Finding myself having zero tolerance for people, even people I have been friends with for decades...

Finding myself having zero tolerance for people, even people I have been friends with for decades. No real disagreements, just don't want them around me. I don't want them to go away mad, I just want them to go away.. So Sup Forums ever experience this? Diagnose me. Am I at the gateway to insanity? Or just a closet loner?




Enjoy being a schizoid schizoid.

same but its cause I am too defensive to bond with people

so all social interactions come off as something everyone enjoys but me

same, it's been shit all september

Well, I'm no too defensive, in fact being touchy is something that also annoys me about my friends.

But like you, I'm pretty sure I'm the one with causing this

How old are you? It's pretty natural to outgrow friendships.

So are the other guys.

You didnt experience this before ? Im 21 and have had this experience. Its normal. You are simply on another wavelength than them. It is possible to reconnect with them, if youre being honest to yourself and them. If you are "honest", you either realize that there is no point in meeting each other, because you dont share interests or dont have to share interesting information. Or you will meet occasionally and do random stuff and talk with each other, but there isnt really a point in that other than for the sake of friendship itself.

what i mean is, its unneccesary to force yourself into situations where you interact with people if they are not in your interest.

No, but I knew them all then.
Maybe I was just ably to tolerate their queens then and now I have lost that ability or desire to continue to do so.
Pretty sure its me. Just can't seem to get motivated to put up with any of them any more. Any idea how I get out of this funk?

Yeah, but we have a lot of the same interest. Its not an incopatability thing.

I am the same, OP. Sooner or later I get sick of people and wave them good bye. Have no long-term friends and can't stand my family.

I've never liked drama. Perhaps its the building drama that I'm really avoiding.
I hadn't considered this before now.

You're becoming an adult.

Eventually you realize the high school popularity contest you were all caught up in, ends in your teens. Unless you're a politician, or some stunted loser who carries it on into college with you, adults are idiots just like you and me and everyone else you've ever met, only we are more aware that nobody, none of this, matters. only matters to other idiots, who themselves, don't matter to anyone, but themselves, and as previously mentioned they themselves are idiots, so again, none of these stupid apes running around matter. Only forces of nature matter, and forces of nature are indifferent to the plight of man.

People are almost all shit, almost all of the time. Accepting this reality and choosing to not further it is all you can do.

Funny you should mention family. I have only a few. I never see them either.


Man you should have crossed that bridge 30 years ago. Well, better late then never.

So pick yourself up, work on your shit, and care about yourself.

Thanks, that's a good observation.
Though I wasn't that popular in school, and never faced the delusions that acccompany's it.

Yeah, family and career kept me pretty busy. Now that I've had time to consider things and realize what's been going on.

Very good point. Things are making more sense for great feedback like this. Thanks

That was my plan. Just wasn't sure if that would be something I would regret.