Ok, humanity we get one chance to do communism

>ok, humanity we get one chance to do communism
>oh, i know! we'll put the russians in charge of it


russians ruin everything

Ruining communism is our best achievment

never trust the lower class

thank you for joining us today mr. macron, but don't you have a lot of work you need to get done?

The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party was made up as follows:

Bronstein (Trotsky) - Jew
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) - Jew
Lourie (Larine) - Jew
Ouritski - Jew
Volodarski - Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) - Jew
Smidovitch - Jew
Sverdlof (Yankel) - Jew
Nakhamkes (Steklof) - Jew
Ulyanov (Lenin) - Russian
Krylenko - Russian
Lounatcharski - Russian

“The Council of the People’s Commissars comprises the following:

President : Ulyanov (Lenin) - Russian
Foreign Affairs : Tchitcherine - Russian
Nationalities : Djugashvili (Stalin) - Georgian
Agriculture : Protian - Armenian
Economic Council : Lourie (Larine) - Jew
Food : Schlichter - Jew
Army & Navy : Bronstein (Trotsky) - Jew
State Control : Lander - Jew
State Lands : Kauffman - Jew
Works : V. Schmidt - Jew
Social Relief : E. Lelina (Knigissen) - Jewess
Public Instruction : Lounatcharsky -Russian
Religion : Spitzberg - Jew
Interior : Apfelbaum (Zinovief) - Jew
Hygiene : Anvelt - Jew
Finance : Isidore Goukovski - Jew
Press : Volodarski - Jew
Elections : Ouritski - Jew
Justice : I. Steinberg - Jew
Refugees : Fenigstein - Jew
Refugees (assist.) : Savitch - Jew
Refugees (assist.) : Zaslovski - Jew

I like slavic fascism more desu. Communism not too great, 3/10

“The following is the list of members of the Central Executive Committee:

Sverdlov (president) - Jew
Avanessof (sec.) - Armenian
Bruno - Lett
Babtchinski - Jew
Bukharin - Russian
Weinberg - Jew
Gailiss - Jew
Ganzburg - Jew
Danichevski - Jew
Starck -German
Sachs - Jew
Scheinmann - Jew
Erdling - Jew
Landauer - Jew
Linder - Jew
Wolach - Czech
Dimanstein - Jew
Encukidze - Georgian
Ermann - Jew
Joffe - Jew
Karkline - Jew
Knigissen - Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamenef) - Jew
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) - Jew
Krylenko - Russian
Krassikof Sachs - Jew
Kaprik - Jew
Kaoul - Lett
Ulyanov (lenin) - Russian
Latsis - Jew
Lander - Jew
Lounatcharski - Russian
Peterson - Lett
Peters - Lett
Roudzoutas - Jew
Rosine - Jew
Smidovitch - Jew
Stoutchka - Lett
Nakhamkes (Steklof) - Jew
Sosnovski - Jew
Skrytnik - Jew
Bronstein (Trotsky) - Jew
Teodorovitch - Jew
Terian - Armenian
Ouritski - Jew
Telechkine - Russian
Feldmann - Jew
Froumkine - Jew
Souriupa - Ukranian
Tchavtchevadze - Georgian
Scheikmann - Jew
Rosental - Jew
Achkinazi - Imeretian
Karakhane Karaim - Jew
Rose - Jew
Sobelson (Radek) - Jew
Sclichter - Jew
Schikolini - Jew
Chklianski - Jew
Levine (Pravdine) - Jew

>I like slavic fascism more desu. Communism not too great, 3/10


“The following is the list of members of the Extraordinary Commission of Moscow:

Dzerjinski (president) - Pole
Peters (vice-president) - Lett
Chklovski - Jew
Kheifiss - Jew
Zeistine - Jew
Razmirovitch - Jew
Kronberg - Jew
Khaikina - Jewess
Karlson - Lett
Schaumann - Jew
Leontovitch - Jew
Jacob Goldine - Jew
Glaperstein - Jew
Kniggisen - Jew
Latzis - Lett
Schillenkuss - Jew
Janson - Lett
Rivkine - Jew
Antonof - Russian
Delafabre - Jew
Tsitkine - Jew
Roskirovitch - Jew
G. Sverdlof - Jew
Biesenski - Jew
Blioumkine - Jew
Alexandrevitch - Russian
I. Model - Jew
Routenberg - Jew
Pines - Jew
Sachs - Jew
Daybol - Lett
Saissoune H - Armenian
Deylkenen - Lett
Liebert - Jew
Vogel - German
Zakiss - Lett?

>Ulyanov (Lenin) - Russian

There were 545 officials in the Bolshevik government.
447 of them were Jewish. 82%
Estimated 60 million people killed under their rule.
Jews get all the fame for ww2, but for the wrong reasons. "We waz victimz goy!"
Putin also confirms that 80-85% of them were Jews too

>one chance
you've had like 50


>Dzerjinski (president) - Pole
This one is tricky, there is a conspirancy that the real Dzierżyński died in Siberia and a Jew simply took his name.
I know, he was a Jew. At least his mother called him that way,

>Putin also confirms
Well, that means it has to be true

oh fuck off, communism is fucking evil in itself, it was Mao who was responsible for the death of 70 million people IN FUCKING PEACE TIMES.

Always the same with spastic retards like you, "hurr real communism hasn't been tried" IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK IT IS A HORRIBLE SYSTEM

this whole generation deserves to be annihilated

Why would you stop there?


It's not that different from other generations on a deep level, to he honest.

Communism doesn't work because the leaders are magically always retards?

No, it doesn't work because in its cores it's already a failure.

Stalin admitted so. Communism can't exist unless there is Communism everywhere.

only a retard would consider communism

>Not the trashcan of ideologies

then every american should be a commie

national capitalism is the god-tier of ideologies
see pic

Communism hasn't worked because the government has to force people to adopt it, it'd work fine in a country or community of people willingly accepting communism though.

>it'd work fine in a country or community of people willingly accepting communism though.
the only community that would willingly accept it would be one full of poor lazy people
and therefore would be worthless
which is why it doesn't fucking work

I don't get the pic

No one in his sane mind would accept being a literal slav(e).

>inb4 we're all slaves :)
Yes, but not to that extent.

>national capitalism

is this the new libertarian rebrand? seems retarded and contradictory, good luck!

A commie would probably say you're a slave tbqh.

Commie memes are that everyone but them is FASHISTY )))

>Stalin admitted so. Communism can't exist unless there is Communism everywhere.
Exactly. If the socialist revolution successfully spreads, then the problem would be solved. Also taking Stalins word regarding communism is quite foolish.

The socialist revolution will never spread.

>If the socialist revolution successfully spreads, then the problem would be solved

And here we have the very base on which the far left stands...

Everything is always someone else"s fault.

Commies took over half the world (and made it a miserable shithole), but they need the whole world for it to work.

Communism a just a religion for young fedoras and fat Jew professors.

>If the whole world was under the sandal of Islam we wouldn't have all this west vs Islam conflict!

Stalin was Ossetian though

and what?
