What are some ways to get hallucinations without drugs?

What are some ways to get hallucinations without drugs?

you can hit yourself in the head with a hammer.
it works pretty good for visual flashes.



oxygen deprivation

Exhaustion, hunger, asphyxiation, paint thinner, turpentine, blood loss... there's tons of ways to catch a legal buzz.

Ganzfield/Isolation tank

Hold your breath under water for 30 minutes without surfacing. Works every time.

Dubs confirms it.

Ping pong balls in the eyes + white noise + red light

Not sleeping for over 3 days

I've been up for eight days straight and am currently tripping balls. AMA.

Thanks you all. Gonna try staying up for a long ass time. Attempting some other stuff as well.


sensoric deprivation

Stay woke.

Get depressed and dont get out outside, stop talking people and just mind about your pathethic life , one day you'l be hearing voices and seeing things , also your reality will be disorted

Will try to be. Wish me luck on drowning myself and smashing my head in with a hammer.

Become liberal

This actually could work

buy some preban meow meow and stay up all night parachuting it


imagination or play pretend.

Everyone check this guy out, he actually knows the drug terms, it's like meeting s celebrity. I wish I could join the secret club and use words like him in places where most people won't know what they mean!

Also I'm not being bitter, I also remember legal MKAT and wrapping it up and swallowing it, you're just trying to look cool and giving no advice what so ever.

Mix ammonia and chlorine, fucking works for me every time.
...forgot: first stir, than inhale

Make a tulpa.

stay awake .. after 5 days you be halucinating enough

Lucid dreaming numb nuts

why didn't anyone come up with jenkem yet?
i am one of the few whitey's that tried it,
and holy shit, i'd say it's similar to shrooms.

Become antifa, or leftist

most newfags can't be trusted, but you seem cool, so i will hook you up: what you want to do is boil your testicles for about fifteen minutes. now i know what you are thinking. you are thinking "won't this hurt?" the answer is no! you will only think that it hurts because society has programmed you to think this way! one you push past the fake pain, you'll have the best hallucinations amd the greatest high that any man can achieve.

Can confirm. I stayed up for over 3 days when I was younger and going on the 4th day I looked out my window and saw my father's truck overturned and on fire in the front yard. No drugs.

Because even degenerate whites are a fucktonne better than niggers. Noone wants to inhale fermented shit fumes, figure it out, pinkie.