

Log of what? 1000?


You sad sad little pathetic bitch


You should KYS

Jesus Christ. At this point, I'm just curious whether it's the same guy posting thread after thread, automated bot spam, or a thousand newfags trying to force a meme.

It's been fucking months.

Grow up

Logging in OP


It's the same pathetic sad little bitch



Kek. Logless shills will never learn. Sad.



Ok I've ignored it as long as I can but I've had it with this shitty forced Andy Sixx meme. It's just one, maybe two faggots spamming and it's getting me steamed. Just earlier today my friend Andy and I posted perfectly good cock rate and pics you shouldn't share threads which immediately 404'd, meanwhile five or sixx of these stupid fucking log threads are sliding right to the first page. This might be a tough one for you to swallow, but whoever you are that keeps posting this if I ever meet you irl I will cream you. Your meme is shit and I'm fucking dung with it.


this meme is shit

its a logbot and some times the logguy manually logposts



Our Logger,
whose anus is in contact with your lips,
Hallowed be thy colon;
Thy shitlog down your fucking throat come,
Thy will be dung with turds, as it is with spicy diarrhea:
Give us this day our daily dump;
And forgive us our imperfect sphincter,
as we forgive those that choke on your feces,
And lead us not into the hands of Dani Filth,
But deliver us from the piss patrol:
For thine is the asshole over Sup Forums with a creamy, dreamy steamer,
the power over the cock raters, and the redditors
For ever and ever.



Fuck you and this shit you're forcing down everyone's throats. I can't live my life the way I used to, because of you. Every time someone says "well" or my wife starts a sentence with "would you", all I can think of is this fucking guy and his log of shit. Sup Forums used to be a place for me to improve my life, and now I'm slidding into a deep depression because you need to grow up. Are you starved for attention? Does this daily monolog do something for you? Be logical.. is this going to change anything for the better? Why don't you stop shitting up Sup Forums and just have a blog for people who care? Do you really think anyone really wants to get under Andy's tour bus and drain the septic tank into their gullet like a pelican gulping mouthfuls of fresh fish? Do you think anyone really cares about the cream? The dream? The steam? Foamy ploppers, half-green gushers, or soggy loaves? Do you think anyone wants to feel their mustache entwine with his greasy ass hairs while they nuzzle their nose between his supple cheeks, searching for any remaining tag nuts? Maybe a nice wet BBBRRAPP on the tongue, like a burp after a good meal? To be honest, it does sound heavenly, but this is uncalled for. It's all I can think about now. I hope you're happy....

yea it's just one automated robot goblin
grow up kid
logs are steam-supreme and you know it

kek the shit glasses

I never even noticed that

This stinks of an old battletoads thread

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Andy Sixx's log of shit. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of fecal matter most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Andy’s fecal outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Josh Dryden literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Andy Sixx's log of shit truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Andy’s existential catchphrase “Creamy Steamy Dreamy” which itself is a cryptic reference to Coprophilia. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Josh Dryden’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. XD
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Log of shit tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid. :)


Please stop. This was never funny. It will never be funny. If this is your best achievement I pity you.


I get it. This is all you have. Your life is so devoid of meaning that you feel the need to spew nonsense where you aren't wanted. But you're not wanted here...and we'll take anybody. What does that tell you?

>still thinking it's one person

It can be a collective you. And this is it for all of you, isn't it? You believe you're trolling successfully, but really, everyone else is just bored. But you have nothing else to fall back on. This was everything you had, and it is pretty pathetic.

>still caring this much to continue posting

This isn't effort. These threads were never funny. Not even a little. You need to be made to understand your worthlessness. Embrace it and bottom out. This will never catch on, and once it stops it won't be remembered.

It's time to log off scooter

Andy finally ate his own log

You have no value. Embrace it. Accept it. It is you. Allow it to consume you. Give this up. Surely it hasn't brought you any happiness. It no longer even generates reliable anger, so why bother?
