AMA: I'm a 26 year old male who makes $60k a year only to give 18% to his baby's mama for child support even though he...

AMA: I'm a 26 year old male who makes $60k a year only to give 18% to his baby's mama for child support even though he has his baby 50% of the time, and is getting shit faced on a Monday night because his current girlfriend never wants to fuck.

Ask me anything.

You made poor life decisions, I have no questions for you.

Actually I feel pretty well off except for the desert of a girlfriend. I grew up poor, survived a shit ghetto high school as a white male, and am working in government so have a solid job, and bought a the biggest/nicest house in the neighborhood I am in earlier this year.

Go right to the clinic and get snipped now!!!....Honestly best decision I've ever made in trade off for a few days on the couch recovering. Kids are a joy and a blessing blah blah blah but why not secure your future now am I right?

I've thought about it a couple of times. Is there any downtime? I'm talking physically not sexually since that obviously won't be a problem given my gf? Also, any change in libido? I have been seriously considering getting some anti depressents prescribed so I'm not so fucking horny all of the time. Would be awesome if getting snipped makes that unnecessary.

way to use a condom dipshit
Do you think you have a healthy relationship with alcohol?

I'm on anti depressents, and I'm still horny as ever but its just harder to cum. I'd say get the snip. It can always be undone. Also how are you?

Never trust a doctor that says a bitch only has a 0.5% chance of getting pregnant after having cervical cancer. Was with her when they told her. And on most nights I think my relationship with alcohol is fine, tonight though it was a choice between crutches. Beer vs sleeping pills. Used to have a reallll close relationship with sleeping pills so I think the beer is a good choice.

I can relate to your story OP. I grew up as a poor white kid and is fucking horrible. People expect whites to have money and be financially well-off. If you don't fall into that pigeonhole, you're in for a rough ride because no one wants anything to do with you.

Why do meteors always fall into craters?

dump your current girlfriend and leave her for some other young girl that will give the pussy up.
also, start giving your baby mama some hassle in court about child support if you spend more time with your child

man the fuck up op

Where do you live OP ?

What state what town?

I am looking for more Mysoginistic friends.

That sucks. I'll be making 60k or a little more when in 6 months which is a little before I turn 26. I'm going to be handing over about 50% to my parents so that my dad who is 64 can retire and stop doing his intense manual labor job

maybe 3 or 4 days before sex if i remember correctly, it was over 8 years ago for mine. pass 2 jizz tests, then you're good to go.

no change in libido, or volume jizzed.

Well shit, gonna a have to ask for something else then to lower my drive. I came so close to cheating during a business trip that it's not even funny. I love my girlfriend and I can live with the long ass dry spells. Tonight is one of the few rough nights. But 3 25ozers in and I'm feeling pretty damn good now. Seriously considering the snip. Gonna call the doc tomorrow to get an appointment for more info.

why do u drink such shitty beer?

You know what the most fuckity part of it is? Everything we get is going to be wrote off as white privilege! I'm 26 and making more than my parents ever made, hell I'm making more than my older brother (by 5 years) who has always been the "successful" one, the favorite one.

Im 38 making about $70k a year with 3 kids paying my ex wife $1500 month in child support for at least the next 8 years. Shes living in a nice home, in a good neighbor with the kids and im broke af in an apartment.

I get my kids every other weekend

It's the fucking chemtrails man, they using them as run ways for the meteors!

Ever thought that maybe that one time you fucked and got her preg, it fell in the 0.5%? Idiot

Nah man, I love my girl. Just frustrated tonight. Besides I doubt some young pussy would be willing to put up with my shit and help my raise my kid. And I already dropped $4,000 on a lawyer to get the half time custody (courts don't take kindly to telling the mother of your child she has 30 days to get the fuck out and to leave the kid with me).

Same here guys I am 35 and actually went back to college to go from a AAS to BS. Grew up poor, but white so I didn't get shit in scholarships. I pay for everything while the brown illegals get money like no tomorrow.

Thank fucking christ I don't have kids, have my hair, and stayed in shape my adult life or I would hate myself.

Central Michigan, the fact that I work in government should give you a good idea as to what city if youre familiar with the area.

I'm a 36 year old guy making around $85k/yr with no kids, and thus no child support obligations. I take a month-long vacation to various countries/continents once each year. Pretty fucking awesome TBH.

That's fucking solid of you man. My dad recently retired from being a mechanic. Lucky bastard got a decent pension so him and my mom are set for life.

I'll talk it over with the gf and make sure she's not blind sided it by it. After dealing with my demon spawn for the past 2 years I'm pretty sure she has no intentions of ever birthing a child.

Got hooked on Budweiser ever since I found a bar in town that sells 32ozers for $3.50. would rather have a nitro stout but didn't feel like going out.

Yup you got fucked way harder than me. That's why I got a lawyer when we went to court. I'm sure not having to go through a divorce probably made it easier on me as well.

Well since condoms have like a 2% fail rate I figure I would have been fucked either way.

Yea he's worked every kind of job you could imagine and for the last 20 years has been working as a art handler. Making wooden boxes, moving iron sculptures, and general maintainence of the entire place. Raising 3 kids obviously meant that all his money went to us. He has a business that does well but he's also got to pay off his mortgage since he took out a large chunk of money on his house to live a little better while he can. I don't blame him for that at all since he's been working like a horse since he was 16.

Oddly enough this duty falls on me the youngest of 3. Have to get it done or kill myself.

Wow, I bet you're underage and never bought beer legally with your own money.

Imho bud isn't too bad it's cheap but not so cheap that it tastes real bad or makes you feel like total shit, some beers do that if it's crap. And not every drinker has to go for some artisinal high brow bs, the main reason people drink is to get drunk, people have preference and priorities for their funny juce.

Same here on the scholarships. They gave out like 75 my senior year of high school and the only ones to get them were non-white vagina wielders.

I envy you so fucking much right now

It can't always be undone. When I looked into it a year or two ago trying to get it undone can cost $10k+ and have only a 50% success rate. If you want to get snipped, do so assuming it's permanent.

I wish stuff like vasalgel was widely available, I'd get that in a heartbeat. I'm pretty sure I won't have kids but I still want to keep my options open for now.

Do you get bored of having a job?

If you drink to get drunk don't drink beer, dumbass. Go buy a bottle of hard liquor for 12 bucks. Beer is meant to be enjoyed. I honestly don't understand how those piss beers even sell.

How did you end up with only 18%? What state?

Sure just cut your manhood out. While you're at it sign up for a membership on

My dad was/is the only bread winner in his house so he busted his ass ever since he got married at 18. Growing up he was never ashamed to tell us that he would never be able to send is to college but that if we were willing to work hard enough to afford it he would give us a roof and a plate until we graduated and started a career. One day soon I hope to pay off his house and his truck (the one thing he bought himself after he retired).

Fuck we get a list every Wednesday of new one. It is ALWAYS 'females in STEM' or 'Hispanic heritage' and the first line always disqualifies a white male.

Shit isn't fair. If I listed a scholarship that said you have to be 25% white or something the world would explode.

Funny thing in my freshman year it there were like 130 physics majors and maybe half brown and 1/4 female.

4 years later there are 11 of us left. 1 chick and two brown dudes. 72% white male.

They just couldn't make it I guess.

Ah by cheap shit I'm guessing you are thinking Miller high Life. I'll never forget the days of I should just kill myself because this is all I can afford to drink. Makes me proud of where I am today lmao.

Not really, my job is pretty exciting most days.

Shit bro I make plenty of money and still love to bring home a case of bottle of High Life and see how many I can choke down. Those are fucking tasty.

> Look at me and my beard and my skinny jeans and my $15 beer at the college town brewery.

Michigan, and a good lawyer. They originally tried to take 30%

your white tears taste good

Weh? What do you do?

There's a big push lately to try to figure out why all of the women and minorities are dropping out of the STEM programs. I can. Almost guarantee some dipshit will find white male privilege as the reasoning.

They're so cheap I would drink them if they didn't give me the rankest gas ever.

No tears here, sorry to disappoint. Just some general drunken frustration. And conversations about how fuckers like you take all the hand outs that are apparently meant to stand for my "white privilege" even though I probably grew up in a more ghetto neighborhood than you, with parents that made less money than yours and still refused to take welfare that they more than qualified for because they have more god-damned dignity than anyone else I know.

op dont listen to this faggot

alcohol in general is for getting drunk. thats why we drink it.

although get liquor, it doesnt make you as fast as beer does

I make sure that government employees are following the laws the regulate how they spend money and do their jobs.

That's really cool of you, man

Meteors have a positive ionic charge which is attracted to the negative charge in the crater.

Random slut since the conversation is going well.

Nicest house in the worst trailer park

The reason is they are handed the funds and don't earn their chance. I work fucking hard cuz I got thousands of dollars on the line of my own money. So fucking backwards.

What is even crazier is the national labs here (new mexico) have these requirements for an internship:

> white male : 3.4+ GPA
> black/hispanic male : 3.25+ GPA

So basically isn't this saying brown people are fucking dumber than white?

I'll give it too you that the city isn't the best but 2,500+ square feet when all of the surrounding homes are 700-1500 square feet I think I'm doing pretty well for myself. And the fact that half my neighbors are hardcore bikers has kept the crime really low here.

Maybe you shouldn't have had a kid.

At least I don't feel like I'm the only one that understands how dumb this shit is. I had a diveristy in the workplace class in college and the teacher kept going on about how it isn't right that black people only make up 14% of the work force and that it should be more even. And I flat out told her that black people make up 14% of the nation so it's perfectly fucking correct. If we want it to be even you'd literally have to tell white people they aren't allowed to work.

I already know this. But I love my demon spawn and i doubt it would be alive right now if it wasn't for my kid.

Hah, I'm about 20 min south of you.

Trust me a large portion of the white male population is aware of this and finally fighting back. The election last year was the first strike.

Once I am done with school (234 days) I am headed to Idaho/Utah to live with the rest of the whites. Didn't realize it until I left my home state of Minnesota how the more 'diversity' around the more crime and bullshit you gotta deal with.

No shit? Small world.

One day I want to move out into the woods where there are just no people to deal with.

>I'm making more than my parents ever made
And the dollar has less value than its ever had. Inflation!

Sucks to be a sheep following that script that was written for you, doesn't it? I want to feel bad for you, but I saw through that shit in middle school. No, but seriously I feel for your child. I hope it can grow to become just like you. I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

I had this dream in my early 20s but I have realized I just need a small town. I grew up in a town of 82 people so something under 2000 would be big enough for me to meet cool white folk but small enough to avoid the big city issues.

no, it's saying you're dumber than everyone

Can you expand on this statement? I would think having a lower GPA requirement for certain groups allows more members of that group to participate.

OP is starting to pass out so good night all, i enjoyed the conversation.

>baby's mama
>baby's mama
>baby's mama
Are you actually black, and therefor unable to say "child's mother" or are you just one of those white people who think they are?

You're using words in which you don't know their meaning. "Affirmative action" as you might call it are not handouts. What are handouts are the massive subsidies given to those in power.

Stop pissing and moaning about being fucked by something you don't understand.

My prescription to you is some critical thinking skills and some history lessons.

GPA's are racist

You should just masturbate more.

I prescribe you 3 times a day. Pretty easy to do. Explore new fetishes.

This was similar to what I saw in engineering. I was broke as hell, and a black bro was getting Pell grants to take non-credit courses. Fuck it all though. I did what I had to and now I'm 150k/year and things are good. Maybe in the end, that's white privilege. The ability to say fuck it, I'm getting mine

soros shill spotted

>dump useless gf
>find hottie lawyer chick
>fuck her brains out
>get court to rebalance payments

Institutional racism!

Math is racist (except against asians and arabs somehow).

It was tough for me because I make $50-$75k a year throughout my 20s but just saw more and more of my check going to taxes and I couldn't break through to 100K. Took on some debt for this but it has been fun going to college in my 30s even though the adjustment to being poor has been brutal.

White people have the ability to work hard for what they want. I hate that we are blamed for everything and shit on now, but oh well we still have all the power we just let the brown people think they have a bit.

>Trust me a large portion of the white male population is aware of this and finally fighting back.
That's exactly why the white nationalist movement is on the rise. But the media just dismisses them as whacky Nazis, and ignores the larger underlying issues because it doesn't for the agenda they're trying to sell.

>Math is racist (except against asians and arabs somehow)

wtf does that even mean?

GPAs are racist because curricula in your redneck backwoods wherever favors whites. If you had stopped fucking your sister and paid attention how you were fucking your fellow humans you wouldn't be cryin on the interwebz. Muh gpa!

Yup. I honestly hope it doesn't get too crazy, because even though I do want things to change, I fear the liberals don't realize how us whites react when our backs are against the wall. We will fucking bring the thunder.

Not hungry for bait right now!

bitch you are the bait

He speaks the truth
Outpatient procedure
Recovery is easy
Reversal is ~80% successful but it's out of pocket. Cost ~$8-10k
Banking your seed is an option but no reason to be wishy-washy. Make a decision and do that.
With all due respect, your gf doesn't get a vote. Keep her opinions off your body
t. Happily Snipped

Not sure which is more distasteful, your salt or douche-flavored bait

but hey... you got dubs on Sup Forums... so theres something.