Are 9/11 truthers the biggest retards to have ever existed?

Are 9/11 truthers the biggest retards to have ever existed?

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People that accept the official government story unquestioningly about any issue are the biggest retards.

Silly OP, everyone knows that OP is the biggest retard.

fucking faggot.

Ya I can't believe there are still fucktard sheep around like you that don't think the government did 9/11

If you believe that jet fuel can do this, you're a fucking retard

At which point are we now?
>jet fuel can melt steel beams
>there were no planes
>energy weapons
> a combination of jews and all of the above

no but cutters can, which they used to disassemble the steel.

That one was hard


No, flat earthers and climate change deniers are. 9/11 truthers are more like moon landing truthers, retarded, but harmless.

Nah, chemtrail fuckheads and those that believe the earth is flat are worse.

>/thread-ing yourself

>muh it fell in free fall.
No it did not

I wouldn't call them harmless. They have an agenda

No. The birth certificate faggots.

>They have an agenda
I'm sure they do, but they're so obviously retarded that no sane person would ever take them seriously.

Anti-vax are the worst as they actually cause death and put the wider population at risk.

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We are at the point in time where it takes active denial not to see controlled demolition taking place.

>Are 9/11 truthers the biggest retards to have ever existed?

Fuck off, Jew. Jew fingerprints are all over 9/11. The only people to fear the truth are Jews.

Skyscrapers burned, sometimes for days, in Madrid, Shanghai, Dubai, Moscow and Britain. They didn't collapse. The official story is absurd.

Who benefited from 9/11?

you posted this why?
to show how tardy you are?

salvage torch kid.

That is something of a slam dunk for the people who can't grasp what happened on 9/11/01. Rude awakening. Now what, snowflakes? Your government conspired to stage a false flag attack, killed 3000+ US citizens, then rolled out the "PATRIOT Act" and had a war in Afghanistan ready to roll. What say you?

because he's a shill, obviously

holohoax believers

sure kid. bet theres a story about how you love cock.
you just have to google it.

>>muh it fell in free fall.
>No it did not

Yes, it did. Watch the videos. It's been analyzed endlessly. Controlled demolition. You can SEE THE FUCKING SQUIBS GOING OFF as the WTC collapses. What is your story, shill?

god you're retarded

>salvage torch kid.

OMG you're a moron. In no way was that scene showing any salvage operation. You are being intentional DUMB.

sure kid.
does his cock taste like chocolate or shit?
its brown you know

sure kid.

yeah totes man, it's cold as fuck here, SCIENCE BTFO!

you retarded

your reply says it all kid.

no need to reply.
we know you're stupid

They also used it as an excuse to go back to Iraq and finish what big daddy bush started. All the while lying about wmd's and killing the leader of a sovereign nation (a violation of int law)

sure kid

>Your government conspired to stage a false flag attack
kek, the greatest trick the government ever pulled, was convince its people that it's capable of executing intricate plans without anybody leaking. Also, you're an idiot.

troll harder newfag

sure kid

Hey I'm agreeing with you man, there was snow! Warming up of the earth my ass! Take that thousands of educated actual scientists! I know better than all of you! You "scientists" simply can't handle the truth I found on this super reliable website.

Whatever you say son, how was school today?

The fire doesn't need to melt the beams, just weaken them you dumb shit. Once they weaken, gravity takes over.

ooor, you know, it could have been the big fucking planes slamming into them. either case, this is of relevance:

When the government tells us what happened to WTC-7 I'll rest easier at night. until then, there's only two rational conclusions: The 'terrorists' were WAY more organized than a few dipshits with fresh pilots licenses and they refuse to admit it, OR

Yeah, it was a false flag op and our own caretakers slaughtered a few thousand nobodies and erased some records in an effort to keep the world's heroin supply alive and well.

The only FACTS we KNOW are that the taliban leader in 2000 ordered the destruction of all afghani poppy fields, cutting world supply by ~70% and on Sept. 10th, 2001 a few trillion dollars were missing and somebody called the bush regime out on it, next day the pentagon's financial wing was rubble.

Make your own conclusions.

prove it faggit

birth certificates are real you fucking second gunman fag.

Big planes smashing into buildings that were designed to survive just that...

Sounds legit

considering each floor was an acre in size of four inch thick concrete (at the very minimum) it wasn't much.

Whatever you say junior

this one confuses me. if you are vaccinated, how does the unvaccinated moron harm you?


you think big of yourself while you worry about being an absolute failure.

he's late!

Exactly. Firemen don't hang out during a salvage operation. Also, that is not the way you cut a box column during salvage. FFS, it's not like felling a tree.

wow. the tard comes shining through.

aww someones butthurt.

Yup you go junior

>that fucking video


Sure kid

sure kid

I truly worry for the future of mankind seeing all the idiots on this post.

>Yes, it did. Watch the videos. It's been analyzed endlessly. Controlled demolition. You can SEE THE FUCKING SQUIBS GOING OFF as the WTC collapses. What is your story, shill?

My story is that you truther have mental issues. YOu jump from one thing to the other. Also you flat out lie to convince easy led people. You also claim to be after the truth and >just asking questions
But you have an agenda and an explanation ready.

But to react to the free fall thing
Here is the raw WTC7 footage that gets never shown by truthers uncut (why is that?). The roof starts collapsing at 0:03 and you can hear the sound till 0:20.
17 seconds and not 2. Tell me how this is free fall, i wait

sure kid

Nice jpg faggot, did you intentionally make it impossible to read, so nobody could point out how much nonsense is in there?

You got it junior

I like when knowledgeable adults teach loud children things.

Hurr Durr why would firemen in the response effort need tools to move the debris?! The noo-kyoo-lurr bomb inside the towers vaporized the beams. That's why all those ppl got cancer, too, from the RADIATION POISONING

they just got it wrong

the GWB administration didn't have an active hand in the plot, but they allowed it to happen and were surprised at the extent of the result


truth. I'm rich in happiness but i still live without any college degree or trade skills. the wife and vidja games keep me pacified.

>designed to survive
lol, which youtube ((EXPOSED)) video have you been watching child?

sure kid

shore squid.

sure kid


sure kid

the amount of faggotry in this thread is off the fucking charts.

>intricate plans
>has piles of evidence
>thousands of witnesses
>millions of videos related to how actual structual integrity failure works
>bomb remnants
>a building that collapsed by itself due to'debirs' but is also sandwiched between two other buildings that didnt fall
>insurance claims 1 month prior

My man, yours and my definition of intricate are clearly on another fucking plane of existence.


Viruses evolve very rapidly, if say 5% of the population isn't vaccinated then the virus could survive in the population long enough to mutate into a vaccine resistant strain that infects everyone vaccinated or not.

sure kid

Why does anyone care anymore?

1. They did it, nobody is ever going to be held accountable for it
2. Terrorists did it and killed selves in process, nobody else will be held accountable

Either way it's like the holocaust, it happened, everyone had a good cry, it's over.

I can haz sources?

Would it warp your mind if I told you those towers didn't fall at freefall speed?

You know what this would be called in a court of law? Circumstantial evidence, also known as, completely worthless shit that literally doesn't prove a thing. Wanna try again kiddo?

>The insurance policies for World Trade Center buildings 1 WTC, 2 WTC, 4 WTC and 5 WTC had a collective face amount of $3.55 billion. Following the September 11, 2001, attacks, Silverstein sought to collect double the face amount (~$7.1 billion) on the basis that the two separate airplane strikes into two separate buildings constituted two occurrences within the meaning of the policies.

Jew Sith lord right here

retards will deny this.
>firefighters are still on scene
>smoke still around indicating it is close to the time it fell
>My sides when people actually believe they would try to cut the steel right after it fell

Look up herd immunity.

the idea that the whole govt knew about it is retarded but you must be even more retarded to overlook the bush and clinton connections to saudi arabia or the fact that the airforce stood down and LET the towers and pentagon be attacked.

actually objects can only fall so fast.

So beams weaken and then gravity takers over and cuts the beams at 45 degree angle? And you call that other dude dumb shit?

>has piles of evidence
go on... I'm waiting, and have been for 16 years now.
Inb4 jewgle it!
Inb4 the truth is out there
Inb4 mulder and scully

you are going to shoot down an airplane because it was hijacked?

>sure kid

a couple tiers below flat earthers and scientologists

Literally days after during clean up
There were still fires burning underneath the debris for weeks

Uhh I agree?

>shares shit from CE.
>hasn't killed themselves yet

A documentary about the building of the wtc...and the blueprints of the wtc. Just because you spend all of your time fapping in trap threads and haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not true.

(Years earlier a plane hit Empire State Building, that's why)

>doesnt believe buildings had bombs in them
>posts the biggest evidence to support that theory because 7 was incased by two other buildings that recieved no damage

Its ok to be this retarded on a daily basis.

where they designed for that though? considering the planes that smacked in to the buildings hadn't even been conceived let alone built at the time of construction.

Regardless, the planes still smacked into the buildings. That in itself would be the largest terror attack in american history and enough for the american government to declare war on saudi arabia sorry i mean afgahnistan. So why bother planting explosives into the towers to blow them up? And if you say 'rothschilds win big n insurance' then you are a fucking moron but who am i to judge.

As far as false flag operations go, I can but the idea that the group who carried out the attack were sanctioned or even trained by incredibly ruthless elements within the US government.

The idea that somone loaded up a building full of explosives and deotned them at the same time as two massive fucking jets smashed into the buildings is just so incredibly far fetched that I suspect that the goverment themselves put the idea out there in order to discredit rational sceptics who might look into the hijackers, their funding, their trianing, ther nationality and their motives because


and the best way to discredit conspiracy theorists who are actually onto something (rogue elements within government give tacit approval to false flag operation with limited knowledge of what the actual aim of the operation might be) is to start spreading stories so utterly ridiculous that it discredits anyone somewhat sensible who is looking into the issue because a quick chat with tinfoil retards who think


will quickly dissmiss any 9/11 theory as equally retarded

Yep fuck those truthers. As a liar myself, I find truthers gett in the way of being a jew liar.

I'm glad you have accepted your stupidity.