Why haven't you accept the meaningless nature of life yet Sup Forums?

Why haven't you accept the meaningless nature of life yet Sup Forums?

but i already have
decades ago

Do you also feel numb?

did for a good long while
still do from time to time
when i was alot younger became nihilistic, understanding then when you die, you die, you put nutrients, bacteria, matter back into the earth.
that the only real meaning to life is procreation and the continuation of your species and that your genetic information will become the majority of the gene pool in order to ensure the survival of your sub set within the species.
but just because there is no real meaning to life doesn't mean there is no reason to live
if anything it's more of a reason to live
experience it while you can
make a mark in the hopes you will be remember since that is the only way you have a chance to live on after your death other than your family tree.
doesn't mean you don't have to feel either although i will agree it makes it a hell of a lot harder to feel or care about anything

I understand this, completely, live for the moment and everything like that.
I'm not suicidal, I'm not ready for that final disappointment.

Life is just easier to take when you accept that there is nothing.

>Life is just easier to take when you accept that there is nothing.
Yeah I can agree with that
like looking at life through a lens of rationality and understanding
although it can be frustrating as all hell when you see people falling for obvious shit to you, or creating problems in their life or others out of false misconceptions of the way the world works etc.

Why get frustrated over it?
It's their lives they ruin.
In the end we'll all end up dead and gone, no memories, life will continue.
So why let it bother you?

exactly the try of attitude i do my best to maintain
for the most part no problem
but when you do have family ties and those peoples actions disrupt that family or cause problems/harm to it
not like losing sleep over it, but there is reason on at least a survival level to at least be bothered by it
sure i may die, and be gone but my bloodline, my genetic line will continue, and anything you can do to ensure that is beneficial, it is not just about you, or me, its about all of us before and after. if you subscribe to the thought of the data of that which preceded you, at least related genetically, is stored in dna, than you live on through them. i know cliche
and it may have no meaning, but i want to be there at the end of it all, i want to experience life as much as possible even if it has no meaning
because what point would there be to never experience, to never know anything, to not see, feel, hear, taste, touch, think, etc. The tiniest thing you can experience through living, is greater than nothing

also just kinda rambling obviously and not putting much thought into posts
hope the basic idea I am gettin at comes across most of the time rather than just nonsense

If they do your family harm, then kill them.
On a survival level we're all just animals.
No amount of laws and politics are going to change millions of years of evolution.

today not a faggot in my book OP
thanks for the small convo

It's all bullshit. All of existence is meaningless. And you cannot derive meaning from meaninglessness. All meaning, all experience, all purpose for procreation is just a delusion. You're all delusional if you think you derive meaning from the meaninglessness that is existence.

I personally believe in the divine nature of life. Life is more than a machine, it has its own willing. Even it is pointless why you are here and that everything is like it is: our world ist full of souls and life is the truest God

It's been a pleasure my friend.

I sense a bit of hostility in you.

Perhaps you don't accept that it's meaningless, you just want to mean something.

I respect your belief fully.
Would you care to elaborate? I'm interested.

Because we live in a beautiful universe and I can't help but see God in science. Unraveling the nature of God's creation gives meaning and brings me closer to the higher powers that surround us all. What I have is more hope than faith, and I make no claims to its validity, I'm just sharing the life I live.

I understand and it's an admirable way to live, thank you so kindly for sharing with us user.
Life is beautiful, though I may not see the meaning in any of it, I respect that you do.

fucking kek'd
hey suvi

And I respect that you don't, because I've been there. I might end up holding those sorts of beliefs again. However, right now I believe what I'm shown because I believe its investigation warrants my attention. Only by believing in it can I give it the attention due, and so find more of what I wish to be shown. Maybe I've just seen too much meaninglessness? But I think it more likely that the world we live in is mysterious, beautiful, and filled with purpose. I don't deny that the universe is cruel and indifferent, only that life is.

My mother is teacher for religious studies and so I always was about to go in the children mess. I made my confirmation, but after a time the imagination of one centralised god was stupid for me, I just thought that ir is too vague for me.
Then I just wanted to go to the Christian nature feasts like eastern and reaping in October.
One God was always too far away. But life is everywhere. I go though the forest, I see live.
The whole world is a giant circle: When a plant dies, it becomes food for new life and when I will die I want my body to become a tree. I doubt that my conscious will become the tree, but it is a nice thought.
I recommend you the Pythagoras speech by Ovid and eating mushrooms ( which I unfortunately haven't done it myself), if you are interested in more

I have. Realized it around 16 when I was depressed as fuck. Didn't go to school for almost a month, just stayed at home in bed looking up at the ceiling, contemplating life and death.

It's been 3 years now and I've yet to have a set goal in mind. Folks around me know what they wanna be, what they're gonna do later in life, I still don't. Only thing keeping me alive is my baby brother. Can't bear the thought of him crying over my dead body.

Life is... okay right now. Nothing too bad to push me to the limit but since I (might) have Borderline PD, I'm just easily triggered. Maybe one of these days, man. One of these days.

Who's suvi?

I know it technically is meaningless... but I like to give life some kind of meaning by having fun and making others laugh.
I've been depressed as fuck for so long thinking "what's the fucking point", I've only recently adopted a new more positive approach to shit.

Oh boy here we go
>Grow up hardcore Christian, mom and dad proud southern baptist
>Memorize bible verse, learn worship songs, the whole nine feet
>Middle school comes around
>At first going to public school filled with dirty heathens and sinners
>you know the type
>Able to keep the faith and be a good little Christian warrior because it's all I knew
>I mean, what happens after death, if not Jesus?
>Brother starts doing drugs at public school, so saint mom and pope dad send me off to cute little private school with no windows
>Take bible classes every day, chapel on Wednesday, church on Sunday
>Overloaded with Jesus's good saintly splooge
>A new challenger has entered the melee
> It's Puberty!
>Hormones do their thing, I get horny and rebellious, and start to go through emo phase
>Reject God and his teachings
>End up killing myself cause I find no meaning to life if not to die and go to heaven
>the end
Moral of the story is to suck off Jesus and life will have meaning.
Sorry for shitty greentext.
I hope you werent

Because it's not true. Everything you do matters. Every action you take every decision has an irreplaceable effect on life.

People find meaning with a lot less. Most Christians don't go to church. Most people with spiritual beliefs don't associate with religions. I find people often just make their own meaning.