What worries me about Trump

This is what really worries me about Trump.
He jumps to conclusions before any conclusive evidence has been found about EgyptAir Flight 804. So far all we know is what they have seen on radar, and lack of communication.

Yes, it COULD be a terrorist attack, but why not save judgment until the evidence proves this? I see this as a major character flaw in Trump. He doesn't have experience in crash investigation, he doesn't have any background in engineering, yet he suddenly "knows" exactly what better than the experts. So what is going to happen when he is president and the jumps to a conclusion before all the facts are in?

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I'm a lifelong democrat and I don't even like Trump, but even I have to admit that this is some hardcore shilling.

Here is all people like you need to know about Trump

He is a showman so he takes the right moment to exagerate whatever meme he needs to push. Remembee politics is just repeating your meme. The entire process is akin to posting on Sup Forums.

Now if you think for a second he jumps to conclusions or whatever is probably true. But here is the deal. His instincts are better than yours, his insticts are so fucking good you have no clue. So with his instinct coupled with the fact he has a high IQ it is hard to argue against what he is saying.

>he coukd be wrong
But he is so smart on this issue that it would be ok to be wrong and if he admitted what his intentions are (to protect everyone) it makes him look like a great leader.

Mark my words I have a lot of faith in Trumps ability to create a reality distortion field. With Steve gone this dude is literally #1 on top of this reptile game.

Bavarian here. Germany is lost, our women will need Canadian dick to repopulate whites. please immigrate faster than arabs.

>I don't even like Trump
>Calls me a shill.

I like a lot about Trump actually, however I'm having a hard time getting over this character flaw. His problem is that he thinks he knows everything.

Imagine if Trump was president during the Cuban missile crisis with this attitude?

Exactly what I was thinking, his speech yesterday looked like post on Sup Forums

I'm pretty sure Trump probably reads Sup Forums or has highlights of it told to him every day.

Message to Germans: Come to California

learn english and evolve.

It's gonna be 1 world or bust

How the fuck does this get past people? They're not even trying anymore. I personally experience Trump as a savior, crushing the world's neoliberal bullshit system with no survivors. I feel like whole world would be better if he ruled USA, not just his country

Only because he's boisterous and likes hyperbole, doesn't mean he's a delusional sucker. His moves are calculated and haven't backfired so far.


It hasn't backfired because he's not the president. If he makes a mistake now, oh well, his poll numbers suffer, as president, if he makes a mistake, it could be armageddon.

>this entire post

I thought cognitive dissonance was supposed to be a liberal trait

There's also no proof it was Muslims. We should wait until the facts are in. They could be white people.

>jumps to conclusions

No. He forms a hypothesis and proceeds accordingly.

When he learns that hypothesis is wrong, as he did with Hillary Clinton being qualified, he readjusts his expectations.

Do you think the president has a button for nuclear holocaust under the table? He has an army of advisors and delegates stuff and there are many fail safe devices for incompetent presidencies. Also, you don't judge a pitbull by how he barks but how he bites.

>"A plane got blown out of the sky," the presumptive Republican presidential nominee said at a fundraiser in Lawrenceville, N.J., tonight. "And if anything, if anybody thinks it wasn’t blown out of the sky, you are 100 percent wrong, folks. OK? You're 100 percent wrong."

Last time I checked, that's a conclusion, not a Hypothesis. Did you skip the scientific method in school?

Yes and there are an army of experts looking into this crash but Trump knows better than they do.

Advisers aren't worth much if you don't listen to them because you think you already know the answer. Thats my problem with Trump.

>Even if he was right, he was wrong.

Holy Fuck Shirou Emiya needs to quit being a journalist.

Odds are it was Muslims. And even if they didn't do it *this* time, that doesn't mean they haven't done it a lot before and will do it again.

Is he saying we should deploy troops to Egypt? If not, who the fuck cares? He's just saying what we're all thinking.

>He jumps to conclusions before any conclusive evidence has been found
All media and politicians are guilty of this at least 9 times in their lives. You're acting like Trump is the first person to do this. Hell I'm sure you are guilty of this.

the media isn't commander of the armed forces, neither and I, and to be honest, most politicians are reserved before make such statements because they know they can come back to bite them if they are wrong.

>Sup Forums

>speaking English
oh my kek

>mfw muh anime has better writing than mainstream journalism

How would Shirou do as POTUS?

Terrible that people are trusting CNN with this stuff. Look what they have done before with coverage. I ask you: is this the appropriate music for the tragedy?


Yesterday egypt was claiming it was most likely a terrorist attack, and thats what the news was reporting

who said anything about CNN? I'm talking about the words that came out of Trump's mouth directly.

He jumped to a conclusion because he didn't need to wait for evidence because it seemed pretty likely to him. Trust me, if he were wrong, the media would have ripped him apart more than usual. So it was low risk and slightly higher reward. And calling it early generates more attention than if he had reacted after they knew it was terrorism.

Lol, please tell me that's fake

Kennedy threatened war to make Russia move the missiles out of Cuba you retard.

Trump has been the only one to say he would call and talk to Putin if tensions flared and has been advocating for a warming of relations with Russia.

Trump was right about the plane. Being a leader, you dont always have the luxury of waiting for pandering "experts" to weigh in on every situation. Trump also already has his own people, including his own veteran pilots, to consult with.

You are the one jumping the gun and making uninformed accusations here.

Radar indicates power was cut to the avionics bay. Thus it was either a bomb, or someone was able to access the bay from the outside the aircraft at 37000 feet. Either it was terrorists, or Iron Man is real.


>Imagine if Trump was president during
no, user, imagine if Trump WERE President

typically there will be a difference between trump running for, and trump being president.

not saying he will do good or be less of an idiot but once the responsibility kicks in he probably will tone it down and try to be more mature end sensible.
simply because of the weight of the task and the effects.

seriously doubt he would be such a lose cannot.

> So what is going to happen when he is president and the jumps to a conclusion before all the facts are in?

We don't have to wait through an extra decade of suicide bombings and military-style shootings of our citizens because "not all muslims"

Trump has been right about everything. He's predicted the Paris attacks ISIS and NK nukes.

Scott Adams already covered this.
> If he turned out to be wrong, we would forget it in a week. But if he turned out to be right, he looks like the smart one, and the leader. It was a good gamble.

Also note that Trump's personal pilot is one of the best aviation experts in the world. So you think Trump didn't ask him wtf happened?

Welp that does it. Ive supported trump up til this moment, but now im #cruzmissle.

Trump probably has access to knowledgeable people. A buddy of mine who is an air force c-17 pilot said the same thing, as modern aircraft have so many fail safes and redundant systems, that the only way one could just "cut" all transmissions is if it blew up.

Almost impossible for any of this to be explained by malfunctions.

Same with the Malaysian plane that went missing last year.

Of course he threatened, but what he didn't do is go in an bomb and invade Cuba. What Kennedy and the rest of the US military didn't know is that the russians had activated several of those missiles, and we didn't know where they all were. So if we would have bombed and invaded, those missiles could and probably would have been launched to the USA causing WWIII

Think about Trump's temperament and his know it all attitude in that same situation. Would he act with prudence? would he act with reserve? or would he just "Bomb the shit out of them" as he has said.

But since's he's never held an elected office, since he's never been accountable to anyone but himself. You have no evidence to support your claim other than conjecture.

>Trump predicted the Paris attack
Yeah gonna have to site something on him saying ISIS will attack Paris...

>He'll start behaving in a presidential manner soon guise

B bane is that you?
Was getting caught part of the plan?

I get where you are coming from OP, but at this point it's basically him or Hillary, Trump may be a narcissist, he may even say some stupid shit. At least he isn't a straight cold sociopath. Hillarys "experience" only shows that she is the last option, the 100% no go candidate, If that means I have to vote for a bumbling narcissist, then so be it.


I don't understand, it was 100% terrorism muslims. Even quads said so. Trump probably put his faith above logic and decided to agree withsomeone rolling quads here agreeing it was muslims.

Fucking commie, can you not understand airport workers were on terror watchlist but still allowed to work. Dummy.
TSA will stop jackshit except your freedom.

>. At least he isn't a straight cold sociopath.

words have meanings, kid. if she were a man, (think Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, etc.), you would just say that she is tough and pragmatic.

I don't think he predicted Paris exactly, but he did predict the Brussels attack (and 9/11 in one of his books): youtube.com/watch?v=GOSVSPMHi9k

Nope, still just a cold ass sociopath. But nice shill attempt, next time use some buzzwords lik, mysoginist, shitlord, cis scum, neckbeard, or man baby.

>I don't think he predicted Paris exactly, but he did predict the Brussels attack (and 9/11 in one of his books)

well, no. if you talk enough bullshit, eventually some of it will seem to come true.

I'll be interested when he predicts a specific event.

>The plane carried out a 90-degree turn to the left and a 360-degree turn to the right, falling from 37,000 to 15,000 feet and the signal was lost at around 10,000 feet
It was the most logical conclusion with that information (which was known at the time of the tweet). Planes don't do that by themselves; that's most likely terrorism.

>A Candidate can only win my vote by becoming a legitimately proven psychic.

K....keep me posted.

are you delusional? you're the one using hyperbolic buzzwords. look up what sociopath means, and tell me how she is more sociopathic than any of the three men I mentioned. or do you agree that none of them should have had any influence over a president?

(he's hoping I'll use those sort of terms, instead of cold logic, so he can claim win. SAD!)

you are a laugh a minute. I refute exactly what you or someone says, and you move the goalposts so far they have to rezone the local mini-mall.

>well, no. if you talk enough bullshit

Nigga what, it's not like he's talking nonsense, Islam is in a war of conquest against the west, like it has been for centuries. Every faggot politician is in denial about it, only a few dare to say it.

says the experienced FAA investigator

you're too stupid to know what you don't know

>More sociopathic
Who said shit about them at all, they are all just as sick on the head as her, it doesn't change that she is a twisted ass bitch. Name one legitimately good thing she has done in her political career. Your argument is weak son.

If you look at the cause of the last 12 plane crashes most have been caused by terrorism or russia.

Yeah dude, the email situation and the benghazi crisis has tough and pragmatic written all over it.

Who is moving goal posts? You factually said.

>I'll be interested when he predicts a specific event.

Implying that he would have to have some psychic level ability to predict the future.

That's responding directly to something stupid you said, don't be mad at me because all you spit is retarded drivel.

>. Name one legitimately good thing she has done in her political career.

her failed attempt at health care reform was the first step to Obama's landmark package.

if you knew history, you would know that several weak civil-rights bills had to be passed before one with teeth had a chance of passing. politicians are by nature cowards. hillary was brave enough to fail with her attempt, but the result was that we were able to push a bill through the next time.


Planes don't randomly drop out of the sky m8. They aren't designed that way and it's most likely foul play at that point. Yes, there is a very slight chance of some freak accident like gamma rays fucking up the computer (it's happened before), but what's most likely the cause is terrorism.


>all you spit is retarded drivel.

excellent rebuttal. it does not take a psychic to "predict" that islamic radicals will do what islamic radicals do.

the guy said Trump predicted 911 and Brussels. he predicted neither.


Okay nice bait bait 7/10, you had me for a minute. Enjoy your (You)



history will judge you wrong on this count. once we get single-payer like every other developed nation, we will have to admit that Obamacare was the first step towards achieving first-world status in health care.

>Guys can't be... maybe... plausible?

Nothing against Muslims, but it is Muslims.

>Still trying to push the Obamacare is good for really reals guise meme

I really hope this is bait, otherwise I should let you know that pol is 18+

>I really hope this is bait, otherwise I should let you know that pol is 18+

You are admitting defeat too easily.

>muh victory becuz I said so

Name one person who is on Obamacare that's happy with it who isn't a broke nigger, I miss my private healthcare, but now the prices are through the roof, and I HAVE to be insured under the shit obamacare plans, or get a tax penalty, and the care I do get is piss poor at best. Like I said, Sup Forums is 18+, pls go.

>since he's never been accountable to anyone but himself
Oh wowee gosh you mean accountable like Hillary Clinton? Who despite being """accountable""" has broken the law and been consistently dishonest since the 1970's?

Yeah thank God we have Hilldog amirite

You are are a spineless faggot

>could be Armageddon

You probably think there will be war across Europe if Britain leaves the EU too.

Hmmm....seems Obama does the same fucking thing. Remember the "beer summit" where the police officer was assumed to be guilty and needed too meet with his accuser. Remember when Obama said that Trevor martin could be his son. Please open your eyes

Kennedy was in agreement with his military advisors. He wanted to invade cuba.

His secretary of state straight up told him he was a dumbass and knew the Russians would brag about saving Cuba if Americans promised not to invade in exchange of them removing missiles.

The president isn't really the brains behind every issue. He's the voice.

What concerns me is that where a candidate like Trump could ridicule and joke his way out of a tight spot, Hillary would choke. Have you seen her respond to questions she doesn't like?

It is a terrorist attack you dingus. Use some inductive reasoning.

My guess is it was a botched hijacking and they just exploded in mid air.

>Flying between France and Egypt

It's literally the epicenter of terrorist activity.

You never liked Trump the first place. I'm not sure why you're pretending that you did.

>Kennedy was in agreement with his military advisors. He wanted to invade cuba.

this simply is not true. almost everyone in the room wanted to go to war except for JFK and his brother Bobby, who eventually persuaded them to offer a deal to Kruchev (secretly remove missiles from turkey).

Kennedy did not listen to the brass and other hawks because they led him to accept the bay of pigs fiasco, which in hindsight probably helped us avoid WW3 during the missile crisis.

Planes don't just explode for no reason.
It's a plane in the middle east.
There's a high probability he's right.

I know you want seven independent committees, all staged with multi cultural members and two transgender, but the rest of the world doesn't work that way.

How do you know that user? I'm in the same boat really, I like Trump on lots of things, but the guy shoots himself in the foot with the way he behaves and speaks, in most of the speeches I see him give he seems 2 steps up from some crossed version of George Bushes bumblings and Obamas charasmatic ability to talk about nothing but make it seem like he actually said something. It's pretty ridiculous. The guy is all buzzwords, insults and talking points. The only thing that keeps me with him is just I won't vote for Shillary and her corrupt sociopathic bullshit.

Did you skip English class and public speaking you fucking bernout neet.

he's probably right though

We wouldn't have this kind of problem if we just kill all muslims. Wouldn't you agree with this OP?

Bitch it takes an hour at least to visit a walk-in clinic here. The doctors tell you "you have 2 minutes" to come up with something for them to examine, they gives you a shit tier 30 second examination, makes a guess on a prescription, then send you home. They do this because they can cram their schedule with a hundred patients a day and bill the government as if they were providing legitimate medical care

If you need to see your family physician, have fun booking a month in advance for the same reason. The only difference is that it will allot you a 5 minute visit instead of 2

In the type of health care system you want citizens end up discouraged and give up pursuing first-line medical treatment because they know the only quality care they can get is in the emergency room of a hospital. Which is typically a 5-8 hour wait

Fuck yourself

Moving from Germany with hajis to Germany with beans instead. kekle

Also the face that the plane was 30 minutes away from its destination.

Hijackers usually make their moves once they near their target destination. Something went wrong with the hijacking so they just ackbarred the cabin, that seems feasible to me.

thats because your a cuck. Literally.

The reason I love Trump is because he doesn't act like a faggot SJW. He doesnt wait for 10 polls to come out to guide him on what to say, and he doen't spin things into PC bullshit to not hurt people's feelings.

You are clearly "with her" cause you lost your balls years ago, or most likely, your balls never dropped. Go kill yourself, we dont want you and the leftists will just throw you under the bus when you're no longer a useful idiot. Faggot.

>Booking a month in advance
Dn, you can get in with your physician that quick, I usually have to schedule 3-4 months out for that shit. Welp, clearly that proves that social medicine is the way to go.

In all seriousness, the guy is retarded, I really think he's some underage redditor who came to try and sound clever, but he doesn't pay his own bills or understand anything about taxes or quality service, he is just happy to get service as long as someone else is footing the bill, it's becoming an extremely common thing in American youths, and is where Sanders picks up all his support.

What if quizzes were given out before flights that required you to have a basic knowledge of Christmas songs and western trivia?

What a strange looking ass, is he ok?

We wouldn't need to do that if all Muslims get exterminated.

So many trumpshills in this thread

>Yes, it COULD be a terrorist attack, but why not save judgment until the evidence proves this?
Because they'll delay confirming it for a good long while so that's it's only confirmed after everyone has already lost interest as usual. That's their tactic to desensitize people to continuous terrorist attacks.

I hope a muslim blows you up in a "workplace dispute," you little bitch.

No, planes do explode for a reason, but its not always terrorism.

Also, nothing has indicated the plane exploded, it could have also broken up due to a structural failure and loss of control, the break up would be caused by overspeed.


To be fair 1 month in advance is a serious underestimate. I was being nice.

It's frustrating to have to live in this shit system and see you guys getting closer to throwing out quality competitive medical care for socialized medicine

All it will do is make life shitter for the working class and the rich will keep on opting for quality

If you were fighting for your freedom in court you wouldn't opt for the state provided attorney, you would get the best lawyer money can buy. Your health should be no different

>Yes, it COULD be a terrorist attack, but why not save judgment until the evidence proves this?
He could ask his pilot what most likely happened or hire a autist to test it in the latest Flight Simulator as the data is known:
>ideal flying conditions
>a well maintained A320 that is probably 13 years old
>a sudden almost 90degree on the spot turn
>no distress call from the crew
>no contact possible
>loss of about 6000m of alt within seconds followed by a 360° on the spot turn
>no spinning around it's own axis
>disappeared from the radar
>got literally blown the fuck out of the sky

Leaves us with 2 possibilities as we know commercial aircrafts can't do those maneuvers and are so over engineered that it's impossible that they suddenly loose their entire tail (only possibility, any other scenario does not lead to that pattern)
Possibility 1:
A large explosion on board that clipped of the entire tail section.
Possibility 2:
A crash with another large flying object that clipped of the entire tail section.

So pick a bomb, a missile or another jet.
We can discard another jet as radar would've picked it up and someone would already talk about:
>uhm guys we're missing a jet uhm yea what do?

What do you pick?

Let me sum up your post..
>one of the reasons I like trump is like me, he bases things on conjecture an opinion, and not facts

You sir are far to retarded to vote.

A pilot?
NICE. Officers make good money