How does anyone find this "smart person's show" funny in anyway? It is basically the cartoon version of Big Bang Theory...

How does anyone find this "smart person's show" funny in anyway? It is basically the cartoon version of Big Bang Theory. Same stale humor that is twisted in a way to make one character seem smarter than the rest. And the annoying catchphrases. "PICKLE RICK!" HAHA SO FUNNY, not!


It's more than funny actually.



You wouldn't get the humor. It is smart humor which is based on science and mathematics as the core point of the jokes. I bet you don't even have your GED.

you've never actually seen the show, have you?

Actually it is not that hard to understand. OP is right. You guys are just trying to hard to use a cartoon of all things to protect your "intelligence."

Yes I have, I own the first 2 seasons and I have the 3rd season on DVR so I can watch it again and again freely.

then why do you lie and say science/mathematics are the core points of their jokes.

the jokes are more created through parody of other sci-fi entertainment. a lot of the humor comes through reference or irreverence.

You are an idiot. The humor is vastly superior and more intelligent that Big bang Theory. They use geek comedy like video games and operating systems. Rick and Morty is more than that. It is about dimensions, time travel, space, science, math, and so on. So it requires prior understanding of fundamental science and math to even get the humor in the first place.

To be fair, you have to have averyhigh IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volyaliterature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to trulyappreciatethe depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epicFathers and SonsI'm smirking right now justimaginingone of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how Ipitythem. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Give it a rest, you autistic mongoloid.

Start another "why don't atheists believe in god" thread. Or some other shitpost that makes you clap like a retard at the circus when people reapond.

Here. I hope this makes you gigglescream.


Because they are the core points of the plot points. And without understanding the plot, you can't understand the contextual jokes, even if they are pop culture references.

jesus christ who the fuck keeps perpetuating this shit?

this is like saying you need a PhD to enjoy watching futurama.

omg plz stop.

Futurama is child's play compared to the humor, references, jokes, and plot points told in Rick and Morty.

Great argument. Typical Rick and Morty fan.

There are some intelligent elements used in the writing process, not necessarily in the jokes themselves but there have been several times I've noticed where they've referenced/explained something that wasn't touched on directly. The only people that think it's a "smart people show" are idiot normies and pickle Rick is a cheap shot because that's a joke normies tend to obsess over, even though it is kind of humorous he would rather turn himself into a pickle than face his emotions. I watched a video on YouTube the other day of a guy breaking down an episode and it was actually pretty cool, there's a lot of references and little things most people probably miss. If you don't like the show that's fine, but using "pickle rick" as an argument as to why the show is bad, tells me you've probably only watched 2-3 episodes max. Stop being a hipster faggots and try letting yourselves enjoy something for once.

I would say R&M has more... "out there" story lines. but futurama actually uses that smarty big brain real-world science shit to make jokes throughout the show.

there's no argument. what these people are saying is just wrong.

also, it's weird a fan would be arguing with another person "praising" the show.... wouldn't you say?

Maybe for a pea brain like yourself. I understood the scientific references in Futurama when I was 10 years old.

I'm sure you caught all the nuances through the show....

also... 10? are you even allowed to be here... good god I feel old.

The show came out in 1999, so yes. I am allowed to be here.


It isn't a smart person's show
That argument is a false flag made by people who don't like the show and try to make the people who do like it arrogant and dumb
Its a good show to smoke up for and turn your brain off and enjoy

Sorry that was someone else pretending to be me by replying. I agree with you.

Typical cuck behavior. Turn off brain, smoke weed, watch Jew TV. That is pretty sad for someone who watches "smart people" cartoons.

*try to make the people who do like it LOOK arrogant and dumb
My dumb ass forgot a word

Okay let's be honest, people like the show because it's just a edgy comedy show that makes people feel smarter for watching it. It's a decent show all and all, but it's not as hype as everyone says it is y'know? In all honesty the worst thing about it is the fans, hell I only really got into this show because my gf wanted me to, I liked it cause it's just a show, I didn't think it was mind blowing, the animation is cool, some of the visuals are interesting, some concepts are the basic run of the mill episode for a sitcom done in some ass backward fashion, only for them to push it in your face like 'Yeah, yeah we did that' and yeah it can be annoying sometimes but is it as bad or as good as either side say it is? Eh, it's got some shitty things about it, and it has some good things about it. I'd say it's just a run of the mill tv show and not some "intellectual's only' tv show, like for shits sake most of the people who watch it are stoners (I do smoke sometimes but not enough to be baked 24/7) So when some neckbeard cheers on about how it's so mentally stimulating and has smart humor, idk just bring up the the basic shit like 'Mr. Poopybutthole' or the catch phrases or how every plot is just a rehash of something else just with that EEEDGE everyone craves (me included, at the beginning I liked it but eh, much like kid me and shadow the hedgehog, shit just finally hits you and you know it's a front to hide it's insecurities or faults) anyway yeah, it's like...a normal show. Nothing special but nothing damningly horrible.

some truth.

all the people claiming the show is for intellectuals or you need a high IQ to understand the humor either a) never watch the show or b) just trying to make the whole fanbase look like retards.

Nice strawman. So anyone who is a critic is a troll or a false flag? Did you learn that trick from the Jew master himself, H3H3?


>trying this hard

>continues to troll

you're going to have to start being real if you want anyone to take you seriously.

I am being real. He pulls the same arguments. "I HAVE LOST ALL RESPECT FOR YOU" is a meme created to make it seem like all critics are trolls. Rick and Morty fans do the same thing, as most of them watch H3H3 and are too stupid to be original. So they copy his "memes."

>nice argument

This has to be bait...Pull the stick out of your ass you fake intellectual cunt, no one cares how smart you think you are. PICKLE RICK!!!!!!!!!

Typical Rick and Morty fans. Man-children.

It's funny. You're just mad because it's over-saturating everything right now. Stop caring what other people like. That's what children do.

typical rick and morty fan.... SAD!

>watches a cartoon
>calls me a child

It is sad, really.

Everybody in this thread is autismical is the show funny or not? Laugh or don't. Holy shit

Please then, explain to everyone what they should be watching. What do the "actual" intellectuals watch? What do we all need to ignore so that we can all be on the same level and society can live in harmony? please... explain.

allow me to play doubles advocate for a second.
where did user call you a child?
what makes cartoons exclusively for children?

I 've seen way more people come out of the woodworkall at same time to shit on rick and morty since its apparently trendy

than i ever saw referring to pickle rick

You must be a jealous fan. Playing the agnostic centrist in every argument because you can't even handle a debate. GG.

lick lick lick lick my balls

it's because they started a new season a few weeks ago. new episodes on sundays = clockwork R&M threads sunday night-wednesday morning.

Intelligent arguing point.

They don't watch cartoons for one

>that's what children do
It was implied.

Nah actually I just started watching it. I'm into hip hop and they did some shit where Ice T went back in time and became Water T. I'm a little older but it gave me a rise. Everyone here is splitting hairs unecessarily. Slicing the onion too deep. Just a cartoon, that makes me chuckle. Why I liked it had nothing to do with the universe, science or physics.

I don't really get half the shit on the right side (we'll call the right side the Rick n morty fans since they're acting like 'muh freedoms' from people criticizing their show) like half the shit in response to the left side here, is just so basic, just calling the person on the left an idiot and then saying how they're not smart or they don't appreciate the art of this show. No real argument, just all capping some words and stroking their egos because they need something that makes them feel superior to others. The show isn't awful, fans are, simple as that, hell, I'm somewhat of a fan and shit like this makes me question the show in its entirety, I enjoy these threads because they allow me to see the show from the other side, it let's me see its flaws, and that's good, let's me know the show in a whole isn't perfect and makes me less of some autistic jackass screaming about how good this show is and literally white knight it, so OP, good post

your reading comprehension could use work.

that statement should be read as "you are doing something a child does", not "you are a child".
and, user never replied to you personally, unless you're OP, in which case you should probably just kill yourself.

Whoops, fucked up a bit and accidently put in reply twice. Mobile is a bit fucky.

>It is basically the cartoon version of Big Bang Theory
I love how you can tell someone is a turbo-autist when they reveal they are triggered by BBT.

Did you backtrace my IP?

Who the fuck calls it"smart person's show"?
I watch it,and yeah it has some funny points every now and then,but its not near the "smart and hilarious person's show"
Its not smart at all actually. Its as if someone got high and drunk when making the show. Thats how i treat it,and i enjoy it this way.

Ps pickle rick isnt funny at all

BBT is shit

you're probably just retarded

hey, wow. an actual person. on Sup Forums. not some tryhard asshat troll that needs to polarize every fucking situation.

Aayyy exactly, decent way to look at it.

I just have to say one thing

Is this the best you can come up with, fan of a "intellectual cartoon"?

no, but I noticed how user didn't actually point at any one person, yet you took the post personally.

>BBT is shit now
Fixed. Stay triggered, autist.

>you're probably just retarded
If I was retarded I'd be triggered by BBT.

I hate the fucking senseless defence of this show. People can't take people critiquing it. I review things for a job, and it makes it so fucking hard to review this show when I get spammed with hate.

Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?

oh no dog best microwave your hard drive and burn down your house so he dosent find you get right on that

I was 4 when I saw Futurama for the 1st time.

howdy pardner

Thank you evolved duck god

You shut your fucking mouth. Big Bang is shit compared to R&M.

liar. 4 year olds don't retain much memory. much less something mundane as what's on the TV.

> it requires prior understanding of fundamental science and math
I'm pretty sure they just work within multiverse theory so they can claim anything is possible and do anything with no consequences. The only thing of intelligence is the philosophical message being promoted, but it's not a new one, and also an easy one to refute. Nihilism at it's core is the opposite of Science - it's just popular with young adults because it's dark and edgy. This is coming from a big can of the show.

the show isn't intellectual but yes it have a few good jokes, why the people see so much in a fucking show that is made for entertainment purposses just enjoy the show

To be fair, you have to have averyhigh IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation -I'M PICKLE RICK XDDDDDDD his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volyaliterature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to trulyappreciatethe depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epicFathers and SonsI'm smirking right now justimaginingone of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how Ipitythem. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

fan of the show*

You don't have to be clever to find R&M funny, the 'science' aspect is based in fantasy so all the people harking on about muh science miss the point in my eyes. The show is clever because it's cleverly written and produced, it's the perfect deconstruction of adult animation and TV sitcom tropes. The goofy 'lol so random' humor, the catchphrases, the improv, it's all designed to poke holes in the genre and often itself. It's post modern in the literal sense rather than the edgy hipster sense. That doesn't mean you have to understand all that to find it funny, it's not a mentally challenging show at all.

tl;dr-It's a spoof you dum-dums stop reading so heavily into something that's openly mocking itself

It's funny when you stop trying to pretend it's smart in any way, though I don't think it has the staying power to also do this third season very well.

>another thread about hating a very popular show


this was already posted once in this thread.

stop posting copypasta.

>a solid grasp of theoretical physics
According to results at CERN, the weight of the god particle is looking less and less likely to be within the bounds predicted by the many worlds theory of which the show is based off. Anyone with a solid grasp of theoretical physics can see that the show is just using a multiverse to complicate the show and tie up loose ends at the same time. This isn't anything new, comic books have been doing it since the 80s.


Id like some new pasta since this one went stale 3 fucking months ago

It's pickle Rick on your dick. Fuck you normie. Lol but this is on point.

Why create a new pasta when the old one perfectly describes the majority of Rick and Morty fans?



Look at this more a criticism against the cancerous fans of this show, like the white knights literally talking about their intellect and how they believe this show is insanely smart. If these fans didn't start this bs about the show being smarter than it actually is, it'd be seen probably as just another stoner show, as it should be looked at.


what show is that on the right? I'd like to watch that


Afraid to debate me? OP here.

True that. Idk i like seeing new and funny pastas rather than a single one being passed around like a crack whore

yeah, no you're a faggot and the only people that think any of that is accurate is you.