Are you bright enough to get the philosophy of this show?

Are you bright enough to get the philosophy of this show?

I'm bright enough to get the philosophy, then shit on it because it's an awful philosophy.

Communist Squirels?

And what philosophy is it, user?

he aready said, awful

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

I don't know the name of the specific school of philosophy it belongs to.


Never seen it. I personally find Epicureanism most constructive in my own life, though unfortunately most easily misunderstood.

Tell me more about this modern philosophical tome.


pander and cater

gr8 b8 m8


My main problem is it's Eurocentrism.






the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.

I love the show but even I have to admit that the plotline (traveling through dimensions and all other sci-fi stuff) is just there to get away with everything. That combined with a narcisistic and nihilistic grandfather, some emapthy driven characters results in people thinking it is this a deep philosophical show. It is not. It's amusing, very amusing bu still not as deep as people think.

Yes it's quite a clever show, but nothing special. Any main philosophy author: Kant, Hegel, Heidegger, Sartre, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, etc is much deeper and complex than this show

OP here, I'm sorry, who the fuck are any of these people?

it isn't the study of those things, it's 101 to say the most.

You're not thinking hard enough my friend.

Read something about existentialism if you like the show for its deepness and philosophical references. Dostoevsky, Sartre or Camus, but beware you might end up killing yourself

You're overthinking it amigo.

The only philosophical question is that of suicide.

>being an adult
>spending your time watching "ironic" "mature" "adult" cartoons

pick one manchild

Suit yourself.


Do you like Rick and Morty? Been a big Rick and Morty fan, ever since the release of their season one episdoe, Anatomy Park. Before that i didnt really understand any of their work, it was too artsy, too was on Anatomy Park where uh, Morty's presence became more apparent...i think Total Rickall is the series' undisputed masterpiece, its an epic meditation on intangibility at the same time it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding season. Watch to the brilliant ensemble playing of Rick, Morty and Jerry you can practically hear every nuonce of every burp and swear In terms of script craftsmenship and sheer writing, this season hits a new peak of professionalism. Take the story to "Mortynight Run", in this episode, Rick and Morty adresses the problems of abusive political authority. Auto Erotic Assimilation is the most moving episode of the series, about monogomy and commitment, the episode is extremely uplifting...their messages are as positive and affirmative as uh, anything ive seen on tv.

Explain what is deep about the show, and not just simple philosophy, but the actual deepness of it.
And don't try to back up with answers such as "Well, if you don't know then I won't tell".

Textbook Nietzchean nihilism. It's not deep.



99% of you fedora faggots throwing that word around 50 times a day didnt even know that word existed 3 years ago

Being an adult is doing what you want and not caring for the opinions of others.


Those are teenage character trades that you are refering to..

I read Zur Wille der Macht in high school. Stoo defending shitty shows with a child's perspective.

>Character trades

Stop believing in fairy tales.

Yep, made a mistake there. Good comeback in pointing it out and not going in depth in the discussion. Typical RaM fanbase. Thinking its deep while they are just floating on the surface.

Stop being a child


I'm starting to believe that Rick is a nihilist.


You first. Give. Up. Your. HOLY BOOK. Whatever it may be, they're all equally stupid.

As someone who loves this show, I don't think the fans are doing it any favors by looking at it for a moral compass. It's a TV show, not a college course or a counselor.

Slow reader...

Everybody thinks they are the main character of their show.
Well guess what? Shows gets boring and get canceled and it's not even like you are a single unique snowflake, there are an infinite amount of you and an infinite amount of them are more interresting than you.
Nothing matters because there is no God or at least none that will save you from impending doom if you're boring enough not to save yourself from it.

>you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty


I don't have a religion, just think it if funny that people think that Ï do what I want and I don't care" is a form a adult behaviour.

It's a form of nihilism you edgy faggot.

Bad bait..

Feels good in the triple digit IQ club. Sorry you weren't invited.


gr8 b8 m9

Not that guy nore am I really religious.
I've read both of your post and your the on screeching autisticly.

Screeching. Autisticly.


Get your shit together fag.

He's the quintissential Nietzchean ubermensch. Unbound by morality, he is above petty concerns like right or wrong or the laws of others, and exerts his power (superior intellect which in a Clarke fashion, is indistinguishable from magic here) to live exactly how he sees fit, and thosr around him either fall in linr or get trampled. Like anyone who finds themselves not accountable to a higher power (although Rick has proven to be a hypocrite here in several episodes), he does not respect any authority. He's also an amoral sociopath, as shown in his treatment and manipulation of his family.

There it is. There's your philosophy. It's basic, boring, and bland. Just like your show.

Stop being worried about hat other people think. There are 6.999999999b other people in the world and you won't please even a fraction of a percent of them.

We don't use foul language here on 9gag.


oooooooooooooooo dubs



wuba luba dub dub!!!!!

What are the odd of getting dubs in a RIck and Morty thread?

Dubs showed the truth OwO

Don't feed the trolls.

The *lead character* is nihilistic, not the show.

Rick's nihilistic, so he's depressed/suicidal - check the creator's 'meaning of life' video to see his view. Rick has considered the breadth of the multiverse, but not its depth.

>Stop being worried about hat other people think. There are 6.999999999b other people in the world and you won't please even a fraction of a percent of them.
That is not my concern. I'm just saying that caring about it, or not, is not a trait of being an adult.


You're provably wrong. Being an adult is being unconcerned with the opinions of others and living as you see fit without causing problems. It is a child's perspective to worry about what evetyone else thinks because children are deoendant on the 'herd' for so much. Grow up.

>reddit: the show

1/10 same as anywhere else

sick trips

we get it, rick and morty is popular so now you have to tell everyone you dont like it

stop trying so hard to be part of the counter culture, no one is impressed

Is it really? Because I said "IN" a Rick and Morty thread. Go back to school, faggot.

Is it? Alan Watts would disagree.

Nope, the inherent flaw in your thinking is that there are traits acompanied by being an adult. Being an adult has to do with age mostly. The way an adult should act is based on social and cultural constructs and therefore irrelevant on the global scale.
But thanks for playing!

Albert Camus would agree, he came up with it.

I'd like to convers8 and congratul8 for such a gr8 b8, m8, I r8 it 8/8

You're forgetting the absurdist philosophy...

That's still herd mentality, and an adult should be beyond that.

Everybody seem to forget Camus..

I watched a few scenes on youtube, thats about it. I rather watch Family Guy.

they can get away with anything because of multiverse and all.

Explain to me that the idea that there are no inherent traits of being an adult is herd mentality.
Like I said, no traits are inherent in adults, so being a member of the herd or not has nothing to do with being an adult.
Most of the people above 25 are considered adults and part of the herd. How do you explain this so-called paradox?

It's not absurdism. Every problem in the show comes from Rick's conduct either directly or indirectly. Ironically, the only other person in the show with any agency is Jerry, who represents what is 'right' in the world. Loves his family, and has their well being in mind (denouncing Rick, mainly), but since the ubermensch is, by definition, unconquerable, Jerry can only thrive in worlds devoid of a Rick (see S3E1).

Yes, he did, but I like Alan Watts more; he has a whole lecture on the absurdness of suicide and why it isn't a philosophical question. I like Camus' absurdist stuff, but Watts just sits with me more...couldn't tell you why.

Because you said yourself. "The way an adult should act is based on social and cultural constructs and therefore irrelevant on the global scale." While I'm starting to think we're actually on the same side, you're saying there are bahavioral exoextayions to being an adult (no cartoons, no video games, etc). I maintain that an adult is an adult when they stop worrying about what Ms. Smith down the road thinks and forging his own path

I'll read up on it. Thanks!

That's not a trait of an adult but of a independent thinker/person. But I agree that people who are independent thinkers seem more evolved/aware.
Guess it's just a matter of how we both define adulthood


Phoneposting, I'm sorry.

Love the show

I could decipher it. No prob.

Huh. Interesting. I've never met anyone who had ever actually studied philosophy that liked Alan Watts. Every Watts fan I've ever met has been a hippie with no fucking idea about philosophy and after listening to an hour or two of listening to his recordings seems content to spit out half-remembered badly understood tenets of 20 different ancient cultures they'd never heard of interspersed with Timothy Leary drug cult drivel.

never watched a single episode.

Adulthood is where you leave behind the pleasing of others and worry about yourself primarily. This can be extended to the immediate family unit, but it's the point where you're no longer dependant on others to color your decisions or makr judgment calls for you

im so sick of this shitty copypasta

Like I said, matter of definition.
Would could argue that caring about others, and what they think, in order to form a more cohesive community is the adult thing to do because it helps others.

Im dumb enough to be entertained by it.

Meditation and "buddhism" is the only true path to trascendence,all philosophies are worthless also no philosophies is a philosophy so its worthlesd too

you sound like a hater