I need to know what happened

I need to know what happened.

original got killed.

btw im obviously not OP.
just been with it since first posted.
goddamn OP i need to know!

returning for interest also. hope op isn't in a ditch or in the back of an unmarked van.

perhaps we will never know..

OP will come back. I have faith.

b-but what if they got him?

Agent 00p will return, did anyone find out anything about Deadwood??

he said tomorrow then posted again. i'm so curious.
i also wonder why pruned.
and nothing on deadwood so far haven't tried too hard though

He found a tracker or something right?

OP was a federal agent who went rogue.

CIA waxed him on a old country road in his F250

>found a tracker under his car.
>went to store to get burner
>didn't make it to store, black volvo following him
>car out of petrol, running?
>stole truck?

post number of the original thread, please?

so people can find the archive and have a read


it went 404, i don't think it went to archive but

don't think so.
i saved page, let me see if i can pull it up and upload

Sup Forumsthread/745766294/what-the-fuck-is-this-b

You're awesome

i still have all the pics in my temp folder, i will help reup the pics. but i need to go get food. i'll check in when i get back.

thanks to all of you. archive link below:


oh ffs it's too big. one minute, i'll fix it.

Ah, lovely mate. thanks. saved me the effort

Last I saw he was driving to Louisiana in a possibility stolen truck

Louisiana? he said four forks, you know where that is?