How do we fix today's youth?

How do we fix today's youth?

we don't, mate.

Legalization of the 13yr post birth abortion policy. I think it would have made me an only child.

How did we fix 90s youth?

How did we fix 80s youth?

>what kind of shit store is this?

how did we fix the youth?

You let them destroy society

How did we fix 40s youth?

>Legalization of the 13yr post birth abortion policy. I think it would have made me dead


Not gonna lie the only youth that pisses me off are the ones born after the year 1999.

Just jump straight from birth to adulthood like they used to do.

>How do we fix today's youth?

Ban WiFi for those under 30.
Military camps.
Straighten those snowflakes out.

thats because they're the only youth alive dumbass

take away their allowance and keep them off the internet

Fix? Fix what. Youth is always ignorant. You live your own damn life and stop caring about it, that's what you do as an adult. You don't try to "fix" ignorance, they'll grow up someday too.

Send them to me. I like girls and boys 4-12.

That sounds about right for me. Maybe 97 though as cut off

That means you have to actually talk to them and teach them things. Interact and buy them stuff yourself. Basically lose your own freedoms and become an adult with little to no time to yourself.

Jnco were the shit

This, same tired narrative "whats wrong with kids today? derrrrrrr

>we don't, mate.

more like

we don't mate

This isn't worse than this bunch of faggots



I like their smooth bodies.

Ban co-ed schools.

by killing all whites

Touching them shouldn't be illigal.

I'd take their buttholes. They're pretty cute.

That should did them.

You just kill anyone born after year 99\00. Their brain is scrambled anyway

Today's youth are such faggots

glad to hear

Do me a favor and n o t be a pedo

Spanking the motherfuckers

fucking them senseless



Teach them the truth about the Zionist agenda

Answering the questions correctly to pass but not internalizing sociology

No social media and no television, leading by example

Ooh let me add!
ADD ban for wifi for those who hit 50+
Ban Drivers licenses for those who hit 50+
Place all 50+ in trailer park camps with designated two meals a day, to be administerd via stomach feeding tube.
And have the only source of entertainment be white noise played out of any medium of sound be it tv, radio etc

more sodomizing is necessary


I really like the kids on this picture, is it wrong to want to fuck them?

Draft the little shits off to fight some sand niggers

Why do people think this? Why are there so many people then?

Eliminate child labor laws, wage and hour laws, and eliminate all social welfare. When their parents have to pimp them out or send them down the coal mine to survive, they'll get straightened out right quick.

That's the point of having a child
inb4 "i was being retarded"

We don't, welcome to the future

Drop them by parachute into ISIS terrortory.

I think people change their general attitude about life by being decked in the face, so that.

>how do we "fix" today's youth.

You answered your own question:
Forced Sterilization.


this would be an option.

>gay ISIS
I like the way you think, user.

She's cute the way she is, user, short haircuts deserve some love too.

Same way we were fixed.


Yes it is you fucking pedophile.


send them to patrol the mexican border by 1 year

Do me a favor and don't be a whiny baby.

make the switch genders

tfw no cuties like righty when I was a schoolboy

>you're a "whiny baby" if you don't like child rape
Never change Sup Forums.

>judging people on Sup Forums

teach them how to fail.

rape and genocide

>implying "children" don't have romantic or sexual agendas

So the durkas and refugees are fixing the youth?

lol. If you actually knew any people in their 50s, you'd have some idea of how young you appear. A 55 year old man is still strong as a fucking ox, and will whip your ass in a fight. The falloff is fast, but it doesn't happen until peoples mid 60s on into their 70s. As for cognitive ability, you'll notice that there are relatively few successful companies run by anyone under 50.

How did we fix the 15th century youth? Look at them, hanging out in trees

Underrated post.

Speed, heroin, glue, vodka, stanley knives and aids.
(It didn't work all that well though.)

'twas the master plan from the start

We kill feminism

Notice how when you see kid trannies, it is ALWAYS a boy being turned in to a girl

You don't. Your parents and the generation between you and them were saying the same shit about the homo shit you did when you were younger. When these fags get older and grow out of it, they'll say the same shit to the younger generation. We all have our fucking faggoty assed trends when we're teenagers.

Wtf I like libtards now.

i still have some pants like that

XTC and techno was the shit back then

What's your point? That we should let adult people fuck them?

spoken as a true pedo

Fuck yea. How do I get on the bus for this the way shit is going I'll be 65 and still be working 60 hours a week be for I can retire I'll take that deal fuck yea

True. Sad, but true.
I was 38 yesterday... I feel sad about how fucking old I am- BUT, other than the scary number,(38) I am/do all the shit you mentioned...

(AND- for a LONG time now- I've been telling girls that I'm 24-26, and they never bat an eyelid or even think I might be bolloxing them)

>XTC and techno was the shit back then

"XTC" as you call it still IS the shit, as is techno- as long as it's prefixed by "DETROIT" (Just a guess, but- I'm thinking that your "techno" was NOT prefixed/suffixed by anything that made it NOT SHITE/GAY.)

Yeah- forgot to add to -

Those pants were and are the worst things in the universe. NOBODY should have EVER owned a pair.

There's nothing wrong with them. If you really think there's a problem, just give them a couple of years. They'll grow out of whatever you think is wrong with them.

Wait for them to grow up just like every other generation


(pic = oc)