Lets play some geoguessr, where exactly in the world was this pic taken? dubs decide where to point the camera

lets play some geoguessr, where exactly in the world was this pic taken? dubs decide where to point the camera

So far I know it's in Austria.

Or Germany

Wienerstrasse 18, 2100 Korneuburg, Austria

well, you're in the same continent.

Paracelsus Apotheke, Neuköllner Str. 208, 12357 Berlin, Deutschland

what did i win?


lol, that was fast

OP, don't be a faggot and get some harder shit



Naples thus far

hacienda napoles, literally just 3 clicks away to google


Fun fact: the sign translates to welcome to the real wild adventure.

i have a feeling of ukraine, india, or china

Yeah I'm leaning towards those Asian countries as well user.

judging by the letters on the building, i got a list of asian countries that use latin script,
East Timor


I think they're numbers. 001754522??

if thats the case then the first four digits are either NNNN or 0000

Yes, 0017545NNNN seems to be it.

i don't think it ends with .com, notice the little dots near the letters. could just be the font, tho

0017545NNNN didn't come up with anything in a Google search, .com is possible.

if its not an asian country, id probably use this map instead. definitely latin script

Not .com, ZZZZ perhaps?

building appears to be 34 or more stories tall, it looks like its under construction though, idk if this is any help

I wish Google Maps was higher res, can't make out the signs on the tallest building.

That does reinforce the idea of it being in a developing country like India.

narrowing it down with country skyscrapers and script, i came up with Viêtnam Philippines Indonesia Malaysia and Singapore. only asian countries though.

if i get this right op can i be a part of the fbi