What really governs the Universe?

What really governs the Universe?

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Don't really know, but OPs craving for the cock is one of the highest forces known to men.

>posts a 1st grade understanding tier of a picture
OP is a faggot

strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, gravity and eletromagnetism


what governs those things?

That's all we understand and its less than half

Well it's so small light doesn't effect it so it most likely beyond the realm of our brains and senses. We know life comes from it eventually in very particular circumstances. We have some evidence that suggest it vibrating string and others that say its 1's and 0's like a computer. Truth is that we don't know. Pretty interesting that we don't even truly understand anything at all really.

The word of Jehova


it was Him who wrote physics laws and set up the fundamental constants of the matter.

a few kinda of particles.
you got
they cobble together to make up a bunch of stuff and determine how things behave.

Gauge Semitry.

gravity, the consequence of matter.


Dark matter, dark energy.
Just admit it - our perception can only discern about 5% of what's in front of us. The notion that "what we cannot see must not exist" is fundamentally flawed.
The very assumptions that our scientific method relies upon are false. We already know that at least one of those assumptions is false. Yet, we continue to pretend we are right about everything.
And if you don't know about the assumptions of science, don't even bother getting butthurt or responding. If your post even suggests you don't know the assumptions of science, I won't even respond and will just assume you're another stupid fuck.

Wrong gravity is just another "rule". Guage symmetry

I fucked up but still answered your question, you are welcome , dumbass

it seems like no matter what you say i could always say "well what governs THAT?"

i could always just keep reducing the argument

No you can't mother fucker. Its called Gauge Symmetry

what makes gauge symmetry true?

you're an idiot.
guess what. 2+2=4. i know that you are having trouble following that, but it is obvious to everyone else.
also shoes go on your feet after the socks.
why dont you tell us something that literally every mentally retarded duck doesnt know.

Guage Symmetry
Niggers won't get it
Gauge Symmetry
If you cant get it youre a nigger
Gauge Symmetry

gravity is displacement. faget

Laws don't change universally

>I completely agree, but still have to be an asshole

have you ever heard of the "two dogmas of empiricism"?

Have you ever heard of "im smarter than you shut the fuck up you jobless retard"
Same answer

Unified Field law

Maybe where he's from schools take unhealthy amount of time to catch up. Definitely was the case in my country. I finished the equivalent of US high school only 17 years ago but we never touched any of that quarks stuff, only were told we might get there in university.

in the two dogmas, quine says things like universal laws rely on the notion of synonomy

quine then argues that no accurate notion of synonomy has ever been explicated

a law would be an example of an analytic truth, which relies on the notion of synonomy, a notion which quine says is a dogma and a myth

That's a theory
Im from the US and our people just don't give a shit, its sad
Omg you just totally blew my mind you should write for Rick and Morty or something

there is white light :sum of all color
there is dark :absense of alll light

everything else is inbetween

ive never seen rick and morty, i haven't watched tv since 2010

Common guys I want some real answers here...

where did "color" and "light" and "dark" come from?

what language does language use to communicate?
what is the mathematics behind math?
if we eat chemicals and particles what does chemicals eat?
how can our eyes be real if mirrors arent real?

chomsky said language relies on a notion of "universal grammar"

the logical positivists said that mathematics has its foundations in logic

>That's a theory
Right, but only because it isn't complete.

color is diffrent frequency in between darkness and light

But there's a difference between analytic truths and (statements of) physical laws.

thats fine but where did the idea come from?

do we use color to analyze light and dark or do we use light and dark to analyze color? which comes first?

the notion of "color" exists because we have the devices (our eyes) to scan those frequencies.

not for quine

any type of universal law relies on the formula "x is y" (synonomy)

analytic truths are the only ones that can be universal laws, because they are seen to get their truth from meaning and not experience

if we tried to make a universal law out of a synthetic truth then we would have to have an unlimited amount of positive outcomes to our theory (that is the problem of induction)

The universe is just a hologram.

pretty sure we just have quantum fields, but hey its just a theory right?

all things come from nothing and thus if sum up all thing in this universe u will end up with zero

its like

(1-1)=2-2 and so on

and u telling that your mind calculator is limited to 8 digit display

Strong evidence for this exists.
Also simulation.

some fag asked if some alien meet me then how will i suck his dick
the answer is in mathmetics the universal language

only if u study it well in school u amerifat cunt

what does that have to do with me knowing an idea?

>all things come from nothing

wtf, also money and girlfriends?
then why those things never come at me?

some people say mathematics relies on logic

if mathematics relies on a more basic substructure then it can't be the most universal or most basic language

>knowing an idea
u don't know shit

if we dont know the idea of color then how do we know its a frequency between light and dark?

So you busy yourself writing out pi in decimal form when the alien thinks and speaks in base 60.
So you prove to an alien you're a retard.
It shoves an alien buttplug up your ass and puts you down in some cow pasture where it think you belong.

We're all just pixels on God's screen.

Lets take and see what the geniuses think shall we Sup Forums? Will yall join? Feathers will be russtled

I'm gonna laugh when we find aliens and they are all dumber than niggers

What we call physics is a set of interactions between various types of energy. Those interactions are a part of one giant complex system we call the universe. We, as lifeforms, are one aspect of this complex system, and our role seems clear: We provide memory and order to an otherwise entropy driven universe. All that went in to our creation came from emergent order within the chaos - like stars which created new elements through the process of fusion. You ask what governs this complex system, and there can only be two answers. Within the system life governs. Without the system, God governs.

Jebus Bhrist

We wont be finding shit. If something finds us were fucked -->> youtu.be/dJTVRSOMGlI

1. Draw a circle with a radius line shown.
2. Draw a formula for circumference. Doesn't matter if alien doesn't understand whan Pi, asterisk, equal sign and arab digit 2 are, he'll be able to infer.
3. Draw a formula circle area. He'll see the same symbols used again and will in short enough time be able to infer the relation.

Alvin Maker

nothing doesnt exist retardo, it is non-existent, its literally nothing
negative numbers are not natural numbers, there is nothing that has a negative value because it would mean it is less than nothing, less than not existing ie.
[(positive) your mother] + [(negative) your mother] = 0
QED. your mother comes from nothing

thats the problem the childrens who grew up sucking the nip of there mom/GF should be the one we are in most danger .. these are the kind of scum who sud be offred to aliens as test subject .. U DONT DESERVE TO LIVE ON THIS BEAUTIFULL PLANET .. U ARE THE STAIN ON THE CLOTHS THAT NEED TO WASHED OFF

how do we know that value and existence are synonymous?

For example: Special relativity was postulated because it turns out that the speed of light should be the same in all intertial reference frames, which is a form of symmetry. All physical laws are the way they are because they have to obey symmetry.


>Alvin Maker
ficton isn't non fiction. Unless you're stating a fact was covered up in a fiction book...

the idea of symmetry relies on objects already existing

two things can be symmetrical unless they are already existing

if the two things are already existing before symmetry, then symmetry could not have possibly been there cause, since no cause can come after its effect

you dont thats the point, its binary something either exists (1) or it doesnt (0)

No strong evidence present. Give me proof of said strong evidence!

I think that you are thinking of geometrical symmetry, which is not the case here.

That proves people who prefer to be "non-binary" are really crying for help to stop attempted suicide.

any kind of symmetry is a "relation of ideas"(as is any idea) it relies on objects already being there since it is a comparison of objects

any kind of mathematical symmetry relies on a comparison of two directions

These dubs

how do we know that 1 = existence and 2 = non existence

Well, since our current models don't exactly describe the beginning of the big bang (assuming that it is a correct theory) you'll have to do with symmetry en further than that we just don't know.

How hard is it to get a simple formula from you guys and your abbreviation?

seems like one doesnt have to push hard before one reaches "we just don't know"

so much for the distinction between science and philosophy

Babies first troll :,)

That's a bit of an oversimplification.
I know it is bait but still.
Science relies on the fact of theories that can predict outcomes (either deterministic of probabilistic). Our current theories have a very high degree of certainty.
In the case of philosophy there is no way to test it and thus can it never be falsified.
You are comparing oranges with apples.


i mean just ask a scientist "what is matter"

or "how do we know matter exists, and not just objects?"

Explain the difference between matter and objects. Depending on the definition they are interchangeable or not.

i know all about falsifcation, that is another "principle of philosophy"

popper was the philosopher who pushed for falsification, and he was just that, a philosopher

before popper science was based upon "positive induction"

the number is insignificant, its just a representation . 2 is something with value so you cant say 2 represents nothing, it exists.
0 doesnt, it has no value, it IS nothing. So something does does not exist is nothing and thus 0. Something that does exist is something and could be anything with a real value.

So? Philosophy was the beginning of science. Science has advanced from that point as has become something more pragmatic than philosophy.
First ever literature was probably religious texts. (Assuming this) Does that mean that all the authors today are religious?

atheism controls the universe

i can show you an object, i can't show you matter

A better example instead of authors would be programming code.

The object you show is composed of constituent parts which we denote as matter.


but the parts of objects are also objects, matter is an idea not an object

Quark Flux

objects are also ideas fucknut.
Is it a glass of water or is it solidsand particles with a lot of droplets in it.

if objects are ideas then nothing exists as an object, everything is an idea

there is an obvious difference between the "idea" of a glass of water, and the actual glass of water

one will cure a man's thrist, after all, the other will not

Underrated comment.

>more pragmatic than philosophy
No, meta-physics remains untouched by science. They even break their own rules and come up with shit like wave-particle duality and quantum electron jumps. Its literally just philosophy with weak contradicting experimental data at a deeper level.

the DNA of the soul