What are some wacky would your rathers?

What are some wacky would your rathers?

For example: Would you rather have a 6% chance of waking up completely covered in peanut butter, or eat both of your hands.

would you rather post on Sup Forums or reddit

would you rather give up cheese forever, or eat both of your hands?

Your example sucks, OP. Peanut butter.

Would you rather reply to this post or have your mother die in her sleep tonight?

would you rather always have your toes coated with cheeto dust or your fingers always getting glued together

depends if you gota eat them raw or cooked


would you rather take 10 railroad spikes up the ass (dry), or light your face on fire with napalm?

Would you rather shove a cactus up your dick hole or get fucked by a metric ton of clowns

Would you rather have a micro penis or erectile dysfunction?

ED, thats why there is viagra

You are halfway inside you mom, your dad is halfway inside you

Would you rather move fowards or backwards

Assuming they're rather bulky/fat clowns at 100kg a piece... that's only ten or so clowns.

I'll take the clowns... Is it consecutively or all at the same time?

You monster

How much do the clowns weigh, on average?

would you rather eat both of your hands or eat one

>not knowing the average weight of a clown
let me guess, american school system?

Would you rather get hit in the face with a cock, or get your cock hit


I'd say the average clown weighs around 150 so they're all 150 pounds

Hey to be fair now, gacy was fat as shit

would you rather tongue kiss a hungry iguana or have two people of your choosing (they must also agree to do this) fart directly into your mouth

Standard Clown Units only foreign fag.

Fuck the metric system. Fucking milliclowns and shit. Ain't nobody got time for that shit.

would you rather be forced to watch every single episode of the big bang theory, or the least shittiest episode 235 times

Are you shitting me? How much sense does the imperial clown system make?

>12 clownches to the flown
>3 flowns to the clown yard
Don't get me started on clacres

Fuck this one is tough

Would you rather shit yourself in front of your crush or piss yourself in front of your dad's friends

This whole thread is making me hungry for hands

It's fucking simple.

A clacre is always equal to zero. That's how many clowns you'd want on your property. Makes perfect fucking sense.

I would argue but your dubs have won this round

double dubs

would you rather give up cheese or eat both of your hands

bump cause this is funny but im uncreative

Would you rather
>marry a feminist
>impregnate a slut

Would you rather be made of bees or piss cream?

Would you rather receive a stolen billion dollars (that you will eventually get caught for) or a clean 10k

would you rather be constantly itchy or blind for a random 10% of the day

I'm impregnate a slut for sure.

Would you rather wake up one day as
> Eva Brown in the 30s
> President of France in the 30s

Would you rather have 3 small testicles or one giant on?

Would you rather menstruate in the normal fashion or have it be over as one giant, bloody vag-sneeze?

Would you rather have to watch your parents have sex for two hours or join in but only for 45 minutes?

Would you rather have a rare condition in which 25% of everything you say is a very obvious lie that you can't help but continuously assert, or a rare condition in which you can solve very complex mathematical equations with ease and speed but not simple ones?

well whats the point if im going to eventually get caught

>three testicles
one more doesn't change much
but fall on your bike bar with one giant and die of pain.

although having the biggest crotch on the dancefloor would be nice, too....

Sup Forums
give up cheese forever, it's bad for my health anyway
Reply to this post.
Cheeto dust
10 railroad spikes up the ass but go slow pls
The metric ton of clowns could be fun, so clowns.
Micropenis because if I have erectile dysfunction, my dick will always look tiny anyway except now I can't cum.
wow, that's...unique.
I'm going to say move backwards
Easy, just eat one.
Hit in the face with a cock because at least then it wouldn't be painful
The farting could lead to pinkeye and the iguana kiss could lead to the loss of a perfectly good tongue, so Imma say direct farts
Every episode, please
Piss self in front of dad's friends.
Give up cheese.
Impregnate a slut but then I'd just disappear
Bees. Not even sure what piss cream is...
Clean 10K. Wouldn't even know how to spend 1B and sure as hell not going to jail for it.
Blind for 10% of the day because that just sounds fun.
President of France
One giant one
Gimme that vag-sneeze
Join in for 45 minutes. At least it's shorter and I get an orgasm out of it.
The math one.

Let's crank it up a notch

Would you rather watch your parents have sex for the rest of your life or join in once to make it stop

Nah, that's too easy. Join in once, make it stop forever. That option is too far better than the other.

Cranking it up a notch would be to have the option to join in to make it stop, but only for a week.

Would you rather OP is a faggot or OP is a fag?