Just a friendly reminder that soy-based meat-alternatives are superior to real meat...

Just a friendly reminder that soy-based meat-alternatives are superior to real meat. They are generally derived from soy, gluten, pea protein, and other natural sources. They have no cholesterol and do not contribute to your risk of cancer and heart disease, like ‘real meat’ does. They are also delicious! If you haven’t tried the Gardein or Tofurky line of products, you are missing out!

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Thanks op you're a real human bean

Fuck off fairy. Meat is what's up.

Meat is good for the soul

Cockmeat is bad for you, queer.

it isn't just black and white you know, i enjoy vegan protein sometimes, but no one's going to make me turn my back on meat, ever.


>no cholesterol
This alone is ruins your thesis, as plants absolutely make cholesterol - just in smaller amounts.

Then why do they try their darndest to make them look like meat?

faggot wants us to turn into traps with it's magical estrogen ridden soy products.

>eating meat
actual cuck activities

But meat is preferrable to dairy

I've started eating vegan since 2 days,and the only difference i note is that im almost hungry when i finish my dinner/dinner after 3 hours,but i think thats occurs because im 24 and i've always eat meat.

I've also jumped in,because OP i wanted to ask to you,if you can recomend me a good recipe with tofu,that doesnt make me taste that "stingy" flavour of it. (tried to panfry/cook it side by side on the stove,but i really don't like its raw taste)

know what else is natural? meat

Marinade that shit, just like meat.

Enjoy your bitch tits faggot.

I meant dinner/lunch obiviously,sorry.

Anyway i tried some bean-peas-farro burgers with a tortilla wrap and salad,and it tasted so damn good. I can get used to this

Never tough of it honestly. Can you tell me some good seasoning that will not make throw up? thanks

Fuck of, Chaim! I know what you are after and you are not taking my testosterone away.


this is a pretty good troll, but Sup Forums doesn't love meat. we mostly eat tendies and other shit tier meat. try again on /ck/.

>soyrizo is as good as chorizo though
but I'll never give up steak. it's my only (expensive) bad habit. even though the water used to make it makes me sad

Your heart disease will.

Too expensive for now. When the lab grown meat kicks in and becomes a cheaper alternative, I'd totally hop on board.

>mfw I'm going to be blasting bambi's mom in the face so I can eat her soon

Why does the jew want to take away all pleasures in life?

Movies with white cast, meat, gassing...

Dammit Sup Forums, not everything is DA JOOOOOOS!!!

TL;DR OP is a faggot

>They have no cholesterol and do not contribute to your risk of cancer and heart disease, like ‘real meat’ does.
>Still thinking that dietary cholesterol and fats drive serum lipid levels in 2017

Yes, eat this chemical and salt laden meat analogue. Its better for you. The retardation level is off the charts

This is Oliver.
He was a good cow.
Had a family he loved.
Took good care of them.
Minded his own business.
Now he's down a toilet.
Because fuck you.
Steak is amazing.


And they are GMO poison, 100%.

You can't murder soy you fucking idiot.

>it's my only (expensive) bad habit

Fucking hell Sup Forumsro!? You must be RICH then!!!?

Yeah, NEEEEARLY everything though.


Soy meats give me horrendous gas

>This is Oliver.
>He was a good cow.
>Had a family he loved.
>Took good care of them.
>Minded his own business.
>Now he's down a toilet.
>Because fuck you.
>Steak is amazing.

I know you're trying(not very well) to be funny/edgey, but- this is how meat should be raised and killed.
It's not at ALL feasable in countries like UK/US/all(?) other so called first-world countries- and probably never will be either, but, yeah.
Oliver can live like a family pet, mate, have offspring that he helps take care of/watches his woman take care of- before being lovingly killed and lovingly eaten.

Soy sauce, honey, ginger, sesame seeds

some of them taste really good. healthier and less destructive too. no wonder the sector is growing fast. the only thing the old animal meat industry has going for itself is political connections/subsidies. if the subsidies ever get cut - and they will be one day - it's over for the meat mafia.

Did you know soy is one of the causes for erectile disfunction?

that was one of these fake studies. richer countries=more meat is eaten=but also better living standards and medical care. with fair comparisons more plants is better and more meat is worse.

I have a extra veggie patty on my meatball subway dose this count?
Any man that does not eat meat is not a real man and shoud consider committing soduku

I hope it was veal

I hope to not waste 1euro valid of a tofu slice. thank u user

Any man that doesn't have to balls to change his eating habits because of his low IQ should consider committing sudoku

Everyone's gonna be eating soy based shit when the last cow dies in a zoo in india a couple decades from now, you should get some beef while you still can

I don't eat meat very often as I feel healthier without, but this soy protein meat-alternative shit will fuck you up way more than meat would. You are much better off making your own with beans and other whole ingredients

I eat both meat and these delicious flavored foods without b8ting Sup Forums or making such a fuss about it. KYS and enjoy Gardien food, nigga

that's why we make them have kids continuously and then eat those kids but not before they have kids. its called the circle of life


Fuck off you waste of human life. I hope you fucking get cancer prick


Now i understand why your low intelligence couldn't process a phrase that make sense

Wanna fight over a fucking computer brand, fucking nigger ?
You're probably too poor to afford a MacBook anyway.

At least im a smarter person because everybody that isn't a shithead with low IQ knows that apple shit are for mentally handicapped people.

Enjoy your product made by 10yo indian guys reselled at higher price to braindead monkeys like you

But raises the estrogen levels in the human body. Fine for women, but not ok for men you shit bag.

Luckily that's not the case.

> At least im a smarter person Telling me Mac products are overpriced like we all don't know it by now.You're simply a dumb nigger, dude. Everybody knows that since the iPhone. Figure out what, I'm using one [triggered ?] I'm using a Macbook because I'm used to Mac and I also find that it's working great. That's all. I'm no engineer and I don't need your reasoning bs. Fall back, nigger
telling me Mac products are overpriced like we all don't know by now...You're a nigger
dude everybody know that since they lunch the iPhone (and fugure out what, I'm using one [triggered ?] I'm using a Macbook because I'm used to Mac and find that it's working great. That's all. I'm no engineer and I don't you resening bs. Fall back, nigger

I eat soy all the time, and only bleed from my dick once a month.