telling women no, but because people fall into the social norns of their culture even if there's little penalty for not doing so. Herd think.

Encourage everyone equally. No teacher I knew told me to get an IS degree, if anything they brought up politics, writing and law. And I'm a dude. But, maybe that was my school. If there is a disparity in encouragement, get rid of it. But only encourage women and men who show signs of wanting it or being good at it. Don't just encourage stem to all people, that's stupid. Do what you're good at.

and why is it a male dominated world honey?

But science is filled with unattractive nerds like Bill Nye, and women don't want the unattractive men hitting on them

Well people with gender dysphoria have brains that work similar to the opposite sex. And if they identify as a differenr sex but don't have gender dysphoria, they're a snowflake. There ya go.

Any argument I would have to this is anecdotal, but shit man... my daughter has a total of 10-15 friends I have met. I encourage her to study science and she's awesome at it. Her friends just aren't being told they can even be scientists. How many women science entertainers are there? When you picture a mad scientist what image comes to mind?